Did your parents ever forbid you from playing a game because you weren't old enough?

Did your parents ever forbid you from playing a game because you weren't old enough?

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Yeap. My father didn't allow me to play San Andreas, but one day my mother snuck into my room and gave me a copy and told me never to tell my father.

Not really, no.

They would convince me, but never outright disallowed it. Kinda thankful they did too because I ended up asking for a Gamecube for my birthday one year instead of an Xbox, and the Gamecube was GOAT.

Video games? No
There were some TV shows I wasn't allowed to watch.

No. I was playing Duke Nukem 3D when I was 8. My dad even showed me how to make the strippers flash their tits.

>mfw got Conker's Bad Fur Day for a Christmas gift
fuck yeah

They never gave a fuck about what sort of games I was playing. Then again, I'm a Yuropoor so I could buy any PEGI18 game I wanted.

Yes, when I was about 5 my slightly older neighbor was getting me to play Mortal Kombat on either SNES or gensis (forget which, he had both). Mother walked in and put a quick stop to it,

I wasn't allowed to play Mortal Kombat on the PS1 but shadowman on the N64 was ok.

Yes. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. I wanted to play it so bad that I experienced it vicariously through every magazine article and walkthrough I could get my hands on.
I finally got to play it when I discovered emulation and it was every bit as amazing as I'd dreamed it would be.

Cunt at Walmart told my dad San Andreas was "definitely not for children" and recommends the a similar game that's better for kids.

Worst birthday ever courtesy of Urbz: Sims in the City.

Only GTA, but No More Heroes was fine

No but they forbid me from playing games unless I had a computer.

Yep. Ironically I had Mortal Kombat's 1 and 2 as a child, but as I got older they started paying more attention to the rating system. My sister and I had to work hard to convince our parents were able to handle games above our age range.

Yes. I couldn't play T rated games until I was 10 and M rated games until I was 14.
Didn't mind it at all. I actually grew up with patrician taste because my parents would try to be family-friendly by buying me Nintendo consoles.

Yep, pic related

yes, up until i was 16, same with films


But yep. M games were a HUGE no no until I was at the end of my freshmen year in highschool. It was horrible.

>I actually grew up with patrician taste because my parents would try to be family-friendly by buying me Nintendo consoles.
w e w

Alright, OP. Explain what made your parents forbid you from playing Paper Mario.


They told me I couldn't have vice city but let me rent it a week later because they realized parenting is too hard and that I would just shut up and play the game if I had it. I got a used copy of it later

This meme is not funny or even good at all.

they didn't let me play M rated games until i was 10 or so, which didn't cost me much but i still missed some chances to play halo with my friends. also they specifically didn't want me to play doom even after they let me play any other M rated game.

No, but I remember they didn't want me to play some really cool toys because I was like 5 or 6.
At least I got pic related years later.

They did forbid me to play violent games (as in "any game with shooting or punching", such as Rayman or Megaman) in the morning before school.

Your mom is based

it's just shitposting about the tree ad

My parents would rent this for me often without realizing just how violent it was. They probably thought I'd be fine since I didn't know english very well at the time (first language is spanish).


Yes, but then I pulled them around because I told them I'm OOOONLY going to be playing this thing called GMOD 9, okaaaaaay?

My mom didn't want me to play Conkers Bad Fur Day when visiting a cousins house but I still managed to sneak some time with it and mostly watched my brother play it.

C'mon, OP. I know there was a part that your christian mother hated. Was it Ruff Puff casting lightning or was it when the fuzzies were sucking you off?


I'm 22 and my parents still flip the fuck out if I visit home and so much as mention an M rated game.
So yeah, T rated games were A-ok since I was like 7, but I'm still not technically allowed to play M games. Not that I don't.

no, i watched my dad play diablo 1-2 when i was 8 yrs old, then played myself. best game ever to this day

ya my brother cucked me out of playing diablo 2 because my mom asked him if it was too violent for me


when did they divorse?

almost with perfect dark and almost with vice city
then they remembered they didn't give a fuck as long as I wasn't bothering them and I got them anyway

Fun fact: I had modern warfare 2 confiscated 3 different times, they'd take it and I'd just find a way to buy another copy. Yeah yeah shit game, everyone in my friend group played it though
>inb4 blogpost

Boogerman, but I was allowed to play Beavis & Butthead

When we had the Sega Channel my dad wouldnt let me play anything without him watching to make sure there was nothing anti Christian in it. He didn't mind violence or sex really just anything anti Jebus. One day he fell asleep when I was playing and I downloaded beavis and Butthead. I knew I wasn't supposed to watch the show but I was a kid so of course I wanted to watch it/play the game. He woke up when I was playing and after a few minutes got up and threw the Genesis against the wall and beat me so hard I sort of have memory lapses of the rest of the day. I definitely blacked out a few times and went to the hospital. I was never allowed video games again. I moved out as soon as possible after high school and spent alot of time using emulators to play alot of games I missed.

this game was a slice of fried gold for an eleven year old

No. Doom 2 when I was 4.

My parents wouldn't let me play Kirby

How dare you, that game was GOAT for handheld gaming.
Your dad did the right thing lol edgelord

My mom used to forbid me from playing games that had magic in it but stopped giving a shit by the time I turned like 15, but thanks to her doing that dumb shit I ended up being years behind everyone else in vidya.

It was OoT for me.

I can see why, Kirby is fucking brutal, how can nintendo call themselves a "family friendly" company when they produce the most violent video game series ever made?

I guess I can't blame em

I once went to a place where the kids weren't allowed to play games with an M rating. I was shocked and appalled parents like that ever existed.

I had this exact fucking same toy, and a bunch from the same series. Coolest toys ever.

>little brother broke all my cool expensive toys when he was a toddler and parents looked the other way/told me to do the same

An older cousin of mine was explaining the Honey Bee Inn portion of FF7 to my dad at some family gathering, regardless of the fact that I'd already beaten it and owned every FF game released in the US at that point, my mom decided that NOW was the time to go on a crusade about how inappropriate the Final Fantasy games were, I didn't lose the copies I already owned (because she was really dumb when it came to video games), and she bought me a copy of Final Fantasy 9 for my birthday its release year, but then for whatever reason she flipped her shit when I bought FFX with my own money when it released.

She -still- rants about Final Fantasy sometimes as if it were Violated Heroine or something, always making sure I'm not letting my child play it. Weird as shit.

You mean stupid. Unless he was like 16 or something. But parents who give their 8 year old kid a fucking murder simulator are braindead.

>R rated movie
>Parents don't allow me to watch because "too violent"
>Play a game where I dismember enemies left and right
>They don't give a fuck

I never understood this.

They didn't give two shits about what i played. Computers were something beyond the comprehension. My cousin brought his copies of Carmaggedon and Duke Nukem 3D when i was like 10 and we played both while they chatted with my Uncle.

But they sure as fuck take extra precaution I didn't watch The Simpsons.

>underage detected

Jesus user. My dad just plain didn't like me playing video games, and he always called me a lazy piece of shit when he got home from work and saw me on them, even though I did all my work for the day. I guess he just didn't want me sitting around all day, even though the first thing he did after getting home was taking his boots off and sitting in front of the tv for 7 hours.

>tfw your father is trying to raise you up to be a cuck but your mother is the reasonable parent this time

this meme is like baneshit except even less funny

My parents didn't even realize there were ratings on the box. My mom once rented a South Park game on N64 as well as Conker's Bad Fur Day without realizing it wasn't for children.

Later once I was in my mid-teens they suddenly decided to care about them for literally one release because my Mom's boyfriend bought into all that video games cause violence bs. They forbode me from playing, and I shit you not, Shadow the Hedgehog, when I was 15 years old. I didn't even want to at first because it looked stupid anyway, but after that situation I knew I had to. My dad hated the idea that my mom's boyfriend was trying to police me like I was his own, so he rented the game for me anyway and asked why they were forbidding a 15 year old from playing an e10 rated game in the first place.

Long story short I beat the game solely for luls because I knew how garbage it was. I didn't shoot up a school or get violent with anyone so my Mom's boyfriend stopped giving a shit.

shadow the hedgehog has generated some pretty good amazon reviews and such from soccer moms that find it offensive

>and that's the story of how my dad uncucked himself
I do hope you at least fucked your mom later on to punish the slut for cheating on such a great man

Wasn't allowed to play M-rated games until high school because my parents weren't retarded

Wait till you're older, champ.

My mom didn't want me playing WoW because she heard how addictive it was. Probably for the best, desu.

get this hothead out of here!!!

I've got to see this.
Nah man, she was going through some shit of her own and let her boyfriend raise me like I was his kid because she was so depressed anyway that she didn't give a shit. She's actually pretty cool, and plays games herself (Red Dead Redemption is her favorite)

I remember a friend of mine had Command & Conquer but his mom would only let him play as GDI and hid the disc for the NOD campaign.

She seemed pretty clueless about games otherwise, wonder how she figured out that the game was two different campaigns and that the NOD were the bad guys.

i remember them being easier to find but i'm having trouble now
>I thought this game was perfect for my 8 year old son, until I sat and listened to it. Everytime Shadow falls of a cliff or gets hurt he says "Damn!" or "Dammit!" I would assume if it was rated E the main character wouldn't be swearing. My son has been begging me for this game and he was so excited to finally get it for his birthday, but then I had to sit down and discuss the bad words with him. Many kids go around mimicking their favorite characters, so I don't need him running around saying dammit. Granted, this is a very light swear word, but I still don't think it's necessary.


>I'm sorry, but I do not think Sonic the Hedgehog should have been rated E. I don't think 9 year old boys should be hearing "damn" and "hell" in video games. Call me a prude if you want, but it's got to stop somewhere. This one's going back to the store. More parents need to listen to and watch these games to see what their kids are playing.
>Shame on Nintendo for releasing this game and promoting it as appropriate for ages 10 and up!!! Why in the world did they take a wholesome franchise like Sonic the Hedgehog and add unnecessary cursing? Parents, note--the words "hell" and "damn" are strewn in with the dialogue with alarming frequency. We returned our game to the store and they refunded our money. Just be aware that there is no way to squelch the curse words, and why should we be exposing our kids to even more smartmouth language than they already hear? My wife and I were sorely disappointed...plus the rating of E10 is a joke. This should be for teenagers or older only.
>TOTALLY UNNECESSARY STRONG LANGUAGE is used throughout the game. This game should have been given at the least a "T" rating. My local game store was kind enough to let me exchange it.
>What is the point of all the swearing in this game? It adds nothing and ruins the game for the yournger kids.
>I bought this game for my almost 10 year old son. He put it in Christmas morning and out came this horrible language. I purchased a game rated E 10+ not M. We don't talk like that in our household and I do not appreciate Sega bringing this into my home. I was misled and I want my money back! I have a 4 year old who loves to watch his brother play video games. That is not what I want him learning. The bad language is every few seconds, not that it is appropriate any time, but this is ridiculous. Please don't buy this game and send a message that this is unacceptable for our children. This game is not rated correctly!!!
most of the positive reviews for this game are by children.

>I brought this home for my 10 year olds birthday last night. He'd been asking for it for a while and we've enjoyed the rest of the titles in the series - chao's are cute.

>This game creeps me out. Badly. This is the only game I've gotten for my kids that I'll have to take away from them.

>Ok parents - imagine your young one sitting in front of a game where the cute game character is running around whith a gun in his hand while the alien invader is saying over and over "shoot the soldier" in a creepy voice. A shoot em up movie is one thing but having a kid sitting with a game system practicing how bad he can be while shooting up the defenders of earth just is over the top in my book. I was so appalled by the basis of the game that I didn't notice the language mentioned in other reviews. That is not my complaint about this one. Having my child interacting with a game that is whispering "Luke, come to the dark side of the force" is.

>I think this one whould have been rated M and filed away with grand theft auto.

for some reason the whole "E10" "E for everyone" "T for teen" thing was ignored by them. however. my dad for some unexplained reason would not let me play a single sonic game after 8:00 A.M

My mom doesn't give a fuck about videogames and my dad always understood that the real violence it's different from fantasy violence just like in movies.
Also most videogames put you in the role of the hero anyway, the only exceptions I can think from when I was underage were Grand theft Auto and Conker's bad fur day

Probably because you were a little spaz and it was impossible to get you to sleep after playing sonic.

E10 was introduced less than a year before shadow the hedgehog came out so it's almost reasonable.
i knew a kid whose mom didn't let him play sonic adventure because it had explosions in it.

yes but now that I own a computer and over the age of 25 I have a big backlog of games I must play

for some reason the whole "E10" "E for everyone" "T for teen" thing was ignored by them. however. my dad for some unexplained reason would not let me play a single sonic game after 8:00 A.M

When I was in high school I asked my dad if I could buy Diablo II because it was rated M. He looked at the back of the box at Best Buy and basically said "lol the graphics are so old this barely qualifies as an "M" game, sure go ahead."

There was this kinda violent fighting game my dad showed me on Amiga. Basically you could punch a guy into a wall of spikes, I told my mom about it like a dumbass and my mom told my dad to not let me play it since it was too violent.
I don't remember anything about the game besides that sadly.

>I am very disappointed in this game. I have been playing Sonic almost all my life and I've seen nothing like this one. My siblings wanted to rent this game the other night and thinking it was like the others, we rented it. I saw that it was rated E 10+ so I told them that I had to play it first and make sure it was OK. When we got home, I stated to playing. I turned it off in less then 15 minutes due to the swearing and gun violence. This game is pretty much Doom or Grand Theft Auto for 10 year olds. I heard more cussing in 15 minutes of playing that game then I have heard in a rated R movie. I don't think it should be rated what it is. This game is NOT for children under the age of 13. Parents, PLEASE DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS GET THIS GAME!!!

No, my father used to play DOOM, Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein in front of me when I was a baby.


All too many times.
>when Oblivion's rating suddenly changes from T to M just when I want to buy it so mom wont let me get it


same with Killer 7


Kinda. The only M-rated games I wanted were Primal Rage and Mortal Kombat.

PR was fine with them because "its just dinosaurs". Not really sure why they were okay with MK.

my mom even watched me playing this.

Not the guy but my parents offered me SA for chistmas when I was 10 years old.

They didn't want me to play some spaceshooter on the megadrive because it had explosions.

A week later, they realize that it was a fucking retarded attitude and give me Doom.

No, but my grandmother banned me from watching MST3K for a month cause Crow did a strip show.

Unironically yes

Why this one?