Monster Hunter World weapons

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Link the playlist with all of them bruh

Swagaxe represent

>be swinging a hammer
>no reaction to hits or response
>literally looks like he's beating it with a balloon

Just because it's not on handheld anymore doesn't mean they have to pretend like they are...

Which one is the best weapon and why is it Hunting Horn?

has there already been a downgrade visually???

Stagger only registers once a specific threshold is reached. This is not done due to hardware limitations, it is done for gameplay balancing.

But that's not Dual Blades

Damn, they put up all of them at once this time? Very nice. I hope CB is back to its former glory after the Gen disaster.

>GS can cancel charges into guard points
How do we stop the GS guys?

the hit-effects are too weak (not the animations themselves, they are great). I understand that they are scales flying off and blood does spurt when hitting fleshy parts but they need to touch this up a bit

>IG looks even more fun with the air dashing and aerial combo attacks
>LS gets more anime attacks
>GS has neat shoulder charges into charge attacks
>HH doesn't get any new shit

>tfw GS main since FU

GS always win baybee

Dual Blades don't fit into Monster Hunter.It's too fucking fast, looks like a fucking Rogue class weapon from MMO

>LS gets to keep the Brave Style sheathing

Let me be a dexfag in peace

I want to see a documentary on the development of MHW after the game is released showing them mocapping the new DB animations. Demon mode flails like an autistic edgelord now; it would be adorable to see

>monsters bleed gravel instead of blood
I hope it's just a reduced violence options and you can turn it back.

user, it could be worse.

You could be a Funlance fag like me who is doomed to suffer for all eternity

Looks like it's some new kind of Demon Dance, he's holding the weapons in reverse grip.

look closely; those are yellow scales flying off. I think it is going to change the effect depending on the monster but we need to see something like a bird or a monkey to see if it does carry through with this

What if HH gets new motion values?

>Slash damage
>Still does the same sound effect as blunt damage

Don't get me wrong I'm excited for MH on a console, but why?

Have you never played a Monster Hunter game before?

>CB gets some sort of backhop like SnS
Why though? The entire point of the weapon is to stay on the monster at all times because you can guard while attacking and attacking while guarding via GPs.

Everything feel so incredibly safe and quick, cancelling a GS charge into defensive options, really?

Hopefully this translates into faster monsters but we haven't seen that yet

>IG is the new tonfas

He's clearly missing the shit out of the monster.

>nothing new for boomsticks
My condolences, amigo

I'd be happy. I'm already fine with HH "as is" but it's disappointing to not see so much as a new way to recite or something

The real crime here was cutting the IG clip short just before seeing how fast white buff made him

>Bow footage
>showcasing the arc shot shows it completely miss and rain pebbles in the background
at least they are being honest that they are still garbage

Umm have you play a MH game before?

>nothing new
GL seem to be able to stick their shells onto the monsters like crags now.


Eh in the series the weapons fits well with its pros and cons. Obviously the biggest balance would be the skill required to a actually use it since you have to be on point with your dodges while still never letting go of the DPS on the monster to actually make a difference in the hunting. Not to mention it doesn't really work on all monsters, considering its fast sharpness consumption and short range.

>that last bow shot
thats the stuff

What the fuck? Why do the animations look so choppy?

speaking of bow, why the fuck does it get to keep its classic charge sound but GS and hammer changed to this Dragon's Dogma trash?

Is it just me or does GL's Wyvern Fire seem to take a second longer to fire than the current one we have?

Yes. GL was too strong, so balance adjustments have been made.


has there been a menu for switch axe yet? The Phial effect wasn't on sword mode and the last bit of footage makes me think it was a specific state since axe advance morph was already shown before and it didn't do that. Could it mean the meter is either gone or works completely differently?

The Bow video has blood turned on, I think.

Sadly no, this is the only footage we have so far and of course it's no hud.
I like the way it works now but I hope they switch it up this time. Maybe give us a way to charge it without reloading like in frontier

Still obsolete.

I'd rather have the reload still be a thing but allow it to be mixed with combos instead of Frontier's solution of essentially giving them a safe and lenient guard. Just take Alchemy SA's reload after advance, add it to the side-chop which currently serves no purpose, and give it to the base weapon while mashing R alone just morphs


>The Phial effect wasn't on sword mode
What do you mean? You can clearly see the phial glow when he attacks with it.




I never really cared for ranged weapons but seeing all the different ammo types with their own gimmicks is reminding me of some sort of variety arsenal game like ratchet and clank.
Looks fun, actually gonna try them out for once.

>muh graphics
commit seppuku desu

Almost like they took some tips from god eater


There was a leaked Comic Con footage with SA. Although it was with the UI turned off too.









Last one

I´m gonna enjoy the fuck out of this.
I´d probably never be able to go back to the previous games.

casualized western shit

probably because the on-hit frame stops

lot of Japanese games use it to emphesise impact

>Jawblade and what looks to be the new starting gear
>Fucking raths.
>Anjanath set and some iron SnS
>Bone set with iron hammer
>some leather set?
>Great Jagras?
>new monster?

I am so fucking ready.

The best part of these videos is the hammer bone armor

Fucking beautiful 10/10 design

>DA has a move where you turn 90 degrees in the air like AoT and you turn your blades backwards when you go into devils mode
>IG can do at least 2 jumps in mid air without touching the ground
Other than that and some really weeb moves game still lookin good, i might actually do some bow gunning this time around since i'll be able to aim with something other than a D-Pad.

>Lance gets nothing new and the video is nothing interesting

>IG can do at least 2 jumps in mid air without touching the ground
You could change direction in mid air with IG once since its introduction, by shooting the pheromones. They just added another shot.
Although yeah, it's not like IG needed any extra mobility.

Well I like the Bow, but that weird GS shoulder charge and the way the Hammer bounces when literally no other weapon does bother me.
The rest is eh.

Just like the weapon itself.

Oh I'm definitely picking up the charge blade again for this one
and they actually seemed to make IG look FUN to use

But unless i missed something it's always been a straight up hop and then maybe what you said to change direction once but this was some anime as fuck jumping through the air.

Yeah, before it pushed you in the direction opposite of the direction you were aiming at. In World it seems you can freely control it with the left stick.



I imagine the monsters will have to step up their game to counter this amazing fluidity and combos.

>and they actually seemed to make IG look FUN to use
That's until you have to fight a monster that doesn't have all the juice colors available at the ground level.


Yeah it's kinda hard to tell whether you actually hit the monster or not. Hopefully they polish that up, hitting monsters has always felt way more responsive.

>Cannon with different styles from mortar to machine-gun type.
Finally a type that appeals to me. Can't wait for this.

But it has always existed

blood is still in

This is why i stopped playing dual blades.
It's incredibly frustrating to see my character pause every fraction of a second.

>this could've been Dragon's Dogma 2
Get fucked Capcom.

Really? I was sure that it's a new weapon. Well, shows how much i really know about monster hunter.

So SnS went back to being shit?

It was fun while it lasted.

Very nice.

Some of those sounds were ripped straight from dragon's dogma. I'm concerned about figuring out critical range, it seems they toned down screen shaking a lot

Things I don't like about MHW:
Hit sounds don't sound very impactful
GS charge glow

please god make gunlance good in mhw

>that swaxe impale move

My fucking dick. Holy shit.

Everything about XX was a mistake, the cancerous animu changes sns got included.
You should be grateful it's finally back to it's proper balanced self.

Are they implying that insect bros don't deserve a whole video to themselves?
What the fuck capcom

So which monsters can we recognize from the weapons and armor sets?

>SA is 10x cooler than it ever was in games before it

This is it. This is the MH I have been waiting for.

They kept some stuff in from Cross though. The Aerial jump in is there.

There's actually a fuckton of things from Cross sprinkled here and there, across all the weapons

Any weapon without gun in its name isn't worth my time. HBG seems to have some nice new moves, looks cool. That said it's pretty gay that you can do shit like reload, rapid fire and siege mode while moving now, hope it doesn't encourage shitters to start playing bowguns. Don't want faggots to sully the name of my beautiful weapon. Hope gunlance is actually good this time though, fucks sake if you're going to make it burn through quality give it an edge to compensate.