Using a mouse is clearly better for aiming but a keyboard is clearly clunkier than a controller for moving

Using a mouse is clearly better for aiming but a keyboard is clearly clunkier than a controller for moving
What do /v
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You use a controller that has an accurate, non-stick aiming solution like a Steam controller or those horrific frankenstein mouse/stick things.

Wiimote and nunchuck

I use Mouse + KB when I play competitive shooters because I'll take every advantage I can get.

When I play single player or even multiplayer PvE horde shooters though I will always use a controller because playing from my bed is the most comfortable shit in the world.

Mouse stick?

Worse movement = more accurate shooting.
With only 8 real possibilities (16 with walk) of speed changes you have to adjust less for shots.
Analog sensitivity on movement is only useful for stealth games, in shooters you should always be moving at max speed.

>but a keyboard is clearly clunkier than a controller for moving
Not true if you're controlling the way your character moves with a mouse.

>keyboard is clearly clunkier than a controller for moving

Can't strafejump with an analog stick.

>keyboard is clearly clunkier than a controller for moving
In shitty ports, yes.
If devs actually knew how to make controls for PC everything would play better.
DS with properly made PC controls would be easy as fuck.

Gyro controls. Buy a Switch and Splatoon.

>but a keyboard is clearly clunkier than a controller for moving

Common misconception. Keyboards are better for movement.

>DS with properly made PC controls would be easy as fuck.
>beat that game using only a m+kb
>running at 60 fps constant my iframes on roll were under 1/6th of a second, all my weapons breaking regularly
>never used shield, zero poise
>mfw I tell someone I don't like it because it's casual and some fucker tells me I never played it, despite the fact he probably played it at 10-20 fps on a ps3 with full shield+poise build.

for FPS yeah, but when you're playing a third person game and you can only move 8 directions instead of a full 360 it feels like shit to play
eg.suols gaems

wait till the left joycon can be used at the same time as a mouse in every game like i am.

But my left "joycon" CAN be used at the same time as my "mouse"?

The probles is, the advantages that mouse aim provides over controller aim heavily outweigh the advantages that a controller movement provides over KB movement - at least in games like shooters where aim is crucial. If you're playing an action, brawler or platformer where movement is more important than aim, then the controller is your choice

Some games support simultaneous mouse and controller input. You could hold a controller in your left hand if that's your thing.


Gyro aim is the best.

>running at 60 fps constant my iframes on roll were under 1/6th of a second
Jesus, I never put two and two together. Played this shite with a melted W and D key too, so there was NO RETREAT

>move mouse a little
>can now roll wherever you want

Dont even fucking joke about motion controls.

Meming aside, the lack of tactile response makes them naturally shit.

why do you even play those games with a mouse and keyboard
why do you do that to yourself
why do you suffer so

All hard-coded iframes.
Max on light weight is 12(1/5th of a second), max with light+DWG ring is 14. (almost 1/4th of a second)
On console you can get almost a second on a slow-mid roll in blighttown.

That's just because Dark Souls has pretty poor keyboard and mouse support. Dragon's Dogma is a comparable game that feels great with a keyboard.

There's no suffering, though. You're already on the computer, if you play on the computer, work with it.

KBM is like the best build. Most buttons, changeable buttons, unparalleled accuracy, and it really depends on the keyboard if you don't like it.

I could not get past the Ayslum Demon without a controller.

That is literally
A YOU problem, not a keyboard problem.
You are either bad at Dark Souls
Bad at keyboards
Or bad at Dark Souls WITH keyboards.
Don't don't pretend like the problem lies anywhere but with you.

t. I played Sonic Generations on the computer. Arguably the worst default controls I've ever played with, and still nearly 100%ed the game.

Use KB+M and use a controller with your feet.

>On a controller

For those who are mechanically apt, the Mouse + keyboard always offers the highest potential.

its do-able already? i thought if you use a controller the game wouldnt read the mouse inputs. thanks. i know what im saving up for now.

I beat Dark Souls 1 with the keyboard and mouse (killed all optional bosses, felt nice) but I think he's right that the keyboard is definitely a bit harder. I couldn't even imagine myself doing it without dsfix.

badly made third person games

It's not like Dark Souls 1 had fucking kino controls on the controller either. People seem to forget the time they had to FIGURE OUT out to play Demon/Dark Souls, whichever was their first. The main hamper to the game is the naturally ass controls, making things like jumping and attacking force a second guess out of newcomers.

Nowadays I'm accustomed to the shit controls, but I still remember the feeling of first playing Demon's Souls. The controls are so fucking bad, and you NEED to get used to them. The controls are not good, the game is good despite the bad controls.

>it's another keyboard and mouse purists keep spouting that it's the only way to play episode

I want this meme to die.

>it's a thumb-gamer

never played demon's souls, but dark souls has excellent controls. i remember being impressed at how well made the game was, because my first time playing i didn't die until i met an enemy who clearly outmatched me in stats.

Demon and Dark have arguably the same controls, but if you come from other third person action games, it takes some getting used to.

It's very hard to explain this to fans of the Souls Games because they've probably forgotten how mediocre the controls are. They stay static between games (example: Demon through Das1-3 and BB all use more or less the same exact control scheme) but the controls are very different from other games out there.

Maybe I'm more aware of it since I've played a lot of From's other IPs like Armored Core, which until Armored Core 3, had notoriously shit controls and default Legacy Southpaw.

>keyboard is clunkier
absolutely wrong. That might only be true for 2D platformer air strafing and only that.

a controller with button activation motion controller would be a dream come true to me.
Use the thumbs for quick aiming at the target, and the motion to slightly point at the target for delicate shots. I love to use it on splatoon and with the steam controller, too bad the steam controller only have one thumbstick, and splatoon motion is always on.

Get a laser keyboard like roccat's. They run a laser into the keycap and measure how far down it's pressed, giving an analog signal.

Pair a controller, hold the controller in your left hand and use it's stick

Right hand on mouse for aiming

>you can only move 8 directions instead of a full 360
First of all: that's wrong, since your local coordinate system is tied to where you look at. By turning the mouse you rotate your local coordinate system and you get technically 360° movement. Second: even if you can move in all directions, you practically want to move forward/back for maximum speed towards or away from an enemy or left/right for maximum speed evasive manoeuvres. Everything else is inefficient.

Also, movement in Souls games isn't really that great. The game has a lock-on functionality for a reason, it's because the player would have a hard time circling around an enemy otherwise. With proper mouse/keyboard controls you could effortlessly circle around enemies even without auto-aim.