
what the fuck, did this just come out of the blue?

>Have to have the season pass to be in the beta

Isn't it just going to be everyone constantly teleport hitting? Sounds awful

>Male only cast
>Release character creator coop mode
>male only

just fuck my final fantasy up

>did this just come out of the blue?
No, they announced a co-op multiplayer mode quite some time ago when announcing the DLCs

Is FFXV an MMO now

i have been playing the game quite a bit. i don't hate it. i kinda like it. i just don't like the loading times. all i've been doing is overwhelm/armiger, with fancy slashes and teleports in between. might be mindless fun, but i don't care anymore.


>Girls look like fat abominations
>Guys look like generic NPCs
>FFXV combat is bad

I really regret buying this season pass. What a mess.

Imagine showing this image to someone 10 years ago who had just watched the Versus XIII trailer and telling them this is what the game turns into

>official screenshot
they're not even trying to hide how ugly the game is

What? You don't want to play as Joe Everyman? Why would you want to play as a spiky-haired, pretty boy with a big sword or a cute girl?

tents and barrels. can you get any more generic?

that's the whole game's aesthetic

I wish they would hurry it up with the pc port instead of making trash content like this

The only way this could possibly be something I'd be interested in is if they took the time to make the world of ruin and make the entire multiplayer campaign a monster hunter clone. I didn't bother to click the link, so I don't know what it is even about, but I doubt it's that.

I've always wanted to play as a 7-Eleven employee in FF15's world.

>i wish they would stop trying to salvage this turd and just release it unfinished again

Why would you want to be female when you aren't?

hahahahahahahahaahahahha *breathes in* HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAH

>Is FFXV an MMO now

This. Seriously getting MGS Survive vibes. I loved XV but no.

Looks pretty decent actually.

why don't they make the single player story multiplayer compatible?

I mean cool I guess but why?

>Requires Season Pass to play the fucking BETA

Oh fuck you Square Enix. Take FFXV and shove it up your ass.

I really hope some square guy happens to stumble upon there threads. Guys serisouly, this is coming from someone who really liked the game: don't fucking do this. Add some dungeons, add bikes ! Not multiplayer !

WHAT? Are we gonna hunt mobs and cook together, bros?

It won't be a success. People moved on from FFXV.

This game is just a frankenstein of put together shit

>Not multiplayer !
But how else will they get you to buy extra DLC?????

I mean, call me handsome and cool and smart if you want, but I wouldn't mind dicking around and playing some FF15 with a buddy or two.

>Requires purchase of Season Pass and a subscription to PlayStation®Plus or an Xbox Live Gold membership.

Give me more money.

>extra DLC
inb4 micro-transactions

I'm playing it for the for timr and enjoying it. Something about Power Ranger suits coming has me holding off on finishing the game.

Can they stop pretending people wont forget this game and start XVI?

This is 16.

This beta will flop hard, no one cares about the game anymore besides XV-Kun. If you play this you might have to cooperate with him, think about that

>But how else will they get you to buy extra DLC?????

you know what, I loved XV, I would buy DLC, just make it good DLC. the possibilities are endless for an open world game. just not MP !

I want off Tabata's ride.

Not XV-Kun, but I honestly loved XV, and don't get the hate for it. Was it perfect? No. But I greatly enjoyed it. Noctis is one of my favorite characters in the series.

Why is he your favorite?

Its FF8 tier. Only with less direction and worse music.

So I guess I'm really saying its 3 tier.

Reading comprehension.

Best Girl

This desu

I've been waiting to hop back into xv for a while now

This thread is shitposting for shitposting sake.
With that being said FFXV is not a crazy good game but this new multiplayer dlc might be okay. Some of the new pics show off magic that isn't just dumb grenade spells. Hopefully that stuff gets put into the main game.

>no one cares about the game anymore besides XV-Kun
>remembering those threads earlier today where he accused practically everyone of being the same person

I would love the chance to play with XV-kun. I'd do everything I could to sabotage him.

>Sup Forums makes a party with xv-kun
>everyone but him just holds one-button the entire time just to fuck with him

I have been waiting for this. Can't wait!!!!

So if I buy the season pass me and my friends can play the beta? Will definitely do this cause this is what I have been waiting for since I completed the game + sidequests

Why don't you morons just play an actual MMO? It's not like the XV universe is particularly interesting.

Everything about this game has been either hilariously retarded or cringeworthy. Mainly the marketing, but now decisions like this.

What the retarded fuck?


It was already an offline one.

It was a bad game, and you have bad taste. That's all there is to it.

>laughing at this embarrassing shitshow and quite obvious cashgrab is shitposting

Get fucked you prissy little bitch.

looks like a guy here

especially the really wide shoulders

I wonder how XV-kun will defend this.

Has there every been a more clueless team within SE?

Wait, I thought this was going to be their big announcement at Gamescom? So then what's going to be at Gamescom?

DLC for their multiplayer DLC.

>thread with no XV-kun
>already dead

Goes to show what actual little interest there is for this embarrassment anymore.

Probably PC version, but really who gives a shit.

Maybe not. Multiplayer DLC has already been announced for a while. I'm guessing it's about that expansion they mentioned in the main game and Ignis' DLC.

PC announcement is the only thing that would warrant the hype they've been building

I'm hopeful. Not excited necessarily, but hopeful. I enjoyed XV's combat (especially in Episode Gladio and Episode Prompto) enough that I don't think I'll dislike the multiplayer's combat. The most important part is the netcode and how much they'll dedicate to keeping the multiplayer current.

>I enjoyed XV's combat

This gives me thinky pain.

I enjoyed XV's combat enough. Enough that it didn't make me put down the game, even if it was frustrating occasionally. It's pretty bad, but at least it's not XII or XIII.

>So then what's going to be at Gamescom?

XV's combat reminded me more of spectacle a fighter.
It wasn't ever really that hard, but it was nice to look at.

13 had pretty good combat actually. 12's wasn't bad either.

Please be real

>Test Version
>Requires purchase of Season Pass

>Full Version
>Requires FINAL FANTASY XV and purchase of either MULTIPLAYER EXPANSION: COMRADES or Season Pass.

okay, fuck this noise. Glad I stopped caring after beating the game in February.

Have not even touched the DLCs

It is.

so playable KG?

I liked it but multiplayer sounds like a really stupid idea for this game

we would probably have to pay for it

It's either for the multiplayer. You either buy it or get it as part of the season pass

I thought this was a joke.

Now I wish it was.

I really did not enjoy it, and I wish I did.
The journey feeling felt great when it was there, but the story always felt like a mess and the game felt rushed overall. Felt too ambitious and didn't even come close to its ambitions at all. Similar feeling to MGSV. Great foundations for a good game, but it never becomes a good game and could- no, should have been so much more. Overall just left me with bad feels.

No fucking way.

You're just shitposting right?

Who am I kidding... It's the truth...

But all the mmos are shit

fucking hell

I thought the game was okay-ish but I always join the hate train whenever xv kun shows up. He is seriously fucking stupid.

Who's is this XV kun and how would people know who he is if he's a regular user?

If you go in these threads, you'll recognize him pretty quick. It's the guy that always brings up and bashes other games when people call XV shit, and posts a bunch of webms comparing cherrypicked gameplay footage of KH2 looking bad vs. cherrypicked footage of XV (still looking fucking bad).

Also his typing style, he replies to about 10 posts in one of his posts, uses the phrases "BTFO" "damage control" and "samefagging" way too much, sometimes using them incorrectly.


Giving FFXV the slightest of praise makes you XV kun on this site.
Seriously, this game draws out the lowest of Sup Forums posters and that says slmething.

It is real.
It's from a tech demo collaborated with Nividia of KG running in real time like Agni philosophy.
Probably won't be made into a game.



All I need to know is will I be able to use this Avatar in the main game as a replacement for Noctis?

I hate multiplayer, but I like the idea of playing as a character that doesn't sport Sasuke hair.

I'm really confused why Squeenix is still pumping time and effort into FFXV instead of moving on to a different project, and if they're insisting on doing making changes they should at least focus their efforts on fixing the main story before doing goofy side shit.

>Gamescom is next month.
>FFXV will have a big showcase.
>First time Tabata will be present to live audience since release.
>Dissatisfaction from crowd and online forums if the showcase was terrible.
>Mild comfort and optimism if the showcase was good.
>Win-Win on both cases.

I think a lot of the stuff you're seeing in the post launch updates are basically them doing dry runs on features they want in Tabata's next game.

Offroad driving, character creator, co-op multiplayer (mode), different types of gameplay, power suits, limited time events. All of this seems somewhat odd for the existing game, but very logical as a feature set in their next game.

This way they can build the technology while getting paid for it and get feedback on what worked well and what didn't to boot.

That said, Square Enix said that service games are the future of the industry, and said that the "HD Games" division (this covers everything that's not mobile or MMOs) would be making a bunch of them, so they could plausibly being intending to make standalone games like this as well. That said, I'm suspicious they actually mean the flagship products, or perhaps both.

I am sick of that goddamn haircut, Jesus Christ. Die in a fire.

Would have saved me a lot of heartache? Nah, I'd still be just as pissed the more they revealed about Versus and how great it looked.

>Take FFXV and shove it up your ass.

They did, then they shit it back out and sold it to retarded shiteaters.

The game was genuinely fucking bad in pretty much every possible way. Only retarded fanboys like you make so many excuses for it.

Multiplayer is so unnecessary, just finish the DLC and move on to XVI. Don't drag this embarrassment out any further please

They'remaking Chapter 13-2