Remember that time you and your bros got together and made that video game while eating pizza while listening to Slayer and Metallica all day?
Remember that time you and your bros got together and made that video game while eating pizza while listening to Slayer...
>be ultra nerd
>still smashes pussy daily since he was 15yo
How does he do it?
This makes me wish I still had friends
This, how do I get friends again as a 25 year old man?
>tfw all friends from 10 years ago are no longer involved in your life
>you will never accomplish anything with meaning to anyone, not even yourself
be hot and confident
>you will never be a Manly Roman clad in Lorica Segmentata facing down the barbaric Gauls
jay dimsum
>decided when i was 9 years old that i was going to grow up and make video games for a living, after discovering RPG Toolkit on
>now 26
>college dropout
>salesman for a big global company that sells poison, probably will be for the rest of my life
>40+ hours a week, constantly stressed, too exhausted to be productive after work
>haven't made a single finished game in all that time
Ever wish you could turn back the clock, Sup Forums?
You dont
t. 28 year old man
Well shit. At least I can have delivery pizza any day of the week now.
>salesman for a big global company that sells poison
Pepsi or Coca-Cola
Sociopathy and alpha behavior are a strong match.
> "Sure! I'd love to kick you down some music for your video game soundtrack. My buddy Robin Williams is in town. Is it cool if hamgs out in the studio with us?"
27 year old man here, can confirm
You're good.
It's Pepsi
>marries an Asian Objectivist
The Doom 3 menu music was solid stuff, do you remember that?
And ice cream for dinner right user
is that really how the book reads? sounds obnoxious
don't forget that we MADE the engine from SCRATCH!
unlike those kids will in 2017 probably using the SAME corporate engine!
> "Hey, is it cool if my girlfriend comes along? She loves creating adventure game puzzles!"
>>marries an Asian Objectivist
just, in the early/mid 90s, don't forget to fire a long haired metal faggot and his fat friend who constantly makes people think that he was working at Sierra during its fucking golden years!
What does this ".t" stuff mean? I keep seeing it used.
>listening to Slayer and Metallica
I'm not that much of a pleb.
Yeah, then two of them stabs you in the back while you sleep then they stab each other while they sleep.
lurk more u fuckin loser
t.Alberto Barbosa
>Not liking Show No Mercy
yeah, you would fucking be if it was 1992, faggot
they were popular as shit
>tfw wanted to make vidya as a young kid
>tfw found out you have to be good at mathematics to make vidya which I'm complete shit at
>not liking Kill 'em All and Show No Mercy
It's like you forgot what life is about
The first 5 Metallica records are all classics, and I don't even like metal.
Romero's on like his 5th marriage now. Just imagine those alimony checks each month.
>tfw game devs from back when nerds were objectively uncool are a million times cooler than the limpdicked numale SJW faggot cucks that currently run the industry
What the fuck happened, bros?
remember when ID was on top of the world?
shit, i want a Behind the Music style doc of them and hitting that point where it goes "the devs were riding high on success of doom and quake, but soon, dark days were ahead and Romero was going to regret making you his bitch"
Read Masters of Doom, it's essentially that.
Means the education system is failing you
wasn't robin the guy who made doomguy's hands?
Remember when people didn't call them ID?
The last good friend I made as a 26 year old man was a 9/10 goth chick with giant tits who I could very easily berry my dick into, but I already have a gf. I met her at the dog park and approached her because she looked cool and was driving a hearse. It's not that hard to make friends, user, sometimes you just gotta not be an autist and say hello to people and strike up a conversation.
Hi Tom Hall, how's life since the failed Kickstarter for what was basically Mario Maker?
pretty much this
all my friends from work are shitty excuses for friends, they talk like 70s people and don't even know what a file extension is
all I have here is my vidya and a girlfriend, which is actually my only friend to talk about how shitty our lives have become
life is so fucking sad these days
No, and the hand in the photos themselves isn't his either, IIRC it's that of Kevin Cloud or one of the other early id art guys.
Post pics of tits. Goth chicks with giant tits make me happy. Was she pale? I hope she was pale.
>driving a hearse.
Lincoln or Cadillac?
i would have totally wanted to make friends with anyone who drives a hearse
giant tits are a super huge plus tho
post them beast baps
Here you go, user. I am a filthy phoneposter and this is the best I can do to keep it anonymous. She is very pale, drives 4 hearses, all Lincolns and is cool as shit. I would gf her up in a minute if I could.
>Remember that time you and your bros got together and made that video game while eating pizza while listening to Slayer and Metallica all day?
No, but I remember when me and my bros got together and made that video game while eating sandwiches while listening to 90's and 00*s alt rock.
Fuckin' ace biscuits, m8. Dump your girl and have crazy sex with Sabrina the Xboxhueg Tits in the back of a Continental hearse. Live the dream.
i have my one real friend from collage, but he is awesome and drives almost 4 hours to hang out with me for 2 weekends a month
we just watch shitty movies and play genesis games all weekend.
super bro, he even drove up to my house to watch a local theater showing of Big Trouble early in the morning and left right after. he drove almost 8 hours to watch a movie from the 80s because we are the best of fucking friends.
all my HS friends moved way way far away, i almost barely talk with them anymore because almost 99% of them changed too damn much that we can't do the same shit anymore. we used to LAN a lot, had too much fun with that shit. had a kinda cute girl in our group too with pretty big breasts that would always fuck up her FPS gameplay. she always got mad when we pointed out she could just adjust herself in a certain way to play normally, but she always yelled at us to stop telling her how to live.
saw her recently and HOLY FUCKING SHIT did her tits go from being big to goddamn motherfucking mt everest by having one child. i mean, they look like the size of beach balls now and i hate that i never moved on her but i wasn't into such huge tits when i was younger
nice m8
ace baps, those
she a big gal or anything?
I would be lying if I said I haven't thought about it, my dude. She is a pretty good friend and hot as all shit, but it's very obvious that she can get pretty crazy when she's in a relationship, based on stories she's told me about her exes.
She's thicc but definitely not fat. I understand that thicc has been coopted by the chubby chasers, but she is not a ham; that tummy is flat.
that is what i like, the girl im talking about def put on a good amount of weight after her child, but a giant portion of it went straight to her tits.
she has a good bit of chubb, but i'd slam the fuck out of it with reckless abandon to see that ocean of tits shake.
i just wish i could post a pic of them. she changed her last name when married, so i couldn't look it up anyway.
Iktf my dude. So do you have a gf keeping you from fucking this girl? Seems like you want her a lot and should just got for it. Oh, she has a kid. Is the baby daddy still around?
Reminder that John Romero is a cuck.
isn't he half Mexican or something
she is happily married to a guy who looks like me; lanky, pasty white fuck
that is what has me, its like i did get with her if this was some kinda alternate dimension
moreover, i just wanna rummage all over those tits rather than sex. i had a huge fucking change of tastes after HS, i became a titfiend hard. fucking love huge tits now, can't stop loving them and seeing what i missed out on hurts really.
>Remember that time you and your bros got together
The last time that happened was fucking years ago. My life wasn't supposed to turn into the end of The Body, please help I don't want to get stabbed in the neck breaking up a fight
god damn he looks old now
Oh, that sucks, man. Sounds like you just gotta let it go, my dude. She's married, her husband is probably a faggot, and you gotta move on.
>you have to be good at mathematics to make vidya
u wot?
Not even programmers need to be good with numbers, it's the computers that do all the calculations. Other designers sure as fuck don't need maths skills.
i moved on, its more of a what if than anything else
It was really bitchin. Sounds like straight up Tool. Really hated how they didn't play it for the final boss, and instead was some un memorable orchestral shit
local game stores, as in the place that hosts friday night magic, but go on a night that isn't a magic night.
Being good at math to be a programmer is a high school meme. They make a certain math requirement a prereq for comp sci courses in high school to prevent it from being overrun by weebs, autists, and other low intelligence beings. Math skill isn't required, it's just those kids lack math skill so it places a nice wall.
aw man fuck you. I'm just stuck in a company where we write gambling apps for assholes and listen to generic electronic music all day long.
You can tell from what little you see of her arms that she is fat.
That balding guy behind Romero worked on Deus Ex and voiced Walton Simons.
most people in the world are fat or skellingtons.
>was driving a hearse
Love it when people actually live that life style holy fuck thats sick.
Theres this black goth chick that goes to our uni here in texas and man she wears the whole hoop dress type thing, boot, AND carries the umbrella too. In 105 F weather too. That shit takes dedication.
>global company that sells poison
That is some literal toxic shit you're working for user holy fuck.
I will probably be right there with you.
Working as industrial engineer being a spreadsheet monkey meeting with the suits daily. Holy fuck I am nervous about starting my career.
he's (west) indian
his step father was mexicrap, so everyone thinks he's half mexicrap, but he's not (as far as I'm aware)
Gothic lolita isn't goth you fucking retard
Shit's depressing yo. One day you turn around and everyone's gone.
Go fuck yourself. They're styles. Damn similar ones at that fucker.
All I was getting at was: I think it's cool when people fully commit and it isn't clearly something they're doing for other reasons.
They just do it because they like it.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Gothic lolita is a weeb thing and comparing the two is, again, fucking retarded.
>this sliver of a picture tells me everything
I'm not even white knighting here, but I know this girl very well personally and she is not fat.
Gotchu user. What If is a fun and depressing game to play.
No but i remember the time we got together and made that videogame eating pizza listening to Megadeth and primus