He did the best he could with what he was given. He deserved better.
He did the best he could with what he was given. He deserved better
I agree. My asshole friend killed him for that tramp. I couldn't believe it.
He went crazy. He got what he deserved.
You're a fucking faggot. He snapped but he always looked out for you.
Kenny made some mistakes but he never did anything crazy.
He didn't go crazy. He acted a little rash at some parts but in the end he was right.
who gives a fuck who picked who lol
he dies in next ep's first 5 minutes lmao
>He does everything in his power to keep clem safe.
>I prioritize him the entire time trying to keep him safe at every turn
>He dies no matter what
I just not fair
I never REEEEEEEEEEEE'd harder at a game than when he flew through the fucking car window in LESS than five minutes.
Hell, through the first season I stuck with him through thick and thin, he was right most of the time and tried to stay objective in most situations. I never got in a fight with the guy once, he was a bit emotional but he just wanted what was best.
>believing your choices matter
>He dies no matter what
there are paths you can take where he could still be alive at the end of season 3. They could easily put him into the final season.
>He deserved better.
Deserve had nothing to do with it.
My poor husbando gets dragged through the mud and given a terrible ending. I can only put whatever hope I have still into the Wellington ending, and remember to grab his hat everytime before leaving
>Sup Forums hates movie games
>likes TellTale
really makes you think
It really isn't user, it really isn't.
>we will never get a season of Clem, Kenny, and AJ learning to survive with a boat
It hurts
I am kinda hoping that my decision to leave Clem will allow a secret ending in S4 where he comes back in the ending, since it was never shown if he was dead or not when you did that.
>Expecting anything less than minimum effort from Telltale these days
you're an optimist, my friend
He was a huge pussy with a big mouth in the first season, and an insane idiot in the second. The only reason people like him is because Jane and basically everyone else in season 2 was even worse.
Only reason I have any sort of hope for that is the whole option to grab his hat
Yeah, its a longshot and I am not expecting anything. Still though, they at least put some decent effort into the end of S3 having some decent variation, so hopefully S4 will actually have some major differences at the end.
So what are the odds that Clem dies next season?
Probably determinant in the last episode, since next season is supposed to be the last.
Oh lord I hope we don't have to deal with Javi again
Anyone have the link?