Tomoooo, what's wrong buddy?

Tomoooo, what's wrong buddy?

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's a spicy C-DOT drop that gets the whole squad killed in 2 minutes episode

>It's an "AlpacaPatrol brags about how cool he is" episode
>It's an "Dan is an obnoxious cuck and everyone placates him because he's a bigger celeb than them" episode

>It's a LGW is a proud try-hard furry and everyone is fine with this episode

hes also really bad at pubg and nobody else seems to notice
he plays like such a humongous pussy and always dies in a fair confrontation after hes done camping on the top floor of a building for 15 minutes straight

PUBG is a shit series and Dan isn't funny

>it's an eceleb thread

Correct on both counts
I like the NLSS, though

I actually like Dan in Quiplash just for the nonsense answers he puts out

He had good aim but that's it, he can't make tactical choices well. The squad leader should be the man that is a B I O L O G Y major.

how can you respect the tactical decisions of a man who willingly leaves a mili drop with nothing but a lv 1 vest and an uzi with less than a mag of extra ammo

because NL is the funniest guy in the entire NLSS crew.

Dan can be funny just be putting the others on edge. He's too hyper and random though.
They should get Norm Macdonald on as a guest some time.

have any of you tried watching some of the others solo? Its fucking impossible, that really showed me how much NL is needed to keep the balance, hot damn

northernlion is a singing bald nu-male leaf faggot

Quill's stuff is good. But I dunno if you count him

>do you want in or out?

Excellent, an NL thread.
Why don't you lads do me and everyone else a favor? Go do the poll that they gave out, making sure to shit on Nick, him being the beta cuck that he is.

Look man, I'm no Nick fan but I'm not going to pass up on the chance to oust Cobalt.

Ehh, Cobalt is more of a benign tumor for me, but to each his own I guess.

I kinda get the Nick hate but he's a strange man, that's kinda his thing.

Also if you think that poll is going to have any effect on the who's in the cast you are delusional.

I told them to stop talking about sandwiches so much

>this kills the nlss

t. man who orders 6 kinds of meat at the deli

I even appreciate the humor he sometimes brings, but every time he spouts some liberal SJW bullshit sarcastically/ironically it makes me want to claw out my intestines.
I know it won't have any effect on the cast, I want Nick to feel hated.

They'd lose half their fucking banter material
On a serious note, good job, that talk gets stale real fucking fast

They're all "beta cucks", you do realize that, right? They're all leftists, too.

I honestly just just drop it once they start talking about food.
Yes, I don't watch all that often anymore, mostly just NL solo.

>Josh losing it when Trump won and making fun of him during the Quiplash
He's so based

Yeah, but none are nearly as annoying as he is. Rob comes close, but I think he's pretty fucking hilarious so I let it slide. NL basically never talks about politics or current events.

I hope he gets sued for that pc video he made.

you realize that was promoted right

they did a show when he was on vacation and it was actually terrible
how do they even live with being financially dependent on someone that can stop streaming any time

Fucking Egg

he means by the PC maker (maingear?)
the video was brilliant desu, I bet it got an insane (for NL) subs to views ratio.
I did wish he took the side panels off at least

Out guy tier:

Retards tier:
Other fags

the people who sent him that pc cut out like half the video for their advertisement


>that 5 min ramble during sunday's sub stream that ground everything to a halt

i don't understand why NL and Kate are a couple

>no straight question/ranking about the crew

they fucking KNOW nick would suck mean dick on an official "power" ranking

how long have they been married?

What was it about?

Kate was talking inanely about her afternoon playing pokemon go while NL was playing Until Dawn. chat was also pretty mad

she almost got abducted while wandering the city trying to play pokemon go but instead she caught articuno

Who cares?

This alien bitch does not deserve our Egg overlord

Of course they do. NL is perfectly aware of how much hate Nick gets.

It's a combination of PUBG being a shit game AND them being garbage at it that turns it into a dumpster fire

i miss josh

>tfw k8 gets abducted and egg is free

>a nu-male bald leaf faggot still gets more poon than you and has a successful career playing video games

if only


I dunno what you guys are on about, I find PUBG highly entertaining, though I'm only 20 eps in

I just don't have enough time to follow all his stuff at once really, I need to catch up on Kerbal

I don't watch him because of his videos.

I just like his voice/rants. Am I the only one?

The Kerbal Space Program series is the greatest single piece of entertainment ever recorded in the collective history of the universe

>tfw MALF is best girl and gets no love

>it's a NL ignores his team and plays the most dad music while doing motorcycle jumps in pubG

No that's RimWorld

NL Malf and Josh only segments are great

Rimworld is fun t watch if you know how to play the game because you can see how dumb he is

I'm mostly in the same boat but I did enjoy watching Rimworld, shame he's done with it

I don't like Nick at all but I hope he moves to Ireland and lives happily there, and is also no longer part of the show


/ourguy/ tier:

Reddit but still /ourguy/ tier:



Reddit scum tier:

Furry scum tier:

9gag scum tier:

I really don't get why people shit on Dan, he's just a nice, wholesome dude who gets along well with NL and just likes to be a goof. He's not whiny or bitchy or edgy or tryhard like the others

That's NLSS at its best right there.
Maybe add in Nick, if you really gotta, and it's still pretty close to being perfect.

>tfw the one person in the Internet who likes Nek

He's obnoxious. His "goof" shtick is really lame. I'd argue that he's a try-hard.

I occasionally think he's funny. I don't dislike him. He's a bit of a faggot, though.

Baer belongs in /ourguy/ tier as well.

>all these people mad at Dan for being a social engineer expert

I know you people really want to, but not everyone can be a Big Brother winner.

He is, he can get grating at times, but I still think he's a nice faggot.

I really feel like Dan and NL act similarly though, they just like making themselves laugh. Dan's more of a memelord for sure, but even if you don't like him, he's better than some of the others. Annoying is better than childish and whiny at least to me

I would destroy him at Big Brother.

Prove it, Big Boy.

Same. He's the most entertaining after NL, and the only member of the NLSS crew I can stand on an individual basis.

Never trust a man who can convince NL to act scummy in a multiplayer game in less than ten minutes.

>Hey guys, have you heard about this really weird thing that all European/British people do? I know it's true because one person from Europe/Britain told me

I'm glad Sup Forums has formed a small gathering to discuss this topic.

I will

baer2 baer1
baer3 baer4

Nick should be on a lower tier because he is a literal cuckold.

How is he a cuck?
Just because his girlfriend is trans, that doesn't make him a cuck.

is he seriously dating a tranny?

I really liked him back in the days when he still reviewed obscure indie shit for a living and was actually prone to make dry dirty/sweary jokes on the NLSS.

Since then he has become a complete faggot even when not depressed.

Yes. He said in one of the NLSS.

>he doesn't know
A Russian girl tricked him into marrying her so she could get a green card and he worked two shifts in order to put her through school. As soon as she was naturalized/ graduated, she divorced his ass.

How is it that NL is legitimately so stupid, though? I was really enjoying KSP at first but the moon landing shit is actually just frustrating or boring as fuck.

makes him seem lazy/greedy as though he literally only makes videos for money and enjoys none of what he does if he can't even be fucked to TRY to learn anything. I don't even mean tutorials. He just burns through every video fast as possible without thinking about what hes doing for more than 3 seconds.

I barely even remember anyone that isn't NL.
Although I watched Mathas's vtm: b let's play, but that's really it.

Robert is such a retard I actually can't be mad at him, it's the dumb guy you need in a group so everyone can make fun of him without feeling bad.

Yeah, but that's not being a cuck. That's just being stupid.

any idea what episode?

it's intentional

It's fair to assume that she was banging other dudes the entire time.

More importantly, everyone tell Rob to fuck off up a creek with his food talk. God I want to blow my head off when he talks to us culinary minded folk.

Rob is the biggest faggot I've ever heard. Every video with him in it is unwatchable.

It was around march? Can't remember
He was talking about buying gold colored clothes or something like that.

literally who is this and literally why should i care

>Well I don't want to say too much because I don't know what the statute of limitations are, but one day I MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT have been drinking alcohol while I was underage.
Fuck that guy is annoying


he's top 10k in NA for solos, duos, and squads

he's not bad