>TLG sold less than fucking ARMS
where did it all go wrong
TLG sold less than fucking ARMS
dev hell
People moved on
this games never sell well
Everyone knows that anything that sells alot and is the most popular is objectively the best.
Why else wouldn't it be?
Sarcasm font when?
Been thinking about buying this for a while. Why does all of Sup Forums hate it? What's bad about it specifically?
Stupid nips should have just released it while the ps3 was still relevant. Would have sold much better instead of bringing it back 9 years later when nobody cares.
This game was supposed to come out 10 years ago.
>a video game sells better than a BLOOM: the escort quest
It was supposed to be great in 08
Massive hype the game couldn't live up to and framerate issues on the regular PS4
you have to go back
Have framerate issues been patched?
People bought a PS3 for it.
They waited a decade to play this and brought it back from cancellation, only to get fuck all in the end.
Anything bad about the actual game though? Failure to meet expectations aside.
Not they are still there, the only way to get close to a consistent 30FPS is at 1080p on the PS4 Pro.
Did they fix the annoying button tutorials that show up through the whole game, and sometimes even spoil the solutions to the puzzles? Can you disable them now? I could live with the awful framerate but that really killed the whole game for me
Not from what I can tell. It just looks like a regular artsy game, like a higher budget version of a Steam walking simulator.
It's funny because Sup Forums uses sales as reason why the PS4 is the bestest console for mature dudes like us.
Ico/SotC were always niche titles, TLG never coming out became a meme so non-fans started hyping it up to look trendy. They had no intention of actually buying the game.
I own a ps4, I love ico and SotC, I didn't buy this because I couldn't be bothered to pay full-price for what i knew would unfortunately be a short and disappointing experience
>A game stuck in development hell, supposed to be cancelled but fans bitched for it so much it stayed alive
>Niche game that doesn't appeal to everyone
>Performance issues and AI troubles
compared to
>Game released quite quickly after first announcement
>Easy to learn and accessible controls
>Bright colorful and fun visuals
>Can play with friends
>Released on a console that's rather new in the market
Now tell me why again you think you're surprised ARMS sold more?
that's what keeping me from a second playthrough
i just want that patch, it's so little to ask for
I bought it and didn't buy arms.
So it's not on me.
That said arms looks more fun
hype died. game was stuck in development hell for too long
It isn't fun. Ico wasn't either. Ico wasn't anything special at the time it released and neither game holds up compared to modern gaming standards. It's only popular now because it's an underground cult classic so it has indie cred.
I guess we're going to have to wait for tlg hd on ps5 just like we had to wait 2 generations to (hopefully) get a copy of SotC that finally works as intended
>The Last Guardian is fucking released
Wait what
I tried playing through ico and it was so bad I ragequit before I got even halfway through
fuck that clunky boring ass frustrating dumpster fire of a game and fuck everyone who thinks it's worth any amount of time
this is what happens to shit that is in development for 10 years - longer than 70 of Sup Forums fagglets are old.
See DNF, etc. Grimoire by that cock sucking faggot homosapiens will be the next blunder.
>Stupid nips should have released a game running at 5 fps
Shadow of the Colossus is good
Nice meme.
Team Ico games are fucking overrated as fuck. SotC was their one achievement.
>But all my favorite devs say Ico inspired them!
Literally irrelevant. Ico is shit and doesn't deserve mentioning. The combat is garbage, the puzzles are shit tier. All it has it atmosphere and an anorexic plot.
Never said it wasn't, I'm talking about Ico and Last Guardian
Where the fuck have you been these last couple of years.
team ico games never sell well
people just bandwagon and claim how much they love them because they are critically praised when they probably never play them to begin with
TLG wasn't a disappointment in the least, in fact I think they delivered on what they promised
>people love that ico has no ui nor tutorials
>tlg tells you which button to press in an obnoxious way every single second and there's no way to turn it off
there's at least one legitimate complaint in there honestly
And yet every the same Sup Forums also says the Switch is great because it's selling so much and it's not even for sale anywhere!
Just shut up with your stupid console faggotry and play videogames. Instead of being petty like shit and wishing a platform does badly because you don't own it, wish they all do well so it's worth owning any of them.
way too expensive for the amount of content
other than that is was good
Well framerate doesn't bother me much on a game like this as long as the game itself is good. If I liked Shadow of the Colossus and Ico, I will probably like this right?
I just beat the game a few minutes ago, was hoping to start a cozy thread.
Besides the controls, that was midly frustrating at some points, I wasn't disappointed in the game, it went just above my exceptions.
And holy shit that ending.
>dat scene when they bully and bites off birdos tail
Game's some glitchy bullshit, user.
It sold like a million copies, it wasn't a complete failure. Only people who think 1M is a failed endeavor are CoD kiddies or bethesdrones.
Did you know this game took over 7 years to make?
I disliked that scene for a number of reasons.
for one it was a stupid deus ex machina that let you kill the god guy.
for two why should the tail still work when not attached? You'd think it would have to take energy from Trico or something.
for three the stupid long segment where you are caught by the guardian, unable to move. It was obvious what was going to happen and it just took way too long.
1mil for a game thats been in development for that long is most definitely a failure.
1 Million sales for a game with a small budget is good, 1 million sales for a game that spent a decade in development is not.
>walking simulator
>god awful controls
>almost braindead companion ai
>awful story
>makes the ps4 spit fire on relatively simple looking areas
>extremely cinematic framerates
game doesn't even tell you you could use commands until half way into the game and it doesn't even explain shit
but that's just nitpicking really
Spending a decade in development doesn't mean it's under active development, or that you spent more than 1 million on it.
Still would have sold better.