Damn, I can't believe I missed such a legendary thread. I didn't post on Sup Forums back then, only /m/.
Andrew Martinez
Jesus Christ.
Jason Barnes
Zachary Sanders
chat didn't even say anything at that time, wow
John Turner
Wait, what did he say about being fat?
Josiah Wilson
He was bitching that people called him fat.
It's funny because 1. nobody was calling him fat 2. if he doesn't want to be called fat he should try not being fat, not bullying people into concealing their opinions on the truth
Christopher Myers
what the fuck, that was needlessly awkward
Alexander Ross
He's a big guy.
Austin Rodriguez
The fuck? What an actual attention whore. Twitch chat wasn't even being mean for once.
Owen Lopez
who's fat? the left guy?
Nathaniel Jenkins
i think he was just making a joke that sounded better in his head
Angel Sullivan
It's not the same without trannies, is there any drama, cringe complitation yet?
Nicholas Perry
Why would you say that? How rude you are.
Henry Bailey
well, he is very white so that is a good point for Spain
Colton Watson
You can leave anytime and wait for AGDQ or actually watch the marathon and or read previous threads you've missed.
James Turner
Yeah, you seem pretty triggered right now, big boi.
Ryan Jones
Shit did someone clip it? What did he say, twitch chat has ONE deleted commment and it's "8:47 L0ks: Fat guy is insanr lol" The fuck? also Bttv lets you see baleted comments.
Noah Reed
>Spain >White
Carter Myers
Agree. Trannies bring great drama and controversies while these actual female sluts just gives depressions
Jeremiah Gray
Nothing will beat bonus stream
Jonathan Moore
this desu also Italy
Kayden Morris
Guy on the couch has a real inflated view of himself if he thinks people care that much about him.
Brandon Fisher
fat guy is insanr, lol The five words that started the fire
Julian Gomez
Was Spain a mistake?
Parker Moore
mass gravitates toward him user
Ethan Phillips
He just needs to dab on the haters
Julian Gomez
Juan Brooks
>killed Castlevania >about to resurrect Metroid just to kill it again Ye
Hudson Martinez
>7 1/2 minute auto-scroller
Jesus fuck, why am I still here?
Jace Martinez
tfw long run shit couch
Evan Martinez
you know, I remember Prototype being compared to Infamous back in the day.
Prototype looks a hell of a lot more fun than this.
Jonathan Adams
I'd say the couch deserves MVP for what it has to support for 3 hours.
Lincoln Foster
Jeremiah Powell
Runner is okay, triggered fatty not so much. PLayed both, loved the gameplay of Prototype so much more, plus the Edgy protagonist was loved by my edgy teenaged self.
Jordan Taylor
I can't believe that guy who says 'like' in every sentence is still going
Jason Myers
>thread >he doesn't know about old /srg/
Robert Garcia
I love Carcinogen.
Henry Morris
>Constant shitposting >try out the so called bugs for myself >they all work as they should >wotlk and pseudo retail babies are shitposting just for the sake of shitposting.
I fucking swear, in a year you will see people shit on the current WOTLK private server and try to hype a Mists server.
Robert Baker
fuck wrathbabbies, they FULLY embraced the start of the casualization done by TBC TBC is 10x better
Julian Sanchez
that's cause it is
Eli Johnson
Did you just call me fucking fat, Sup Forums? I will fucking end you.
Lucas Perry
fatty fat fat fat
Caleb Edwards
samefag with proxy
Ian Murphy
Any clip of the fat thing?
Adam Thomas
I love her so much it hurts. What to do?
Ayden Powell
The romantic thing to do is cut off a piece of yourself and mail it to her.
Christian Gonzalez
This may be the most boring speedrun I have ever watched.
Levi Brown
Yeah. "Just do things fast" speedruns can be fun, but in this brown game with bland commentary, it certainly isn't
Liam Young
Show respect to your grandmother, children.
Grayson Jackson
Shut up Cosmo
Colton Harris
I'm counting the seconds for this shitty run to end
Dominic Edwards
Shitty couch doesn't help it.
Jason Ward
>you're like kessler wew
Josiah Gray
infamous is way more memorable
Evan Bennett
>3 hour speedrun >not a RPG wew
Joseph Hill
GTA 4 put me asleep did i miss anything?
Lincoln Russell
open world mission based games are usually like this, since they almost never have significant skips
Angel Richardson
Prototype's more fun to play, Infamous has better writing and atmosphere.
Hudson Edwards
damn.....this thread aint moving.
RIP thread 7/26/2017 - 7/27/2017
Angel Sanders
Fat guy on the couch for inFamous got triggered hard at a random guy in chat calling him fat and started a rant about how everyone is always silently judging him. It wasn't even like the chat was spamming fat jokes or anything, it was literally one random guy that called the guy fat and posted a MingLee
Lincoln Powell
That guy behind the runner is falling asleep
David Mitchell
Kill me, bros.
Michael Johnson
Christian Sanders
Someone, somewhere just insinuated that my body fat percentage exceeds the recommended ratio for a male of my height. I can't prove it but I know it happened. Don't do that again.
Austin Bell
>throw grenades for 3 hours the speedrun
Joseph Torres
Its more entertaining watching his head nod than watching the game. I feel his pain.
Jose Moore
What time is it over there anyways? Midnight here.
Henry Walker
How can people be autistic enough to actually sit there in the room the whole run and watch it?
This is only tolerable because it's background noise.
Tyler Perry
Bottom right, it's early morning, so I don't blame them for being tired
Bentley Mitchell
So is it ever explained in this game why Cole can make all this electricity yet show no apparent EMP effects? Like radios and cell phones and Wi Fi and shit all seem to work just fine around him despite the fact that he a human spark gap generator..
Elijah Young
maybe they're his friends!
Hunter Fisher
That's how you play inFamous 1, user. 2 is superior in every way.
Owen Walker
>ESL's talking like california valley girls
Justin Taylor
>people thought this game was better than prototype
Thomas Kelly
We're almost done guys.
Grayson Howard
Are the My Summer Car vods up yet? I missed it last night.
Levi Ramirez
How the fuck does lightning powers give this dude the ability to ride train rails? What does he do with personal hygiene? Dirt baths? Dry soap? Is he allowed near hospitals or people with pacemakers? And flying? How the fuck is he doing that? Electricity is massless isnt it?
This game takes a classic superpower and makes it not fun..
Michael Richardson
It's ANOTHER let's play
I'm not an SJW, but I'd rather have a million trannies fucking each other on stream than have another failure like this ESA is
Austin Peterson
He can wash, he just can't go jumping in pools and shit.
Ian Phillips
Thank God we moved past bald white dude protagonists. I know everyone bitches about diversity being forced and shit but this was really the era of shitty bland MC's.
Juan Hill
someone be a pal and post when this shit run is over
Dominic Perez
everything is immediately available on twitch under videos
Hudson Diaz
We get ugly girls and/or afros now. Totally better.
Ryan Flores
Anybody know anything about the next game? Is it a another "hidden european gem" showcase?