This feels out of place it does not belong in a mario game

This feels out of place it does not belong in a mario game.

This reminds me of those scenes of humans in SA2.


Mario used to be weird, you know.

I know. Isn't it great?!

He's Italian


That's a point of game setting. You travel through DIFFERENT worlds. Also it's Donkey Kong's Big Ape City reference, so basically you go back to the roots of Mario's history.

Ok Miyamoto

It's almost like that's the point

>an oddyssey, taking you to all these strange worlds, is weird and out of place.


>those textures
>consolefags think this shit is acceptable


no, just nintendrumpfs

i thought mario was a human?

>horrible quality image
Is this all Sonycunts have against us?

They should've made him look like Lou Albano.

they be bootyblasted because they have NO GAMES!

You're seriously going to bring politics onto a video games board, kid?

The "cartoony character gets stuck in world with more realistic art style" thing reminds me of Sonic 06

>lmao dude the grass
You know sonyfags are desperate when they nitpick the fucking grass. Just like they did with BoTW.

That's the point though.. The game is literally about Mario traveling to strange new kingdoms.

>Graphics Graphics Graphics!
>Gameplay? who wants that?

But mario lived in NY

they are both dead now

>early last-gen games look better than 2017 bintendo games

>current gen games on the other consoles have gameplay more shallow than atari 2600 games
>will look like shit 5 years from now

What grass?

Imagine being so desperate for games that you accept this kind of low quality

>Missing the point on purpose

Why not both?

100 on metacritic
screencap my post

Why do none of the attacks look like they actually connect?

>From games
>good gameplay

All these years Mario was just a majorly deformed midget.

They won't even get close to topping galaxy with this garbage.

hey I'm from 2018. odyssey bombs hard

Shigeru Miyamoto
>I was worried about how players would react to being in a world where Mario is this tall and normal people are a little bit taller. Or the fact that people don’t get mad at Mario when he’s jumping up and down all over the place. But with all that said, I think I realized that the character Pauline has already existed, and the idea of this game taking place in the city worked out really well. And so we ran with it.

Hahaha ebik xD


You feel out of place and do not belong here

This feels out of place it does not belong in a mario game.

Reminder Punch out is set in the same universe as Mario and Donkey Kong.

>Mario is a confirmed manlet


Yeah every NPC should be Toad.

See Donkey Kong '94

SMO reminds me of those shitty UE4 Nintendo fan projcts on YT.

PS2-era photorealistic New York is not a "strange world", it's a fucking boring world that we've seen in a billion other games.

I don't have a Switch or even the faintest intention of getting one but if you don't think this game looks dope Sup Forums has ruined fun for you.

>implying the setting doesn't make way for an amazing underground sewer level
Cap this, there's gonna be gators and shit down there

youre so vanilla

How is it that GTA IV's New York looks better than this? That's a 2008 game isn't it?

I mean, the gimmick in this world is that It's photorealistic and has real human beings as opposed to Mario who is cartoony, so why does it look like a late PS2 game?

The power of Nintendo Bitch hahahahha

I'm from 2019.

Odyssey gets a 97 on metacritic and a sequel is announced. It's a great game.

>Sub 30 fps

Doom is the modern example of gameplay and graphics. Even on consoletoys it runs at 60fps and looks great 1080p(variable). On PC with vulkan you can run the game at pure MAX graphics in 4k at 90 fps on a titan. Or 1440p ultra on an el cheapo 570.

Either Mario games become stale, predictable and really boring, or they do these ''weird'' things to try something new.

>This does not...

Fuck your feelings Faggot