Player Unknown's Battlegrounds is the most popular game on Twitch, the best selling on Steam, and is still only in early access.
Why aren't you playing the Game of the Year, user?
Player Unknown's Battlegrounds is the most popular game on Twitch, the best selling on Steam, and is still only in early access.
Why aren't you playing the Game of the Year, user?
I still don't even know what it's about.
Because I really do not want to buy into a early access game this early when shit could easily go wrong (and seems like it is starting to). I'd rather wait for the final game to be out before I invest in it.
>Why aren't you playing the Game of the Year, user?
cause it didn't drop this year
Because it looks incredibly boring.
>early access.
That's all the reason I need.
Because it's an early access game with microtransactions
because the game is a unoptimized shit
It's like dayz. Dayz is one of the worst games I've ever played.
This, though I'm still playing it anyway.
>play game one day
>70% GPU usage
>60 FPS
>play game another day
>100% GPU usage
>30-40 FPS
Same settings, going through multiple areas, doesn't make any sense.