>the definitive version of the game can only be played on an obscure console with little to no emulation support
The definitive version of the game can only be played on an obscure console with little to no emulation support
Other urls found in this thread:
>the definitive version of the game can only be played on an obscure console with 100% accurate emulation support
>game you want to play can't be emulated even close to well and it's mad expensive to buy but you have a copy from when you were a kid and it's in great condition
Not him, but the latest Phoenix Wright
Fucked if I'm going to buy a 2.5DS just to play that
Persona 4 Golden has this issue.
>100% accurate emulation support
Pretty certain no emulation software is perfectly accurate. Though some are close enough.
> obscure console
3DS sold more than PS4
>devs lost the source code
Soul Reaver? Unless there is a good Dreamcast emulator.
>God father: The game
>played it in PS2
>had good memories
>check up where to replay it
>apparently the wii post release was an improvement over the PC and PS2
>apparently the PS3 is the ultimate improvement
rpcs3 cant come fast enough.
>and some cuck gave it back
>game got a re-release
>it's on a nintendo console
But thanks for reminding me about Phoenix Wright
Godfather the game isn't exactly well known.
Higan is cycle accurate
That's as accurate as it gets
Fucking Jet Set Raaaadiooooo Future
Fucking Xbox emulation. At least I can say I played Steel Battalion on the real deal.
>danger area
What the hell?
this, the literal best version of the game stuck on the Xbox. At least Xenia is making some progress, slow as it is.
Xenia is for 360, user.
OG Xbox emulation is not gonna happen in sometime.
That's were the cogs are and where you could get squashed in case the steps get fucked.
I thought there were regulations for avoiding that kind of stuff.
I mean, never heard anyone dying in such a way here in Europe
It's China, they're not known for quality control or regulations.
Ain't gonna click on that shit again nugga
>all these great japanese games that have not been translated
>would have to learn one of the hardest to learn languages just to play video games
Huh, my bad. I was thinking of XQEMU, but even that won't be usable for a long time.
>and only got some shitty goodies in return
Not impossible. Chinese is also harder on top of that.
>obscure console
Don't think it's the hardest, more like tedious as fuck.
Pretty obscure in the gaming scene. Few actually knew it could be used to play games after all.
Remind me to never go to china.
>saints row 1
Right. I thought OP meant obscure game. My bad.
>one little kid finds an devkit
>guts it and makes a pc case out of it
Sometimes I wonder if he just made a mockup of thi thing or actually has the parts somewhere and is just trolling people, if only because the case itself is ugly as sin and I can't fathom anyone actually liking that as a real PC case.
user, he put the parts on a carpet and used the 20GB HDD as an storage device... He is dead, Jim.
Rest in peace Xbox emulation, so close and yet so far.
PS2 is literally the exact opposite of an obscure console, but I want to play Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance I and II and last time I tried they emulated like absolute shit. fucking software mode
>there's an entire Elder Scrolls game that was an Ngage exclusive
>silky smooth 5fps
Pretty sure there was one for regular phones too. I'm curious as to if these can be emulated.
quite a few popular games were on Ngage, I remember Call of Duty being one of them
you CAN emulate Ngage i think.