You literally cannot defend this.
You literally cannot defend this
DaS2 wa just people fucking around with the level editor, slapping random tiles together
What a trash game
Fun fact, the elevator was supposed to go down, but they literally fucked up and left it as it was.
B-Team is full of retards.
its uhh uhh uhh a dream
you uhhhhhh go into the mountain behind the keep
the elevator uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh actually goes down really fast into hell its a clever illusion
There is a perfectly good explanation.
It makes it more suprising
Dark Souls 2 should had just done a Demons Souls type system
It goes down, and there's still a sky in the belfry?
you could burn the windmill and drain the lava by poking a hole in the ceiling.
Oh ok so this is bad but the fishing village being on top of the clocktower in Bloodborne is perfectly fine
DaS2 fans literally can and often do
Holy Shit. He badmouthed Bloodborne.
Incoming sony defense shitters in 1...2...3...
there is no need to be autistic about this
in-game models are not 1:1 representations of the game's canon world, this should be obvious by now
>fishing village being on top of the clocktower in Bloodborne is perfectly fine
It is. You weren't paying attention or didn't explore the nightmare enough.
This took place in a "nightmare".
I.E. it doesn't exist in the physical world or have to conform to physical rules.
>in-game models are not 1:1 representations of the game's canon world
They are in DaS1.
Yeah I'm sure Vaatividya has a lengthy video that completely justifies it lol
It's fine because what the clock tower and village don't actually exist in reality
Are you comparing being trapped in a dream to real world?
Dude pay attention. You did see the shell maiden fall from the sky, right? The world is layered, disjointed.
But it literally is a dream, you start in a place you've been in the physical world and it leads to completely different places and looks completely different (cathedral ward)
It's not a hard concept to understand. Are you perhaps retarded?
DaS2 was also a nightmare.
And dark souls is in a "fantasy world", where there is magical fog and people literally say time and space is warped.
If dark souls excuse isn't good enough than neither is yours.
Except it wasn't. Dranglaeic is a real place
Neither is Drangleic.
>Someone drew this thinking they were smart
>Someone drew this knowing it'd get replies
One or the other. If you were to look up to the top of the windmill, you'd see the elevator, right?
>ash lake is literally this but because it's in dark souls 1 that's okay
i like dark souls as well but come on
Then why do DaS1 and DaS3 have correct geography dumfuck?
Ya blew it.
Look like normal fantasy world for me.
Them having correct geography doesn't change the fact that it is stated multiple times that time and space is warped. Are you paying attention to this conversation or not?
Brb killing self
The point is that Bloodborne has an in-game and completely valid reason for its nightmare/dream segments to be disjointed or illogical. So bringing up Bloodborne in this regard is retarded.
Don't try and goad me in to a debate about DaS2 vs BB physics and logic, because I don't care about DaS2. I was merely defending the case in Bloodborne. Not attacking the case in DaS2 (that was OP)
Time-Space Distortions
Yes. Being a contrarian and being offended with people liking the worst souls game by far and not being able to defend it makes you the quintessential Sup Forumsirgin.
Time is warped. Space isn't. If it were then the other games would have more nonsense like OP but they don't. B team are a bunch of fucking morons.
But it really is an elaborate design decision.
>can see the nightmare from hamlet through the water
>slug girl drops from the skies
People don't hate Dark Souls 2 because they want to fit in, they hate it because it's genuinely shit.
>that part in das2 before dragon aerie where the rock towers are clearly visible and short but when you go up the elevator to the aerie the rock towers now magically go to the sky and hold the level up
how did this game get greenlit?
no they are not
if you want to go in autistically you will find a huge amount of things that logically doesn't make sense, or even just question that why do the areas like the catacombs look like a typical video game levels instead of logical places.
They are video games, and the lift in EP not leading up to heaven but just representing going up the mountains behind EP is an obvious thing.
In the first game solaire literally says the very fabric wavers. That isn't just time.
They had a Bamco contract for three games
They phoned it in. Some people on Sup Forums still defend it.
>people criticize dark souls set pieces
>when the game is literally supposed to be a bunch of mashed together set pieces
Sup Forums is retarded.
>space and time argument
I can get this for Lordran I guess, but what reasoning (or sources) is there with regard to Drangleic following this logic? Does anybody say it in game or anything?
Drangleic is Lordran is it not?
Lmao you are fricking dumb
There's actual effort in DS1. You spend forever walking down that huge tree. In DS2 you don't spend a long time heading into the areas behind Earthern Peak to find the elevator.
brb listening to gorillaz
Seems silly but it's better that way.
I'm serious, M.C. Escher should design more game worlds.
>captcha says select the parachute
>entire photo is open ocean
>there's a tiny bit of parachute at the top of the image
>and a person splashing into the water at the bottom
O Im laffin
People assume it applies to the whole world, and well, they're not wrong.
Its not, in the cinematic its called "a land to the north".
The whole of the castle is nonsensical.
Why would Vendrick (who grew to be the size of a giant) retro-fit his castle with a giant ass throne and door to his throne room, but have little stairs? And the rest of his castle having human sized doors? This implies he lived in his throne room because he couldn't fit any where else in his castle.
How did they even get him to the catacombs? Did he climb around the side of his castle Asscreed style and then go down the elevator?
Why have a locked door that you can only open by stabbing a dude with a giant key?
Thats because in DS it was a surprise, and they took the time to craft it into one.
This? not so much.
It's more to describe how alternate realities can interact, this explaining how summoning other people actually works in the story.
It's implied that the giants live in Lordran and that's what Vendrick attacked and they stole the lord vessel or something like that.
You got me, I concede.
I still enjoy DS2 though
>no they are not
Incorrect. Noclip around the maps yourself if it helps. The "backgrounds" are all designed to scale. The best examples are new londo from firelink, as well as the duke's archives from anor londo.
> huge amount of things that logically doesn't make sense
Cite them.
>why do the areas like the catacombs look like a typical video game levels instead of logical places.
obviously done on purpose so that you can't backtrack. What is the point of this webm?
the only game this level design would make sense in is das3, the world is supposed to be converging together. but it still makes a hell of a lot more sense than das2.
> Lava lake right beneath a swamp is okay
> Lava crater on a hill behind a mill isn't
The point is to show that it looks retarded
Seems pretty intentional
Also lots of old castles in real life have crazy designs like that.
It's cool man. My best friend irl also loves DaS2 and I only judge him a little bit for it. If you like it more power to you. And for the record I'd take it over some garbage knockoff like Lords of the Fallen or Surge any day.
Serious question guys, is it worth playing DaS 2?
I've just beaten DaS, and im about 2 thirds done with DeS. I always hear that the gameplay of 2 is smoother than the first game. I know that the world building will really jade me, because it is my favourite thing about both the previous games, but is the game That's left one you take those elements away worth the playthrough? I want to play through DaS 3, and if i ever get access to a ps4, i will play through bloodborne, but im not sure if i should play DaS 2 or skip it.
Another serious question, what things does scholar of the first sin improve over vanilla?
>places are logically irrational
>it's irrelevant
then so is the EP elevator
the DaS worlds are not realistic places, they are a bunch of well designed video game levels, and they aren't well designed because "look how realistic they are", they are well designed because of level layout, enemy placement and visual creativity makes them engaging. I agree that the DaS1 levels were better designed but the problem of DaS2 wasn't "muh illogical/unrealistic placement".
If you open the DaS1 worldviewer you will see that it all slots together perfectly. Painted World of Ariamis and the Undead Asylum are obviously seperated, as is the DLC Oolacile
DaS2 and DaS3 are both worth playing, at least once, anyway. They seriously don't hold a candle to the better games (DaS2 especially) but they're still souls games and DaS2 is cheap these days.
protip theres a lava lake underneath you right now
> Lava crater on a hill behind a mill isn't
That's actually perfectly okay. That's just not what happens in game.
Stop posting any time
Dunno if you were paying attention but the Hunter's Nightmare is a twisted hellscape that doesn't conform to the laws of the waking world. It's a different situation and one that's entirely intentional.
Not him, but blatantly illogical and noticeable geography seriously breaks the immersion of a game. You go up the elevator to iron peak or run in to the rubble at the shrine of winter and don't think "this is the next step in my adventure" but merely "oh right, this is a video game"
One of the best aspects of the souls games is the immersion. Having things that break that immersion to such a ridiculous degree just lessens the entire experience.
Wonder if Sam ever gets tired of having to do the Payne grimace
The Surge is a better game than Dark Souls 2
That clip was from Alan Wake, in which he was the lead writer. He probably wouldn't have written it in if he didn't want to do it
Woah woah woah woah
I usually shit the most on DaS2 but lets not get too far here.
Because you can design it better than that. a Broken staircase for example, or a walkway that collapses after you step foot on it. Not an arbitrary 2 foot drop that was deliberately built that way.
>logically irrational
You are shifting the goalposts. "Spatially illogical" and "practically illogical" (i.e. impossible vs. impractical) are not the same thing. Drop that argument.
> I agree that the DaS1 levels were better designed
You misunderstand the argument. Better level design (from a gameplay perspective) is one thing. They spent an ABSURD amount of time designing the maps to flow with spatial logic from one area to another, going so far as to render individual textures on the sides of buildings that you have no way of reaching. Just because an area "feels like a video game level" means nothing in this context.
The EP / IK elevator is an immersion break within the established rules of the game universe. The reason you can walk to so many different areas within dark souls 1 and not have too much cognitive dissonance is that they are spatially logical. This is why people complain and why it sticks out. Spatial logic trumps practical logic in a video game.
DaS2 is still a great game, if you've really enjoyed DaS1 then definitely give it a try.
the world building is MUCH weaker tho, Sotfs is twice as big as DaS1 yet there is half as much interesting characters and lore and the areas aren't really interconnected but more like lot of branching paths.
Definitely play it online tho, it has the best online experience out of any Souls game. It's actually a good game to play with a friend too.
Well, it is. So it Nioh.
Nioh maybe. But Germans can't make video games.
Thanks. I will play through it as soon as i get a new pc
Depends on why you liked DaS1 and DeS.
I wouldn't recommend it if you like the world of DaS1 and the endings and shit
Because it is completely ruined by das2.
Terrible bait user
I mean, the whole point of the game is meant to be how random piece of the world are teleporting around and mashing on one another, that seems like a fine enough application of the rule.
If I gotta be honest though, I never even noticed the lava castle business or paid much attention to it until years after when people posted it on here. Most of the issues people post here about the game actually had cero impact on my enjoying on the game at the time and only became moderately hilarious in retrospective, and I by all means played DeS and DS1 first.
Soul memory was the only ???? thing that clashed with me, but even then it was a fair price to pay for the introduction of the delicious ring to make co-oping with my partner easier, so even that I forgot rather quick.
I think these things really are just annoying if you read on them purposedly to make yourself mad.
Lords of the Fallen perhaps, but The Surge improves a lot of their previously failed attempt and implements a lot of unique gameplay mechanics and a fresh setting. Enjoyed it far more than DaS2
>Oh you wanna go to Drangleic castle? Well fuck you, there's like a couple bits of rubble in the way
>so instead of just climbing over it how about you go through this arbitrary shrine that arbitrarily requires you to collect these three arbitrary souls for arbitrary reasons
>and no you can't just walk around it even though you probably could
It gets bonus points for not being Medieval fantasy at least. Which is overused in vidya in general but even more dominant in Souls.
I still think they have ways to go before they make good games. But if they keep the current trajectory then maybe in 5 games they are a competitor for Fromsoft
>obstacle in a video game that my fat was could scale
>superpowered player character cannot
Really pizzas my Pringles
My biggest issue with the game was just how the gameplay felt and how washed out and poor the artstyle was.
Movements all felt sluggish and this is without bringing up ADP. I went in to it on release and tried parrying and other things that I was quite good at in DeS and DaS2. But the timings felt wrong. Lifting a shield to block an attack felt delayed. Everything just felt slow for the sake of it, not because of weight. It's hard to explain.
With the way the game looked, it all felt faded and dull. Completely uninteresting or engaging environments, there's only a few places that break from this like Black Gulch, but that place was garbage any way, so it was irrelevant.
Aside from these, I had only a few problems with in game mechanics. They were mostly:
Rings of sacrific (forget their name) that can be repaired.
No whole eye orbs.
Soul memory.
>fat was
Fat ass*
do you think the elevator was meant to go down?