What attracts modders to the TES games (Skyrim more specifically) so much?
What attracts modders to the TES games (Skyrim more specifically) so much?
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Because they are easy to mod and there's already tons of modders putting out tons of information on it so it's a hell of a lot easier to troubleshoot if something goes wrong.
That's a pretty nice armor
into the trash it goes
It's actually moddable.
You do realise how rare that is these days, right?
So sorry this fictional fantasy game is real enough for you
What's wrong with it?
easy to mod, tool UI hasn't not changes since morrowind
and it's open world and popular
Skyrim is higher quality than the majority of games.
Its ok when men wear it?
Admit it, this whole anti-booblplate is just a scam.
ill fite you and look better doing it too
>being this much of a humongous faggot
That's ceremonial and not intended to be used on the battlefield, jackass. No soldier wore shit like that, kings and nobles who rarely, if ever, saw combat did.
that's not even the same thing you dumbass
not an argument
Yeah. Studies show that boobplate would be a hindrance when fighting goblins and dragons in real life.
So what? It still looks cool, and no one should listen to a bunch of faggots that whine about female armor intended for style and appeal. It's anti-creative and has no place in art.
christ, shut the fuck up with these skyrim threads, if you wamted to jack off to literal pre-rendered flash game-tier 3D models, you could just go to /esg/
If anything that is a parade piece for a general. No infantryman would wear that in battle
Shut up faggot , I bet your mom fucks dogs
>moving the goalposts
still not an argument
t. boobplate blacksmith
what about humans ya goober
Oh so now you're chickening out eeeeeeeh? I guess I win by default!
>It's anti-creative and has no place in art.
Good fantasy art is grounded within its own world. There is no reason for boobplate to exist, it's a pointless feature used to rope in 12-year-olds.
Extremely easy to mod
Any toaster can run the game
Established modding fanbase makes it so that anyone wanting to start modding will find plenty of guides and people that can help you get started
Because I can make an argonian girl with HUGE tits and THICK thighs.
>Spend four hours downloading making every mod install correctly
>Start up the game
>It's still boring as shit, just looks prettier and I can rape bandits
>Fap for half an hour then quit
>Maybe play again a couple weeks later
Sent ;)
Why do you care, mate?
Going from "Fite me you fag" to "muh arguments" isn't really an effective strategy.
You know, since I wasn't even trying to start one in the first place ;)
> There is no reason for boobplate to exist, it's a pointless feature used to rope in 12-year-olds.
Many people love the style of sexy armors, even women. Just because you see some old 30 year old jealous feminists go on a crusade against sexy women, with journalists on the internet, doesn't mean that the general public supports them. Even women like these sort of armors and saying that it's pointless and used to rope in children is just simply not true. The notion that boob armor shouldn't exist in video games is just an opinion that should be discarded because it gets in the way of creativity.
It would hinder movement drastically, which armour already did to a small extent. Extend your hands outwards as far as you can reach without effort. Now press them together, as if you'd do a prayer, but harder. You feel that tightness beside your underarm? That's what it'd be like if you wore boob plate.
Eh, I'd argue that variety and diversity would take a hit. If it's fantasy, you really shouldn't try to point out where it's unrealistic. It's fantasy for a reason. If I wanted to play a barbarian, I better have some bear pelts draped on my shoulders, with my bare chest for all to see.
>garden of eden kit and its TES equivalent was given almost as soon as the game was released.
The boobplate in OPs pic isn't even big enough to hinder any movement.
desu my beef with boobplate is the fact that all female soldiers in the army has to get their armor outfitted specially for them, for every single one that joins the army, since every female has a different breast size, no king is going to spend that much on infantry, something that's supposed to die in the first 5 minutes of combat
>grounded within its own world. There is no reason for boobplate to exist
It doesn't even realize that it's contradicting itself.
Every single plate armor in history was tailored for the individual soldier. This was not a problem then and shouldn't be a problem in fictional video games.
Because women in practical armor is what true patricians find sexy, and the amount of content in comparison to comical titty armor is tiny.
I unironically fap to stuff like this.
There is no contradiction in that statement. Unless people swing like old grannies, any amount of force to the chest is going to be amplified by boobplate and crush the wearer's sternum.
Yeah, because only nobility could actually afford full plate armor.
It's not about hindering movement, it's literally a booby trap for it's wearer.
If you fall down on your boobplate, or get hit by a mace, it will destroy your breasts, will probably break your bones, and crush your lungs and heart.
into the oven you go closeted homo
How is that different from regular plate armor? And why worry about this when creating video games?
its fiction
you can just write around that
Autism truly ruins threads.
>How is that different from regular plate armor?
Are you joking right now? Regular plate is going to bounce the attack away from the chest, glancing it like a shell against slanted tank armor. Titty armor literally creates a crevice in which blows will be directed into the sternum, causing severe damage to internal organs and your ribcage.
Literally any excuse you could write up can be countered with the fact that regular armor would still be superior.
>What if titty armor had a magical barrier that helped it?
Apply the same magical barrier to regular armor, it's more comfortable and protective when the barrier fails.
Sorry, you have shit taste, it can't be helped I know.
thats not what i mean when i say you can write around it
this issue doesnt even need to raised in game because its obtuse and not readily apparent
if a women falls over with a boobplate she can just get up uninjured
or not fall over in the first place or fall over on her back or side
So which armor mod is OPs picture wearing.
What, the golden boob plate? No, but the ridges on it, the abs, make it a bit fragile, for the lack of a better word. Still, it wouldn't have been worn in battle, it's got fancy embroidery, would take much longer to repair, let alone make. It would only have been worn to show off, not for battle. Maybe duels. Maybe.
Yes, you are correct. Usually the whole breastplate has a curve to it. If the plate is pressed up against the skin, the wearer is going to feel the full brunt of the attack.
If there's magic involved, then it doesn't matter at that point.
My nigga, let the plebeians fight amongst themselves.
One day they may yet see the light.
>she can just get up uninjured
No, she can't actually, it will instantly dig to her breasts.
>realistic female armor
no it wont because the writer doesnt care about the nuances of boob plates
>she can just get up uninjured
Nope, that boob plate will dig in her chest and break something of importance.
that's a smug armor
You have a good point about plate armor in the real world, but this is about video games.
I can tell you facts but you're just gonna answer ''but its fantasy'' or ''it doesn't matter because writers says it so'', am i right?
Why wouldn't booby-plate just be a decorative material applied to a functional armor? I.e., just cast the embellishments (breasts, abs, etc) in a weak material like plaster and then affix it to a functional armor? The plaster will just shatter instead of damaging the wearer or armor underneath.
Damn, you got me.
So, user, what attracts modders to TES games like Skyrim?
>I'm gay
I don't give a shit. Stop posting.
the magic of fiction is that some laws of reality can be ignored
>If there's magic involved, then it doesn't matter at that point.
Nigger please, the best fictional series go into absolute autistic depth about the physical and elemental properties of their magic and how it originates, fully convincing you that shit could work with only the tiniest bit of disbelief.
It's not magic, but my absolute favorite sort of sci-fi system is the defensive shields in Dune that deflect any movements above a specific speed. So the books go into great detail about the fighting styles that soldiers develop in order to trick the shields into allowing knives and other shit through them.
Please tell me your thoughts on Aragorn's tax policy and your position on the autism spectrum.
At one point, some user claimed it would work fine realistically.
Sorry, mate. I didn't mean it like that. I meant that if magic is involved, then I don't care what kind of armor it is, I'll simply brush it off and use whatever looks best.
Fags love fantasy.
Don't you dare post the whitewashed version of Jean.
What is Jon Snow's tax policy you fucking fat hack? Why haven't you dedicated 20 minutes of an episode about Jon messing with taxes?
And there we have it boys and gamer girls
bless armor modpack
See pic related
wtf i hate jean now
I thought that pack was filled with skimpy armor?
Large audience. Nobody is going to mod an obscure game.
Oh! It was on that site, thanks a bunch
her source is her gaming and tumblr come on. anybody who has wielded a sword knows that your chest is the least likely spot you are going to take a blow as it's the most well guarded by anyone with a sword in front of them fencing notwithstanding. generally you wouldn't use a sword on someone in plate armor as it doesn't do much good against it anyhow and if anything the curvature of the boobs would chip the blade rather than guide the sword into you. if you are taking on someone with plate armor you are better of with an axe or a club something that can crush them in their armor. maybe even a broadsword which once again is not something you stab with. greaves and gauntlets are much more important as your arms and legs are the place most likely to be hit by a sword blow. the reality is boob plate barely existed in the first place not because it was impractical but because it was extremely rare throughout history where a woman would be fighting a war on a battlefield and need to be encased in armor. they made better archers and stuff which didn't require so much armor as it was a hindrance. a woman in plate armor on a battlefield boob plate or normal plate is going to get crushed by a larger male foe regardless.
>male armor has skirts
Does any game do this?
that sounds like more like anything from Vindictus or BDO ported to Skyrim
the ones on the battlefield might not have been so ornamental but had a simpler form of the same idea. something like that would have been worn by a general or someone else who rarely got his hands dirty.
Armour like this is WAY sexier than boob-plate
the point is moot anyhow considering how rare it was for a woman to have to suit up or battle. if anything they are more suited to be archers not frontline fighters who would get crushed by a man regardless of her armor.
What is the point of this post?
Swords are of course useless against plates, I'm saying that against a mace or any hard impact, your boobplate would kill you, painfully or instantly.
>the reality is boob plate barely existed
[citation needed]
haha. same.
I keep it installed because I literally reinstalled six times till I finally knew what I was doing and got everything working. Also deleting SkyRe and ultimate follower overhaul was a big step forward, since they got outdated and there are better mods.
the chest is the last place you are likely to take a sword hit as it's the most well guarded and jabs with any sword big enough to do anything to plate armor is too risky as if you miss you are fucked. typically your greaves or gauntlets and shoulder pauldrons would take the hit if anything.
>Crusader era helmet with plate armor
I really hate faggots who think fantasy grounded in realism isn't the ideal to strive for.
Women are generally too weak to fire bows though. Games have meemed that bow require DEX or AGI but they actually require a lot of strength.
Japs are really into medieval fantasy (DQ, FF, Wizardry) and Skyrim is basically a non-game in how mechanically empty and simple it is, so you can fuck around and expand it in almost every way.
In a way, it really is the perfect game.
>if anything they are more suited to be archers
What? You know how strong you have to be to pull back a war bow?
What's your opinion on thigh high armour
I fucking love it
This is top tier fashion
if you are wide open enough to take a shot on your chest from a mace you are fucked regardless. think about the arc a crush damage weapon would have to take, you are more likely to take the hit on the shoulder, gauntlet, greaves or even head. it wouldn't matter. any claymore or broadsword that might have a chance against plate is too heavy to make stabbing a viable option and if you miss hoo boy you are doneso.
see, this type of boob armor is alright.
I think by archers he means crossbows