Did he make the right decision?

Did he make the right decision?

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Yes, I'm glad his bigoted ass doesn't own Minecraft anymore

He's a fucking billionaire, I'd say so.


But was it worth selling his soul in the process?

Is money really all there is in this life?

>his soul

Mate he made a digital lego game that became extremely popular and sold it he didn't sell his soul.

You can literally do anything you want in life with a billion. If he ain't happy that's his own fault

He didn't make the wrong decision

>sold his soul
>cash out
pick one

Considering the cancer that is minecraft and its "community", yes.

That's like if I develop one of the best FPSs ever. I put my heart and soul into the project. Then I grab some other people. I put THEIR hearts and souls into it, because it's our fucking passion.

And then some bigass corporation like EA or Activision gets a hold of it and releases a shitty spinoff every single year. Would I sell the license despite it being the summation of my hopes and dreams? Yes. Because it's already fucking dead to begin with

Of course. If you ever get the chance to cash out big you fucking take it.

Fuck yes


It doesn't matter, money can't fill the empty feeling in his soul.

maincraft is ain't their soul

If you can't be happy with a billion dollars then you're just shitty at living honestly barring any horrible illnesses.

>become a billionaire
>spend his time shitposting on twitter
>still no friends
>still no gf

Getting rid of Minecraft for a billion dollars is a win-win

sounds good to me

careful with that edge

Dudes he spent years of hard work in building that game and building the community around it and don't tell me he wasn't emotionally invested in it.

If I build a house through the sweat of my brow and see my children grow up with it I ain't selling it to some greedy corporation.

Really? I'd sell it and buy my kids a better house or build a better one.

Look at his twitter, he tries to do the whole "i dont care what you think" angle, but it's pretty obvious he is isn't happy. He had issues before he was rich amd now that he is rich ita worse cause he doesn't know who his real friends are. He wants to be happy but even the money is not giving him that.

It was painfully obvious he didn't give a flying fuck about minecraft for at least 2 years before he sold it

why the fuck did you think he sold it in the first place when it had already made enough money for a lifetime?

So why exactly do all of the employees hate him?

Look at the silver lining user, his rich depressing life might make for a really good movie one day. Maybe directed by PTA or Wes Anderson.

Yeah I really don't feel that bad for him. More money more problems is bullshit, if you have free time and unlimited money and you can't be happy you're just kind of shitty at life. Sorry dude.

Because they work for microsoft now?

did he move out of Sweden
i hear they have stupid ridiculous taxes on the rich there

that would be true if it was my grandma's father's house that he build it decades ago. meh to be honest i'd sell it for billion or so. I'm taking offers. even 50 millions is enough.

Because he got the most money from selling his own IP.

>all thay money
>but he is still empty
We passed upon the stair.....

Pre-Microsoft Mojang was paradise to work at. Their office was 1920's mafia tier comfy, pay was enormous and there was literally no pressure ever.

Post-buy out, most of the workforce either got the pink slip or have been relocated to a normie working group campus.

>I will sit around and wait for my friends with jobs and families to have time to do shit

Fuck notch, I have 0 sympathy for that fat fuck. He can just move to some mediocre european country and not live in a fucking mansion and I assure you that 99% of the people would not know that he's a billionaire. All he has to do is literally just go and live a non billionaire life, maybe lose some weight beforehand so people don't recognize him, and he'll be able to find those "genuine friends" again. Markus pfierson or whatever his fucking name is isn't a household name like Elon Musk.

But he won't because he's a spoiled fat lazy unlikable piece of shit that now has an excuse for not having any "genuine friends"

Yeah, the game was better off in the hands of literally anyone else, even fucking microsoft. They still squander its potential, but at least it actually updates.

>literally a fedoralord

>Sit around waiting for friends with jobs

If its such a big deal why not share the wealth? Obviously if they're friends at that point its not really about the money so why think it would change those people?

he is an autis java drone programer, He can fit and run in the beach and meet people without saying he is billionaire

>Was stressed about the scope that his little hobby project expanded to
>Sold it
>Is now a billionaire
What exactly is the argument for him making the wrong decision?


>Hey mate come hang out with me!
>What, your job? Nah I'll pay for all your trivial shit!
I'd find it insulting to have my friend tell me he can pay for my entire life and the only catch is to be his friend

Shitposting doesn't shitpost itself.

>selling his soul
he was able to separate himself from the thing that has defined his life, and never has to work again. unfortunately, he is channeling his free time into edgy shitposting on social media instead of something productive, but it's his life now, he only has to do what he wants to do. that is tremendous freedom.

This. Living a normal life but having that safety net would be fucking amazing.

I would keep my money a secret and help those who genuinely like me and are good people.

But that bastard chose the most cliche lifestyle imaginable: fucking Beverly hills. Pathetic.

>he spent years of hard work in building that game
>[he spent years of hard work building] the community
fucking lol
It's more like for the first few months of its inception he updated the game (semi) regularly, enough to get people talking good about the game. His idea of community at the time seemed to be for them to make suggestions, and he implement them. Which at the time was good don't get me wrong.He pick and chose what seemed to make the most sense to add, added it, took feedback on it, maybe tweaked it. Fast forward about half a year, at this point he's hiring employees, vacationing excessively. The last decent thing with some kind of direction added was the nether, and well before this point he stopped coming to Sup Forums (or at least using his trip you cheeky cunt) in favor of reddit. New features are added haphazardly without much thought into how it ties in with the rest of the game. Oh, let's not forget how great at community building he is at this point. I mean the guy only made a poll asking if people would spend a ridiculous amount of cash to go to a convention about a single game which people responded to overwhelmingly negativelu, only to end up hosting a convention asking an even more ridiculous price for a ticket. Come on man, Notch was/is as emotionally invested in Minecraft as someone who's trying to get some quick cash from a dead parent's stuff.

Not really, I have had ALOT of money before and it just made me feel lost. Didn't have to do anything and had no goals or...anything, for 5 years I lived like that. Was my most unhappy time. Eventually locked it all up in an account I cant get to accept for absolute emergencies, forced to go find work again, imidiantly began to feel better.

It's just me, but I dont think being directionless makes many people happy

I'd feel more like a prostitute than a friend desu

>his only goal in life is wage slavery
Not everyone is a fucking retard, user.

Do you guys think Zachary Barth cries to sleep everyday?

>Dudes he spent years of hard work in building that game and building the community around it
No, he didn't. Stop being a melodramatic bitch.

I wouldn't be directionless with that sort of money though. I would go to concerts and travel and work out just generally do all the things I already do but with no concerns over money or getting up early every day.

>you have to work in life
>your a wage slave
Christ young people are fucking lazy these days.

If a buddy of mine was that rich and asked me to come live with him I would, I'd just get a part time job and put it all into savings then pal around with him.

He could just get a personal trainer and get fit.

Well friend if it makes you feel any better thats about how I lived, an it may be hard to grasp, but it does get old

>literally never have to work again
>can't handle that because brainlet conditioned to serve as a slave for his corporate overlords
>because I don't acknowledge this, I am "lazy"
can't wait for you people to die off

Not that user, but did you invest in an education? Try and learn new skills and whatnot, without worrying about the financial burden?

I don't believe that it would get old, but I doubt I'll ever have the sort of money to put that theory to the test.

>my lifestyle
>can do anything
>chooses to eat food and whine to people on the internet

I've come to realise my problems are my own, some entirely my own fault and some that I can't reconcile one way or the other. If given the choice of being miserable and in squalor or miserable and rich, I'd choose the latter because at least then day to day wouldn't be an issue and I'd either kill myself more quickly or maybe resolve things.

>spent years of hard work

holy shit!
its like NONE of you guys were here in 2008 when notch was ON fucking Sup Forums, asking us for advice and shit for MC. something that he fucking STOLE from infiniminer.

he has done fucking NOTH-ING with the damn game and made out like a damn bandit.

it'd be like robbing fort knox just by walking in and just taking gold because everyone on guard was out watching fireworks, because they are pretty!

Never has to work a day in his life ever again. He did. This is even if you forget his autismally tracked holidays which proved he was being a lazy cunt the moment the game was successful.

>this much asshurt because he never milked tards out of their shekels

>bigoted ass
I keep forgetting that these people still exist.

>I dont want to have to do anything I dont want to
>w-why does anyone have to work ya know?
>maybe I should go to a Communis country..
fucking embarressing

> Im a beta male with no agency
Look at how Elon Musk gets through life.
Forge your own path

Cash out 3 billions while also getting the money from the 10s of millions of sales for a game that is already past its prime?

Hell yes

sick neoliberal brainwashing there lad

>this is how much money Notch's got


It saddens me, guy is in the prime of his life, with more money than most people will ever have, and instead of atleast living life to the fullest, he chooses to spend his time on twitter and pc games.

But he knows it was his magnus opus, he know he will never be able to top Minecraft, so he is going through something that most of us will not understand.

Still, being close to the bottom of society, i can't help being jealous of his position in life.

Oh well, i wish him the best, he is prolly a great guy.

Naw man. Going back for thirds on dessert was a bad call on his part. Never going to fit that plump melon into that new fedora mom bought him for his birthday at this rate.

>don't tell me he wasn't emotionally invested in it.
except that he no longer gave a fuck. it started with a joke tweet and ended up in the actual selling of the franchise.

ended up being better for him it seems.

Not very much. I had a few skills in a particular field, got an entry level job. Then constantly researched two things:
1. problems related to my work
2. how to manage people (people skills books, charisma, etc.) I think I've read nearly every book on the topic.
Then just worked my way up.
You dont need a CE but you do have to be smart.

Imagine working at an indie dev studio that basically prints money, you have enough money to make any games you want forever and still become rich, but your jew asshole of a boss sells everything to Microsoft, who give him a two-billion dollar payout even though he hasn't touched the code since before v1.0, and you either get a couple hundred thousand and get hired on as a Microsoft drone, or you get a couple hundred thousand and are now unemployed.

Either way, your contribution to making the most successful computer game of all time is forgotten, and MS pockets all the cash from now on. I'd hate Notch, too.

can't do it now
you have to get lucky as fuck with your autism sims about friends or FPS battles or whatever

good for him.

holly shit you don't even know your political terms

Ema Watson is somehow a movie star. Life is full of weirdness.

Nah, I'm talking about AFTER you fell into the money. If I had the funds, I'd get a light part-time job, just to give myself a routine, but I'd invest in my hobbies. More specifically, I'd chase after an art degree, then whatever else after that. If money didn't matter, and I had a surplus income on top of that, life would be the tops, in regards to what I'm doing with it.

Do you? Neoliberalism is over half a century old as an economic ideology and accurately describes the state that you find yourself in, where you work to make a lot money for other people and are told to be grateful for the chance to do so :^)

he wouldn't want to TOP minecraft because he fucking stole the idea!

he couldn't make something better because he WOULD HAVE by fucking 2014 at the latest!

i mean, shit, kojima MGS had games in 1998, 2001, 2003 and 2008. he didn't rest after MGS 1 and say "yeah, thats good enough" like notch did because fucking notch knew he couldn't make anything as simple and as profitable as minecraft again.

which, again, HE FUCKING STOLE!

Kojima didn't want to make any MGS game after MGS2 though, he was forced to by Konami.

>you either get a couple hundred thousand and get hired on as a Microsoft drone, or you get a couple hundred thousand and are now unemployed
Not only that, after you lose everything to MS, you see your boss complain about how unhappy he is after HE CHOSE to sell everything, and you know for a fact that the only thing he does with his money is buy shit that makes him even fatter and more unhappy, and shitpost on Twitter.

Well, if your smart, maybe you'll get to see for yourself someday, here hoping it's what your expecting.

Regarding his deal with microsoft? hell no, stupid fat fuck chose all cash out with no rights over the franchise at all for a bait sum, he should've settled for a deal with less money and % of minecraft toy sales or the IP in general, from what i see around the game prints money and its already making its way as an "utility" product for kids and manchildren, a demographics that will always exist and replenish with each generation.
Fat fuck Notch literally did what the idiot Roy Raymond who invented the brand Victoria's Secret did, he cashed out early for 1 million $ with no desire to be involved in the brand again and pursue his other meme dreams, and guess what 8 years later Victoria's Secret was printing money like no tomorrow and was worth close to 1 billion dollars, guy got mad and heroed himself via golden gate bridge.

This is why so many lottery winners end up bankrupt. For whatever reason if people become rich suddenly, they feel like they have to start living like a rich person.

He's got so much money he'd never be able to spend it all, however.

>Is money really all there is in this life?
It is in his life. He's a well known billionaire which means that it's impossible to know love because all he'll ever find is gold diggers and people looking for a quick buck.

It a nice gilded cage he gets to live in and twitter is his only window outside. His life effectively has no purpose anymore.

Aye, that's exactly what i'm saying, i wasn't talking about him being original, but you can't deny how succesful minecraft is, i'm not saying it was good, or his idea, i was talking about how succesfull it was.

And he won't be able to top that success again, especially since he can't stop playing video games and reading twitter.

But i'm also sure that he knows that minecraft was a freak accident, and that's what makes him feel shitty, and he is the one who chooses to feel that way.

>understanding the use of free market
>still defending that you shouldn't have to work
fucking embarressing

>sell company
>give them a meager 1 month's pay
>why does everyone hate me??/ :((((

Strangely enough, that's the most encouraging post I've ever seen on the internet, and I doubt it was supposed to be. Whatever, guess I'll just practice up with Roy.

honestly if I had enough cash to be set for life I wouldn't work either

Why would he ever need more money then a billion dollars? What could he possibly accomplish that microsoft doesn't with Bill Gates' philanthropy? There isn't a very significant difference in lifestyle form people who are billionaires and people who are tens of billionaires.

>posting reddit and memey

>Be a poorfag
>Spend time shitposting on Sup Forums
>Still no friends
>Still no GF
>Can't even use money to visit therapy or get drugs
>Can't even use money to sugar daddy someone into pretending they love me
>He's still a fat fuck even with his money so it shows he's the one stopping himself from being happy since he lacks the basic fucking motivation to lose weight and practice proper hygiene, he can fucking hire a personal chef to cook healthy for him and have a personal gym for fuck's sake
>I'm 28
>He expects people to feel sorry for him
Gee, really boggles the cranium.

Ah right, I forgot that nu-v hates when people enjoy things.

>capable of love

I wish I had a Sup Forums equivalent reaction image of "I only play mature games for mature rated people like myself".

He owes them nothing, they should be grateful they got anything at all.


Tell me about all those times communism worked.