Most annoying castlevania game I've ever played yet. Does anyone actually have this one as their favorite?

Most annoying castlevania game I've ever played yet. Does anyone actually have this one as their favorite?

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Yes, the difficulty is what made it the most engaging, satisfying and memorable. Also I fucking loved the ost, character art and Hugh vs Nathan interactions.

My favorite is probably Aria, but I'd have cotm high up there. Above Sotn for certain, that game is criminally overrated.

It brought the adventure, story and fun aspects of metroidvania but still had the classic and difficult gameplay style.

Double tap to run is a cancer. It's infested Kirby as well.

It's the best metroidvania, but that's kinda like being the smartest kid on the short bus or the least smelly Indian.

I'm at Zombie Dragon right now and it's making me want to kill myself since the whole area has just been a bunch of bullshit.

Best Metroidvania from a gameplay and level design perspective. It's "difficult" compared to the other metroidvanias but it's still piss easy in general. Shit-tier compared to the linear games

The main "difficulty" comes from the game being clunky as hell.

I haven't played enough to really say I have a favorite but I had absolutely no problem with the controls unlike most people.

I like it but it's too fucking dark on regular GBA

for you

Circle of the Moon's aight.

Its my favorite out of the GBA games.

Download a ROM hack with auto run so you don't need to double tap, problem solved. Beyond that the game's supposed to control a bit like the older Castelvania games, it's like a bridge between Metroidvania and Classicvania.

When he does his ground pound attack and shit falls from the ceiling just spin your whip around. Trying to dodge that shit is like nearly impossible and you can whip it away with your spinning whip.

Also the only real flaws of this game are the need to double tap to run, the grinding to get cards instead of just finding them throughout the castle (you know, an exploration based game encuraging exploration, like SotN) and the fact that some bosses are pretty shitty. Beyond that the castle layout is great and the difficulty is very solid and fair. It's for sure underrated.


Use the flamming sword to kill one of them, then whip away the other.


>get hit from offscreen by an icicle
>get hit by another one while i'm still frozen
>60% of my health is gone

wow what fun

>flaming sword
The only flamming thing I got is a whip cause of cards

How are they clunky, exactly? Also, while dash as doubletap isn't 100% ideal, I much prefer it to them using some sort of automated dash where you walk for so many frames and then run.

Mah nigguh

It isn't hard to double tap.

Since I discovered the card glitch very recently(even though I played the game in 2001), I can't find myself fighting enemies fairly because some of the card effects being quite fun to use.

Much easier than Axiom Verge where you had to double tap to do the phase dash thing. Double tapping once to run isn't a big deal at all.

I agree, I think CoTM is pretty overrated, not helping how horribly it aged visually. It's honestly hard going back from Aria/Dawn to CoTM.

Not that it makes CoTM a bad game by any means

I realize this isn't the designated Bones thread but for my Skeleton run would you guys consider this a Skeleton Soul?
>mfw I realized I can't get Claimh Solais in this run because I can't get past the waterfall

No, it's not.

This is the best game

You can wield a Rose Sword in Circle of the Moon.
That's fabulous.

then get Balmung, Kaladbolg or Final Sword instead

>americans always complain about other people being smelly
>you can smell their diabetes from a mile away

Best of the DS games anyway.

>pretty overrated
There's a big divide and most people slurp up SOTN/Aria/Dawn to the point where any criticisms of those games besides maybe talking about how easy they are is considered sacrilege. COTM's largest complaint from people is doubletap to run, which while not optimal is a baby's complaint. There are other way more valid complaints, like Dracula being not a fun fight and cards being a bit too RNG focused.

Yeah, one of the card do that. Maybe Mars+salamender

Y'know, I don't get those people. Aria and Dawn are probably my favorite games as well but I can see the flaws in them.

This was the first game I ever had on GBA as a kid, I played it for hours daily.

It would probably be my favorite if it wasn't for that fucking circus level.

There are two fucking circus levels.

Both of those are shit, especially because you have to go through each of them twice effectively if you want 100% map completion

Literally git gud
He telegraphs all his attacks not even hard

>Armor enemies

Why do they hit so much harder than everything else?

Yeah fuck that shit, the terrible music there didn't help either


Me, you fuck

I liked it, but it's unplayable without fast forward and save states

Circle of the Moon is way too big and way too tediously hard. The lack of save points, especially ones closest to bosses is what really kills it. Sometimes a game being hard doesn't make it better.

It's my favorite. It's also proved to me the the GBA could push some great tunes.


This song is forever burned into my skull because of this game, goddamn.

But it was my first one... IT'S SPECIAL TO ME, DAMN IT

I can't think of any bosses that were super far from a save point or a teleporter room. Even Dracula was like 3 rooms away from a teleporter, and you could run back and save after beating his first form.

>Double tap to run is a cancer.
This. Running from Hugh was pure aids due to this.

Card system is stupid too, cards are way too rare. I played the game again a few days ago and I finished it with only 5 cards total.

Is this game the Dark Souls of Castlevania?

Same here!
I got into Castlevania around 2000-ish through a friend lending me CV4. Later when the GBA dropped in 2001, CotM was my second GBA game. A friend of my brother later gave him a copy of Bloodlines for the Genesis and I was shocked to see the track you shared was borrowed from Bloodlines.

Good shit.

Guys I played all gba titles in a row on my pc and now I want to play the ds games on an emulator as well.
I tried out DoS on desmume but that lagged terribly
What do you guys use to play these ds games?

Are you so bad that double tap is difficult for you? Maybe it's just because I'm used to playing lots of older games, but plenty had doubletap to run.

>and save states
That's just you being bad at the game.

Personal favorite as I got it with Mario kart when I got my gba. Silver gba and this game, great times. I played every extra mode too. Thief sucked

i use the actual cart, though i dont have OoE. Try getting a flashcart if you can.

Gladiator Soul Best Soul.


No, because this game isn't shit.

Hello this is cutest castlevania girl
Not that theres much competition

People like to shit on Rondo's level design, but I just replayed a few stages and I think Stage 4 and 7 are actually pretty good. The first screen isn't much, but on the second screen you have to traverse spinning blades while dealing with the skeletons. After that you can either go right to face an uphill climb against boulders/ride a boulder on the pulley while dodging the skull snakes or press the button and head up stairs for more fleamen and spikes. I would argue that Rondo stage 4 is probably one of the best stage 4s in the series.

Well, if you say so..

Where the fuck does this franchise take place?
Some games say Transylvania, others say Wallachia, others still say the entirety of Europe, and I'm pretty sure one said Valacia

Really? My non-gaming laptop could run DoS at max framerate (60? Felt like it). Though sometimes it would become lagville or normal framerate when replaying later on for whatever reason.

>Jupiter + Thunderbird halves poison damage

What emulator?

Dracula's castle is usually always in Romania except in Aria of Sorrow where it's in an eclipse. The entirety of europe really only came into play in Bloodlines where there were levels in Romania, Greece, Italy, Germany, France, and England.

DesMuMe, same as you. Try fidgeting with the settings.

CotM was my first Castlevania game, come at me, not my favorite though

I unironically enjoyed Harmony of Dissonance

Quite enjoyable to play but you do need to read the instruction manual to play properly, which I never had unfortunately.

Double tap to run is only annoying for people emulating it; not an issue when playing on original hardware.

The controls have a couple of problems that can be extremely annoying.

However, it's the BEST GBA Castlevania at the very least.

And fuck you, it's one of my favorites

Also, Fighter Mode is fun as fuck.

Yeah, me too.

I don't understand why people doesn't even talk about it, to be honest.

what game has the best/most enjoyable mobility options?

Harmony of Dissonance

Same, but it was the first Castlevania I played so I guess there is some nostalgia to it.

>terrible music
>terrible graphics
>hard to get to where you need to be because of shitty 2nd castle gimmick and no warps untill you're at the halfway point
>ridicilously overpowered spells trivialize every boss

Granted Juste was fast as fuck which was fun but otherwise the game is just not good.

It's a great game released in a shit hardware. Emulate and don't be a faggot about the mild difficulty.

It's the best game in the series. It's as "clunky" as the classic Castlevania games were.

Has best whip spin in the game.

Buzzsaw whip spin is BEST WHIP SPIN

Worst DS game. Character switching is a shit gimmick, levels are trash, and the only good boss fight was Death/Dracula tag team.

More like Casualvania, right?