ITT: Name 5 (FIVE) games that are both difficult and engaging that were released in the last few years. Memesouls fags need not apply.
All I want to do is play games that challenge me that aren't always multiplayer. Why are we no longer catered for?
ITT: Name 5 (FIVE) games that are both difficult and engaging that were released in the last few years. Memesouls fags need not apply.
All I want to do is play games that challenge me that aren't always multiplayer. Why are we no longer catered for?
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Why five? One not good enough for you? Fuck you, you spoiled brat. I was gonna suggest some but now you get NOTHING.
I would respond with a bunch of quality niche difficult games but you used a picture of an anime girl so tough luck.
>pve games
pick one.
muscle memory and trial and error is not skill and does not make a game "difficult"
dumb animeposter
and what DOES make a game hard then?
Fucktarded frogposter
I doubt he is interested in advices from summer newfags tho
I love you had to expose the dark souls trilogy because that's five games right there u meme shit ter
Bayonetta 2
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Wolfenstein The New Order
Dying Light
DOOM (2016)
Hotline Miami
Super Meat Boy (Close enough)
Why do people think that single player automatically equals easy?
Was your first console the PS3 or something?
Uncharted 4 on the hardest difficulty
Nier Automata on the hardest difficulty
Hyper light drifter on NG+
Sin and Punishment 2 on the hardest difficulty
Bayonetta 2 on the hardest difficulty
>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls 1
>Dark Souls 2
>Dark Souls 3
I know pretending to hate Souls is the new hip thing but whatever.
Enter the gungeon, alien isolation nightmare mode, TPP, axiom verge, darkest dungeon.
Anime is for nerds
A game that requires technical finesse, strategy, reaction, timing, reading opponents, thinking on your feet to unique situations, etc.
Pretty much no PvE games. Vast majority of PvE games are just muscle memory.
Getting a gf
HARDMODE: that fucked less than 20 guys
>team pvp
retarded teammates do not make the game "difficult"
>1x1 pvp
>not muscle memory and trial and error
o i am laffin
muscle memory
muscle memory (and easy as shit)
muscle memory (and easy as shit)
muscle memory (and easy as shit)
muscle memory (and easy as shit)
muscle memory (and easy as shit)
muscle memory
muscle memory
muscle memory (and easy as shit)
muscle memory (and easy as shit)
muscle memory (and easy as shit)
muscle memory
muscle memory
muscle memory
muscle memory
muscle memory
muscle memory
muscle memory
not muscle memory, decent example but there are much better designed games
muscle memory (and easy as shit) (and garbage)
muscle memory (and easy as shit)
muscle memory (and easy as shit)
never played it
Shadow Tactics
Hollow Knight
Rabi Ribi
XCOM 2 on max difficulty
>Fucktarded frogposter
Why do recent newfags dislike Pepe?
IMPOSSIBLE MODE: never fucked before
are you trying to force your meme?
>souls games are muscle memory
you can react with dodging and click r1 and beat anything
nothing muscle memory about that.
Been here since 2012. Fuck your frog and fuck you.
RTS faggots are the fucking worst
Because only WE are allowed to run memes into the ground. If anyone else does it, they're fucking retarded.
I fail to see how muscle memory is an invalid form of difficulty?
Confirmed for not actually having played the game's you're responding to. Also, if you're just gonna dismiss these games as muscle memory, you need to fuck off, you're just autism posting at that point
ur mom
I played DaS1 as it was getting popular, thoroughly enjoyed it for a good couple hundred hours.
Problem is every other souls game is the same rehashed shit and It got very old, easy and boring after you figure out the formula. That's why you need not apply, been there, done that.
Everyones first souls games is great, the rest are just mediocre. Except bloodbourne, that game was utter shit and I still can't bring myself to finish it.
>Was your first console
While it's likely that a lowercase kid is a consolefag, you should still give people the benefit of the doubt.
play fighting games
So why does a slightly older newfag like you dislike Pepe?
This user gets it.
This. Though op said it can't be multi-player.
>mfw I just made a list of 30 games but wont post it because op is an anime fag
Which game are you talking about? Because I have 100%ed the majority of those and those that I haven't are either because they were trash or I never played it.
Do you even know where you are?
Rabi Ribi
Here you go, user.
Add bloodborne and Demon's souls and you've got five.
Just play Distorted Travesty 3
Because it's a Tumblr meme now.
Step aside junior. I got some recommendations.
Most of those games are not difficult and majority of them are shit tho
The Witness then.
My Summer Car
Anti-anime posters should be banned
did you beat them?
Yeah, I've beaten enough games on that list (and know enough about the rest) to know it's pretty much bunk.
Unfortunately, I won't be posting my list of legitiamtely good difficult games because OP is an anime tard
Why are you total shit at every remotely difficult sp game then?
>recent newfags
it's a shit meme and it always has been.
That is some genuinely good taste.
I guarantee you the games that I have beaten puts your poverty list of singleplayer accomplishments to shame.
Nowadays I just play multiplayer games tho because it got boring playing the same shitty difficult games where each one requires you to learn all the mechanics and has so much emphasis on muscle memory. it's pretty jarring going to a new difficult game every week or so especially when most of the difficult games I have not 100%ed yet are either mediocre or don't interest me.
Name 3
NuPepe is a newfag/reddit meme. The only acceptable pepe was the one that pees with his pants down cause it feels good man. Anything else is an abomination.
>Why are we no longer catered for?
You guys were always a minority in the gaming world, like it or not.
Cleared Hard Corps Uprising arcade mode without dying
Astro admiral all levels on Retro/Grade on Xtreme difficulty
Achieve enlightenment in N++
Primary only arcade run in Sine Mora
Beaten on hardest difficulty/100%ed pretty much every worthwhile 3D action game
Impossible Ironman in XCOM and XCOM2
100%ed Spelunky
Vanquish all challenges/godhard
Catherine babel/all gold on hard
etc etc zzzzz
I don't play fighting games or muscle memory shmup trash, nor do I do speedruns/high score shit because that is too time consuming but I'm down to do pretty much anything else but it's pretty boring now like I said, so I just mostly play multiplayer games now.
>Primary only arcade run in Sine Mora
Jesus christ why
>using "shmup" and "trash" in the same sentence
Go back to playing Uncharted.
misspoke there actually, bullet hells are the ones that are trash since they are braindead memorization.
shmups have good enemy design, level design, art design, randomized patterns, and challenging but fair difficulty
bullet hells are braindead bullet mazes that require you to just memorize each exact pattern and their art design is generic animu shit
Dude played Sine Mora for more than a few hours, can't blame him for hating shmups tbqh
Totally unrelated
What games has AdultSwim published in the past five years?
I read all the assmad posts on Steam and almost every single one was just because they were garbage at the game. The only issue is the colors could be more contrasting, but you get used to it and it's no issue after a level or two.
wew lad, you're retarded.
Really, that's the only issue? The limp firepower, bizarre tiny hitboxes for everything, plodding unremarkable levels, uneven difficulty with random spikes, randomized power ups, shitty ost and awful furfag drama aren't issues according to you? It's honestly one of the worst horis around, the only good thing about it is the novel gimmick and graphics.
Muscle memory isn't even a real thing.
2012 is newfag lmao
Firepower is weak for like first two minutes until you get weapon powerups.. lol? did you even play the game?
hitboxes are clearly displayed before you start. Bullets are in the circular hitbox, whereas environmental hazards are based on your whole craft. Pretty straightforward.
Powerups are actually only semi randomized, I'm not sure exactly how the system works but you can prob find it somewhere.
Never really noticed any uneven difficulty, there's quite a few difficult parts with easier sections in between like every other game. I'm not really sure what you're talking about here.
and idk, I skipped all the dialogue as I don't play shmups for story lmfao
Muscle memory is literally the definition of skill
Pepe has always been the worst. Dumb frogposters should be disallowed
did anyone say bloodborne yet?
That's not straightforward it's very unintuitive, and bosses have some weird hitboxes for their parts. The desert one especially iirc doesn't make it clear what you're even supposed to be hitting, some levels have this issue too like the train one. It's sloppy. There are a bunch of difficult parts but most of the game is just you drifting killing popcorns that hardly pose a threat, or worse yet doing nothing at all. It's so fucking boring. Makes R-Type Final look action packed.
I'm not sure why people even list games in threads like this since OP will inevitably go "doesn't count" to every single one of them.
Again, you don't really cite any examples so I'm not really sure what you're talking about. I had no issues with this nor did most people who actually played the game (sounds like you did not). At worst it would take a try or two on a boss to know which points you are supposed to hit (and honestly, again, I can't really think of any bosses where this was an issue), which is completely reasonable as this is a shmup that you are meant to replay.
The only poorly designed boss is Domus since there is really only one way to approach him and it is very trial and error (although he is very unique and fun once you have the path down).
There are quite a few difficult sequences outside of bosses, the trash compactor part, the crushers, the wasp part, and honestly pretty much the entire latter half of the game is difficult on hard/insane even outside of bosses (at least on primary only, which is how game is supposed to be played).
if you think there is so much filler, perhaps you played the story mode and not the arcade mode? The arcade mode is pretty much all action and is pretty consistently difficult throughout.
darkest dungeon
crash n sane i heard its hard am half way through the first one and it kinda gets hard while u play it the new free dlclvl is fucking hard tho
persona 5 on the free dlc difficulty
annnd cant think of a fifth one
Do a Pokemon nuzlocke. It's not muscle memory it's grinding and luck.
>Cleared Hard Corps Uprising arcade mode without dying
I wanted to call you a retard but I'm honestly very impressed. Good job.
The submarine boss and desert boss both have little parts you're meant to destroy that don't look distinct in any way, so half the fight is just figuring out what to hit. You can make an excuse that it's fine if you play it but it just shows a lack of care put into the game. I played arcade mode but didn't get to insane or even the latter half of the game there, maybe it gets better but honestly I see no reason to spend time on it when I could be playing Gradius. It feels shit, sounds shit, moves at a horribly slow pace and doesn't have anything interesting going on mechanically unlike the option control especially when played the "intended way" according to you.
actually everything you have to destroy has a blatant health bar over it, and in the cases where they are not so obvious, they literally shine to make it known that you must destroy them. (shown here:
I'm not sure if you're braindead or just never actually played the game.
>technical finesse, strategy, reaction, timing
muscle memory
>reading opponents, thinking on your feet to unique situations
trial and error
Not difficult
No shit, the point is that they're tiny parts all over the place that aren't easily seen with peripheral vision. Can't think of any other shmup with destructible parts this sloppily implemented.
Puyo Puyo Tetris could count as one of them. If you don't want multiplayer there's a story mode that you get graded on for each level.
Why did you list so many muscle memory/trial and error garbage?
You're really reaching at this point and have backpedaled multiple times already. Healthbar, flashes when you hit it, and shines as soon as it comes on screen. Couldn't be much more obvious Tbh.
Again, I'm pretty sure you never played arcade mode, and I don't think you played the game longer than 30 minutes, so you're hardly an authority to talk about it.
For example, I think DMC is complete dumpster trash so I beat them on DMD and 100%ed them so I have the right to criticize them. Otherwise you just come across as a moron.
Monster hunter
Because that's what 99% of """"difficult"""" singleplayer games are..?
You can tell that some games are absolute garbage without spending tens of hours playing them if you don't have double digit IQ. I'd have to play Sine Mora again to give indepth specific criticism yeah, but I have absolutely no idea why anyone would besides maybe satiating your autism with cheevo grinding or something.
Considering your criticisms all show a complete lack of knowledge regarding basic mechanics, I'd say that's not really true. If you /could/ play the game and post legitimate criticisms why are your criticisms so weak and outright incorrect?
Perhaps stop regurgitating others' opinions and form your own. I have some of the best taste in gaming, and I can tell you Sine Mora is a solid game if you give it a shot, it just doesn't play similar to any other shmup out there, that's not a bad thing tho.
Been here about a decade. I didn't mind the original feels good man shit, but now he's invariably attached to low quality awful posts.
Just because I could play it doesn't mean I will, I value my time enough not to play terrible games. In what way doesn't it play like other shmups? It's a by the numbers hori in pretty much every way except for a lack of lives. What am I gonna get in it that Gradius won't provide?
I'm not going to sit here and spoonfeed you when you act like you knew enough to criticize the game when you were pretty much wrong on all accounts and didn't even know basic mechanics about the game. I don't care if you play the game or enjoy it or not and I'm not going to sell you on it, but if you post blatantly false shitposts about it, I will call you out.
Absolutely nothing from the mechanics to controls to art design plays like your typical shmup.
What basic mechanics? I knew that the parts glow and I know they have health bars, there's a reason I talked about how tiny they were from the very first post since that was the main problem there. Also yeah figured you were talking about the graphics and nothing substantial.
I'm not going to explain the entire game to someone who has never played a minute of it. The game is an hour long and dirt cheap.
The time system, the scoring system, the feel of the craft, the artstyle, the way the environment interacts with the gameplay, the unconventional enemy designs and how they meld with the environment, the bullet patterns and randomization, the varied and unique and complex bosses, the entire game that is designed to be played with primary only (even the challenges are possible with primary only with some outside of the box thinking). Also, the game sort of just has a visceral feel to it, a sort of satisfying punch that no other shmup I've played really has.
I've played it for a couple or a few hours and didn't see any of that what so ever besides the novel time gimmick. How is the scoring remarkable? It's literally just an enemy chaining system with some coin chaining thrown in for good measure. The former is practically every shmup scoring system and the latter has been done in countless games, psikyo shit for instance. I have absolutely no idea where you're getting this unconventional enemy design or environment interaction from at all.
>ITT: some newfag tries to force a meme
>Time Consuming
I don't think you know how this works.