Gamer Fuel
No other flavor of chips are worth getting
Gamer Fuel
No other flavor of chips are worth getting
Kettle cooked or go home
you shouldn't eat junk food everyday
I'm having mizeria and kapusniak.
>tfw low key functional semi-alcoholic
>vinegar crisps aer the only ones worth getting
youre god damn right
also this is not vidya
I've switched from sandwiches to tortilla wraps because you can fit in way more salad and they're easier to eat one-handed.
i'm having a nice glass of water with grated celery, so tasty!
How about getting laid?
You should take a break when you're hungry
Lmfao yeah right virgin.
user you should be eating meals that total 2000 calories 1000 if you want to lose weight a day or you will be in poor health
This is the real gamer fuel
Calorie negative
No sugar added
Tastes great
Only costs 50 cents a bottle
Not tap water
But that takes away energy to play games...
>sea salt vinegar
fuckin gross
get mesquite barbeque fag
Miss when this wasn't the typical Sup Forums post...
My nigga
I buy those a lot but the Cape Cod buffalo cheddar waffle style chips are slammin
I also enjoy some Tim's Jalapeno chips. Seasalt and vinegar or jalapeno are the only choices.
is that lean
>enjoying things
>being unique
Fucking fat fucks with your flavors and calories. Water only.
>not pita chips and hummus
Enjoy your sharp, jagged shits.
Found the white boi
>saline laxative
Spend less time turding so you can go back to gaming
Read the fucking rules you ingrate dog
>brb diarrhea
just fucking chew your crisps properly dumbass
Don't you have eceleb threads to monitor?
Dumb brit
>Hey user! My buddies and I'll be getting a few drinks from the store? Anything you want us to get for ya?
How do you respond to this?
>have shitty teeth
>eat these chips
>it stings
>Getting grease on your hands
>While handling a controller/KBM
No thanks. Pretzels are the way to go.
I'd also throw their BBQ flavor in there, but Salt & Vinegar is still tops
dumb aloominum man
Broccoli is the best.
Sour Cream and Onion is the better flavor you faggot
Black pepper is the true king.
Vinegar is ok.
Kyushu Seaweed is also as good for me
Slightly salty but the good kind
I make my own spicy beef jerky to snack on.
Ahem, pic related and jalapeno are superior. Try them, you'll thank me later.
Romanesco cabbage is the best, brussel sprouts are an acceptable alternative. Broccoli is adequate.
No, you fucking idiot. It's the hummus. The hummus makes the poops smooth.
teach me how
pennsylvania bros represent
Fuck off with that weak shit.
This. Their spicy dill, crawtaters and regular voodoo are also good
Are pickle-flavored chips really a Pennsylvania thing? We've already got cheese steaks and Tastykakes, what the hell does the rest of the country eat?
>brb ass is leaking everywhere again
>had bad constipation one time when i was in high school.
>mom told me to drink 1/4th a bottle of this.
>felt fine for 40 minutes.
>suddenly got the "turtle head" feeling
>ran to bathroom, dropped pants
>single turd flops out
>"Oh, oka-..."
>suddenly, and without warning, the diarrhea ejects itself from my ass like a russian cosmonaut from an early rocket test.
>my anus is literally shooting shit out of it like a broken fire hydrant in a hot summer in queens
>my thighs are tensing so hard my feet lift a few inches from the ground
>it feels like im puking from the wrong end.
>i'm groaning and grunting now, practically sweating the only liquid the diarrhea has left me in my body.
>finally drained.
>a short lived reprieve, my anus starts dry-heaving.
>im literally crying, my stomach feels more empty than an ethiopian child at a SJW Brunch.
>my asshole is quivering like Michael J. Fox just licked a car battery.
>i take a nap on the toilet, shoulders leaning against my knees.
To this day, i have never taken a shit as traumatizing.
Also, sweet tea and swiss rolls.
I'm from PA but living in VA and they sell em here. They even sell fuckin bagged chickie and Petes crab fries which blew my mind since that's mostly just a philly thing.
The way I do it is I buy some cheap roast, slice it into thin strips, soak it over night in a marinade of soy sauce, ,Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, liquid smoke and different spices, then I put the strips on a dehydrator and let them dry out for eight hours.
I will never not laugh at these greentexts, holy hell.
Sea salt & balsamic vinegar is high tier as well
Jesus fuck so accurate. Seriously, my ass has PTSD.
Vinegar is good, but pepper is better. Although if you're a bad enough dude to open two bags of chips at once, eating them together is amazing
>greasy salt and vinegar all over controller
no thanks
Earl grey tea, hot.
Hot drinks are garbage.
So good. Also functions as a nice treat for my doggo, but only when he was a good boy.
Sup Forums has the best shit stories.
THE only REAL gamer fuel.
Everything else is for pussies.
>Feeding your doggo chocolate
I bet you feed him onions too, you sick fuck.
Dude, alcohol. Am I cool yet?
Silver needle tea and different types of nuts (unsalted of course).
Almost got me with that.