Number one: In 1945, corporations paid 50% of federal taxes; now they pay about 5%. Number Two: In 1900...

Number one: In 1945, corporations paid 50% of federal taxes; now they pay about 5%. Number Two: In 1900, 90% of Americans were self employed; now it's about 2%... It's called consolidation; strengthen governments and corporations, weaken individuals. With taxes, this can be done imperceptibly over time

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder this game is legitimately commie propaganda

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>can't side with UNATCO

I hope Cyberpunk 2077 and that Detroit game will let me side with the corporate overlords.

Are you using Deus Exe? It fixes the vast majority of the game's compatibility issues.

Only if you chose Judeo-Lizard background


Try google.

>90% of Americans were self employed

The game is right tho

family-owned businesses and farming

That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about early 20th century labor economics to dispute it

whens helios

>work for your father in the family business
>this counts as self-employment

Imagine instead of one Walmart, home Depot, and food Lion there were 20-30 small family owned businesses spread about

We will rule as he have always ruled. An invisible hand guiding people into the light

Number one: that's terror

Well, yeah it does.

and eventually you'd inherit the business, making you self employed.

Except you're not self employed, you're employed by your father. You have a boss. Their genetics don't come into it.


If you're in line to inherit the business, then you aren't really a typical employee. You'd be self employed. It's a far cry from working for a random person where you have no say in anything.

>With taxes, this can be done imperceptibly over time
What did he mean by this?

Why did (((they))) even let them release this game?

>tfw it's true
holy fuck

Al-Qaeda did 911, wake up sheeple

What the fuck do you think he means by that? He explained his position very well, what about that is ambiguous to you?


And now imagine each business demanding exorbitant prices for their goods and imagine people being perfectly okay with that because you're "friends" and it's perfectly okay back than to rip your friends off.

over time you impose higher taxes on income, and lower taxes for corporations. also never fix loopholes that common citizens can't take advantage of that the rich and that corporations use every day

Why did the conspiracies in HR and MD feel so mediocre bros?

more taxes = self funded individuals have a harder time

it was a different time...

Numbah 1: Leafs are terrible at everything
Numbah 2: Deus Ex's "conspiracy theories" were penned by jew

yeah, a self hating jew

aka a jew with a conscious

Because it was nothing but shitty social commentary and it they were not subtle about anything. Anti-Aug racism is a shitty concept that would never happen in real life, at least not to the same extend that was in HR/MD. DX felt "realistic" on the other hand and more mature.

>big governments are prone to infiltration
>globalism only benefits people on the very top
>chasing enemies for eternity you become like them yourself
>I spheel my drink!

Yeah, RIP

a good jew

I liked HR's conspiracy. It felt very grounded, like it was building to the events of Deus Ex. Denton isn't at all phased that the Illuminati exists, where as Adam scoffs at his boss for blowing smoke out of his ass about it- they're still behind the scenes.

Get a job, nerd

true but inaccurate

> In 1945, corporations paid 50% of federal taxes; now they pay about 5%.

they stopped paying the taxes they were before, rendering most social advancements that would be funded by these dollars dead, giving the poor less money and less leverage over power, fueling the funneling of global wealth to the minute upper echelon of individuals that make up the boards and leadership of said corporations (who don't pay taxes on that, either).

you're forgetting that now corporations are people, and money = speech. its not about the individual at all

>Anti-Aug racism is a shitty concept that would never happen in real life
I'm pretty sure if social mobility was restricted by companies only hiring augmented workers, there would be a HUGE backlash over it. Compound it by the fact that the process is literally dehumanizing and its easy to assume there would be general disgust for augs.

>You're forgetting that now corporations are people, and money = speech. its not about the individual at all
I'm not sure what you're trying to say, can you elaborate?

It literally calls out communism (globalism) though.

You kidding me? People are anti tattoo for fucks sake, it's definitely not an outlandish concept.

Tattoo is useless, augs are not.

it was just done way better in DX with aug soldiers and IW with aug-only schools, drug addicted blue collar workers out-competing forklifts with their million dollar augs is dumb

Gotta start smaller though. In DX shit is supposed to be totally fucked.

What does this mean? The point is that there are people who are very against body modifications. Tattoos are nothing compared to Deus Ex style augs, just imagine how much those people would flip their shit at those. I can also imagine religious people being against it for "violating god's gift" or some shit. Throw in what was saying, and I don't think the Anti-Aug thing was unrealistic at all.

Back to your fucking containment board

Tattoos are retarded, but find me one person which opposes the thing in the webm

I used to hold on to hope that the mods would eventually clean up this shit hole and delete all these threads. Now I know that hope has forsaken these lands.

Delete all these [video game] threads?

Quit being some retarded fucking nigs

Bad comparison. There's a difference between replacing a missing body part and voluntarily modifying your body. Also, current body mods are nothing close to Deus Ex's. When we reach that level of technology, then the whole problem of people losing their humanity becomes an issue, since they pretty much get superpowers.

US Supreme Court rulings in 2010 declared that corporations have the same civil rights that people do and that donating money to politicians is protected as free speech. Therefore, corporations have the constitutional right to funnel money to politicians.

It was WW2. People paid like 70% taxes for a short period around the 1940s. Look it up.

Yeah, that's incredibly fucked up and pretty much proves the point of what OP was saying. What's your point?

I'm just clarifying what the previous user was talking about for the user who was confused.

i thought king nigger was supposed to fix that shit, aren't dems anti-corporation anyway, why would that pass with a blue majority?

Algerians were probably just trying to steal the arm for scrap metal

Because both parties are in the pockets of major corporations

This whole article reads like one of those "AND THEN EVERYONE STARTED CLAPPING AND APPLAUDING ME" sjw lgbt stories

>3 random people including mcdonalds employees coming up to some random faggot in a mcdonalds
>actually having the paperwork for your augmentation on you 100% of the time
>actually feeling the need to show these people that paperwork instead of just telling them to fuck off or leaving
>implying the kind of person thatd attempt to physically harm someone and rip up their documentation would still be working at said mcdonalds at the time of the alleged incident to even be able to do this to a person

But user, Warren Spector is a (((they)))

are those worms?

Perhaps they though he was recording them with his glasses? Perhaps they were just edgy criminals? Why should they attack him for being augmented?

Average Joe couldn't care less about augs or muh humanity.

JC is incredulous about it too, he bitches at Tong for making jokes over the infolink.

no, dog is vomiting spaget

He will when they start taking all of the few remaining jobs

Is it a coincidence JC also means Jesus Christ?

You would obviously have documentation about it in case you were in a medical emergency and couldn't explain to the doctor yourself.

>Average Joe couldn't care less about augs
Why not? Super strength and agility sounds great if we do go the way of Deus Ex.

They identified him as a leaf

>yes, goy, all that competition was really rising the prices

They didn't care when Sanchez, Pajeet, Ying and Yusuf took their jobs. What makes you think they will care then?


What? They do care about that tho

nope, spector confirmed it

>There is no racism from foreigners working in low skilled jobs.
Am I being trolled?

>more competition
>higher prices

bone apiteet pupper

Sure, Average Joe moans about it, but will never take the initiative to do something about it

>he doesn't know about the collusion between each of them

it was worse than the collusion between walmart and target these days anons. But I don't expect retards like you to actually know history.

>why would that pass with a blue majority?

Do you have any idea how the Supreme Court works? The court has had a conservative majority for years.

Much better to have 60% of the nation on welfare while all profits flow straight to China

Thats a think tank. Anyone can become a member.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?


A system organized around the weakest qualities of individuals will produce these same qualities in its leaders.

But higher federal taxes on corporations strengthens the government, and if those are further used for Keynesian economics then individuals will be weakened even further.

What the people bitching that Anti-Aug hate is an unrealistic concept really mean is that their minds have been so warped by browsing Sup Forums too much that they perceive nearly everything that isn't explicitly endorsing a literal Nazi agenda and openly denying the Holocaust and constantly sucking Le-Alt-Right's dick as a threat to them and thus automatically assume it is against them and all they stand for and so they need to use flimsy excuses that will simultaneously prop up their own fragile egos like "lol its unrealistic" followed by calling it Leftist propaganda to make themselves feel like their nonsensical hostility towards it is intellectually sound and justified.

>Tfw no hardcore conspiracy rpg in 2017


>JC and Paul
>Jesus Christ and Paul the Apostle
user this is obvious.

>falling for his shenanigans

>muh Sup Forums
Went there only like 3 times to see what it is about and I still find the anti-aug hate retarded. Especially considering it plays NO ROLE in the original DX aside from one slight mention early in the game.

Number One: Warren Spector didn't write Deus Ex.
Number Two: Deus Ex didn't make up any conspiracy theories, they were all popular shit you could dig up yourself back then.
