At least it looks like he lost weight

>people still think his reveiws are good
there are probably millions of 10 year olds that are better at videogames than he is

>I didn't review Dark Souls 2 because it kicked my ass
>Witcher 2 combat is good
probably said more many dumb things like that

He looks like a Mexican DSP. For real if his hair was flat and/or he wore a stetson I'd have a bit of trouble separating the two visually.
Also his reviews are utter garbage and don't deserve a fraction of the attention they have.

Joe how many times are you going to shill your channel here? You literally screencapped your own YouTube comment last time 1s after posting it. You must be very desperate to keep coming here

fuck that fraud

he's like a younger, mexican gerstmann. without ever being funny.

Can someone make it known what his online alias is again?

Enraged Enrique

It's funny that Angry Joe is being reasonable and politely explaining what is going on, when he should be yelling about the trolls.


>"I wanted you guys to see squad"
translates to
>"I got paid for promoting this shitty game"

Pissed off pedro

oh my god what a whiny fucking pussy
i'm ashamed to be from the same country as him
what a disgrace

Does this guy really think he "works"?
What a fucking loser.

please tell me there's proof of this

What did he mean by this?


Deported Diego


Hemorrhoidal Hernandez

is that a shop? he doesn't look like that in the op video

>9 years of hard work
Guy hasn't worked a single day in his life.

why doesnt he make a new channel for his new videos?

He's not wrong though

Like it or not, when you're a YouTuber, you are beholden to your viewers. For all intents and purposes, they are your boss. Sure, you can make content they don't want, but they have every right to stop supporting you.

no reason to split the sub base.



Agitated Alberto

Stoo wasting time on movie reviews and other content, then you will have more energy for game reviews.

Witcher 2 combat is good. Zomg a roll. Who cares.

>didn't believe the Angry Joe got fat meme
>looked at one of his earliest reviews
>he is thin as a stick, or at least decent
>now he is fat and his cheeks look like balloons
Fucking hell Joe! Put down the vidya and burritos for a second and run for a while.

>making videos is hard work
what a cunt

I'm guessing that movie reviews and reaction videos are far easier to produce; that's probably why he does so much.

>builds channel on one kind of content
>starts making different kind of content
>fans get upset
>acts like it's not his fault
>uses the classic "it's just haters and trolls, bro" excuse

when did angry joe turn into such a whiny bitch?

It is hard work, that's probably why he's doing low effort reviews and reaction videos now.

Making these kinds of whiny drama videos never solves anything. The only thing you can do is put up or shut up. If the content that people subscribed to your channel for isn't coming, then you shouldn't be surprised that people will get mad and start leaving. Excuses don't solve that inherent problem.

Whenever neckbeard joined the team.

That looks sort of like DSP.

we anyone care his "angry" reviews are garbage.

Is he going to become the next DSP?

>the special effects, costumes, and skits are hard work you guys!

Maybe he shouldn't do them then, skits are always the worst fucking parts of reviews.

its easier than a dayjob
he's just a lazy cunt

In most cases, it's not "hard" work. It's just long work.

Filming, editing, script, etc isn't a "hard" thing to do, just time consuming. You could make a case for script being hard to make, but certainly not in his case.

DSP = DarksydePhil
Mexican DSP = Angry Joe?

>Metal band
>"We want to make pop music now."
>"Don't worry, we'll release metal songs, just not that frequently."
>Fans get mad
>"Wooooow, so entitled!"

When YouTube is your lively hood, you make videos for fans, not yourself. It's just how it goes.

fucking hell he looks like he got stung by a bee in wario land 4

> still strawmanning all his critics

2 things happened that turned him into this. The whole Nintendo Youtube shit, and then Youtube itself going down the shitter. Ever since then it seems like I see someone on Sup Forums posting him ranting about something new every week.
He just wants his five dollars already.

This, couldn't have set it any better. Never start with a high status quo, or your fans will always expect that quality.

>lively hood


Bothered Benny

>tfw angry joe is next for jim's video
hopefully he didn't finish his script already

Atleast it wasn't a food analogy

Agreed honestly. I only ever liked him getting mad at games.

Disagree. YouTube isn't an "easy" job. You're your own boss and depending on what content you make, you're working most of the day (like most self-employed people).

I'd take YouTube over a meaningless job, but it doesn't mean it's easy.

Which can make it "hard" work. You can come back from a 9-5 and just relax. You don't have that liberty with Youtube. Also, you need to include reshoots, multiple takes which can eat at your time. Scripts can vary, I don't know how long it takes for Joe, but it can take a while for some.

Pretty much.

My bad, thanks. I don't think I've ever used that word before.

>guy who works a 9-5 job
>"hey boss, going on vacation for a week in a month, mind if I get that week off?"

>guy who works a 9-5 job
>"hey boss, I haven't been to work the past month because I'm on vacation, I'll be taking another few months off btw"
>you're fired
>"fucking entitled asshole"

>not laughing at the people pointlessly arguing about your content on youtube
Joe needs to drink the absurdist juice.


>You don't have that liberty with Youtube
You absolutely do. You make your own schedule on Youtube. It's basically a small business.

You're in charge of your time, employees, and quality/expectation of a product.

>angry joe reviews TV shows now


>"I don't make less Angry reviews!"
>"I just waste the time I COULD be using to make them to make shit nobody cares about!"

because he's a fat, lazy and whinny cunt

As someone who doesn't watch angry joe's videos:

Are his reviews interrupted by skits/montages/storylines as often as those of the Nostalgia Critic, or does he have it even worse?

lazy fat fuck doesnt even stream on his own twitch has an even bigger fat fuck doing it

>27 minutes of damage control
He knows his time is up, soon he will have to find a job.

i remember at him pretty much saying angry joe is next and its a given at this point consider at this point he already did a video on the NC, spoony, and latza

he usually has a skit at the beginning and at the end. he very rarely interrupts his review in the middle to insert a skit.

not as often but its still bad