What do you think of the cute girl do cute things genre?

What do you think of the cute girl do cute things genre?

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I think it would be great if any of the games were good. More often than not they're boring or clunky.

Maybe if it was released on the Switch.

>no physical release in the west
shaking my head

Really? they're not even going to do a limited physical release for the crazies?

I prefer the "cute girls doing yuri things" genre

Wait, really? That hasnt always been the case with gust games has it?

Except there is a physical release.

If I saw someone playing that game IRl I'd call the police.

What about when the police arrest you for wasting their time?

It's like trying to make a game out of Lucky Star or K-ON!. It's fun to watch occasionally as fluff but not something that benefits from active interaction. I do like the alchemy and time management of the Atelier games though. You could strip the cute girls away from it and I'd still play that part of it as they aren't bad gameplay ideas, though the cute girls do admittedly make the barebones JRPG attached to it all a bit more bearable. I guess that's what it comes down to, though - cute anime girls can sometimes make mediocrity tolerable, so why try harder?

>Playing this while I was overseas
>Roommate comes back from work
>"Bro what are you playing?"
>"My japanese games, man."
>He watches for a while
>"Bro this game is for like perverts...man she's hot I wanna fuck her"
Even korean normies can't resist.

I'm looking forward to it.

Yuzu a cute!

You'd be the one going to jail

Aren't these both confirmed really gay? Not complaining, I hope reflection fills the cozy homo mahou shoujo life sim game niche like never before

good lord fuck off google why does anyone ever post on this website

Can't speak for Blue Reflection because I never played it, but Nights of Azure is pretty /u/.

I think that KT has killed Gust and raped its corpse.

Back in the days Gust games were good, despite reused assets. Today Gust is forced to churn out 7 little pieces of shit every year and it shows.

So, no, I'm not going to buy BR. Partially because it's bad, partially because they ported it to compensate sales dip.

I think it's gone downhill since KT got involved.

No real /u/ at all.
It's just a bunch of girls with a bunch of problems.

One girl may seem /u/ given how she looks up the main character's skirt several times and stuff but no /u/ stuff.

Thank god

whats the gameplay like though

so is it any good?


It's very "okay".
You'd miss nothing by skipping it, but it doesn't hurt to play it. Mediocre I suppose.

Welp guess I'll be getting Mary Skelter then

Mary Skelter was a much better game.

I'm getting it just for the delicious Mel qt girls

>It's just a bunch of girls with a bunch of problems.
Nice, there are like no male main chars right? Lack of explicit gay pandering isn't a big deal. I believe in mel kishida

"cute girl do cute things" = Fuck men.

Cute Girls Doing Cute Things ALWAYS equals "(young) men should die horribly or live painfully towards inevitable death."

Yet they'll stick a girl in a Cute Guys Doing Cute Things genre because "handsome men should be your butlers."

FUCK the genres. FUCK Japan. I hope America's failure of a nuclear plant reduces them to snail-like creatures incapable of making anything at all.

Taking things a bit personally there, eh champ?


>What do you think of the cute girl do cute things genre?
Not lesbian enough, call me when it gets to level at least.

I was gonna get that because it looked super gay but then I learned it's not gay at all, dropped like a rock.

all I know about Mary Skelter is that you make one person a Paladin, have only them in the front and that breaks the game

Oh no it's an easy game?

I didn't say it was easy. I heard it can be hard at times


Only games worth playing desu senpai

Shut the fuck up onsokumaru

>you will never be this insecure

feels good

>Used to only be able to play grimdark gritty games
>slowly have reversed my opinion entirely
>now sitting at 31 years old and exclusively play/watch moeshit
in fact, not even moeshit, I can't even tolerate stuff that panders to adults anymore in my anime, if it's not legitimate little girl's shows like pripara or aikatsu I can't even enjoy it anymore, shows that are just moeshit but pander more to adults than children are simply not tolerable for me anymore. I guess Barneyfag must hate people like me, because I'm literally watching the My Little Pony tier anime at this point, I've lost complete control of my life and I don't even want to regain it.

I remember you from another thread. Get out of your mothers basement and get a wageslave job like the rest of us

I live in the attic though. Thankfully, I have crippling depression and many other permanent mental illnesses that make me want to die every second of every day of my life, so I will never have to get a job, such a great tradeoff am I right?

But you get free autism bucks from the rest of us!

Awww, that sucks. Don't be sad user. Here, this is for you.

due to the household income, I actually don't apply for disability or autismbux even though I otherwise should, but it doesn't bother me that much because I don't have any interests or have anything I want to buy ever anyway

Is there any game that lets me play as the girl and tease guys or slut it up?

Vitamin Quest

>crippling depression
>permanent mental illness
El mao.

>>no physical release in the west

i preordered a physical copy from amazon.

fuck off gaf

Maybe if they released it for PC

>I'll skip this mediocre game to get a shittier game

They are.

They tend to have dull gameplay.