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Post sexy and mature ladies

Already met my quota for landing Eddie unblockables today but I might play more later I guess.


what a hag


Best girl!

I've spend dozens of hours playing this game and play almost everyday, but I'm still afraid to jump online, actually I've played around 10 times and got destroyed all 10 but this was weeks ago, now all I do is practice combos, do the trials and play arcade

everybody I see online have 1k+ matches


Delet this

You won't win matches if you can't land hits to convert into combos in the first place. And you can't git gud at neutral in training mode. You gotta learn how to move, how to aproach, how to prevent your opponent from approaching etc.


I love it when threads like this get replies. Anyway, I'm just a scrub from Tekken trying to get to know the basics.

Everyone has to start somewhere.


Are anti airs even a thing in Guilty Gear? The characters are so fast, some more than others but how the hell are you supposed to react to people air dashing in?

Characters like Chipp and Jack-O are so fast I guess you just have to meet them in the air.

It depends on when you hop on I think. I don't get on during weekends or very late at night because the players are typically a lot better. My problem is I'm much better than a new player but still much worse than people with these 1k+ games under their belts and I end up in new player lobbies trashing kids most of the night, but I try to offset it by giving advice between matches.

Either way, you can only learn so much from just the practice mode. You need to actually hop online to learn how to take advantage of openings and actually get hits to string into combos.

doesn't everyone have a dedicated antiair button?

>how are you supposed to react


Almost every character has an antiair with 6P (forward punch for those unfamiliar with notation)

Do those moves actually have full upper body invincibility though?

No BlazBlue

>already own and have multiple hours in gg
>thinking of buying bbcf to learn bb mechanics for bbtag
>dont like playing 2 different fighting games at once
i dunno what to do

top body invincibility that becomes waist up invicnbility in the later frames, meaning that it can lose to very deep jump ins but will beat all other jump ins and a lot of grounded pokes

There are also a bunch of character specific moves that work as good anti airs, like sol 5k, ky 2H or kum 5P, as well as jumping at them and airthrowing or j.'p spam as you rise up


I suck so much at this fucking game it's not fair.

BB is shit, GG is amazing.

Nigger translates to best character.

I'll try that next time I play, I do pretty well with Ino but when people keep jumping I don't know what to do, I'll try using her 6P to anti air, don't think she has much else.

BB and Xrd are the same game with different characters

ino has one of the best air throw ranges in the game, and if they're being predictable you have her grab special too


A good chunk of them do. In some cases, it's situational. Jack-O for instance has that and 2S, the latter having a more vertical hitbox and putting her hurtbox lower to the ground.

Not even close. BB and GG have combo systems that are close to the antithesis of each other.

>Completely different mechancs on even the most fundamental level
>Completely different asthetic
>Even the single player content is different
>"The same game with different characters"

what did he mean by this

thanks for the tips, I'll be sure to keep them in mind, its always easy to learn offense in fighting games but building good defense takes alot more practice

If you're going to buy any arcsys game to prepare for BBX, buy under night because it's actually good

theres no way to know how closely that game will follow the BB mechanics anyway

This might help.

Unist is gonna be dead in like a week whereas bb is getting an update soon, plus im pretty sure itll follow a lot of bb mechanics since thats the main game theyre basing it around

How is easy is it to pick up BB if you've played GG for a while?

Every anime fighter is "dead". Might as well play what you enjoy.

outside of fundamental stuff that applies to any fighting game and maybe some mechanics that have loose equivilents literally nothing is the same

Sol vs. Slayer in story-mode when?

How are you playing this game though? Like are you just button mashing on the arcade mode, or are you actually learning combos, spacing, confirms/conversions and so on?

Probably never, having Sol fighting without his limiter is pretty dangerous even though Slayer is probably an even match for him

I have no money dude.

Best thing I could do is pirate the game and play training, trials and arcade.

Mostly I try to learn how to do combos in the middle of matches and hit confirm. Since I'm trying to learn Jam I also try to implement cards after knockdowns, use the parry, iad overhead, etc

I know it doesn't mean a thing but I can beat the CPU at max difficult withouth any problem, except for Dizzy, Zato and Venom.

you might notice equivalent gameplay characters like ragna = sol to get ideas of gameplans and general air dash fundamentals but blaz is too different from GG honestly.


>implying Slayer wouldnt beat him before he removes the limiter.

Ky beat Sol.

pc rev 2 lobby
ID: 26yd
room name: vidya

I will bump the thread for you PC friend.

She's pretty immature for a 22 year old.

Doing god's work, user

Ky fag alert.

I thought neither were trying?

Ky was trying, Sol was egging him on and didn't expect that amount of power
Ky is stronger than normal Sol but actual Sol is probably more powerful

Did you guys not watch the newest story mode chapter?

Sol went to Ky asking for a real fight, then insulted Dizzy.

Ky beat him before he could get the headband off.

and Sol has already admitted he was scared of Ky before they became friends.

Oh I see. You're doing it right. It's always super important to be "on point" in offense. Like, being able to capitalize off each and every opening. Just keep in mind that you don't need to pull optimized combos in order to do anything. You can keep it simple, and add optimization as you play. It's always more important to be able to hit 100% of the time a basic unoptimized combo, rather than hit a hard unoptimized combo 75% of the time

And you shouldn't be too scared to play people online for many reasons. The first and most obvious one is that you will most definitely lack matchup knowledge. It's not easy to start from nothing in GG defense-wise; everyone seems to be super overpowered when they knock you down. And you may also not be used to adapting to the opponent. But trust me, it's through defeat that you'll learn the most.

Like, myself I started playing fighting games with a strong will to get good in Sign, US release. And while pubstomping wasn't something hard for me, I still was bad. But the actual good players who knew their shit didn't play in pub that often, so I ended up stagnating because of that. And it's only when I could fight actual strong players in good conditions that i ended up doing a massive leap in level.

but tl;dr, always hunt for the dude who can beat you. And if you manage to beat the dude more than he beats you, look for someone stronger. It's actually the best way to improve.

so did ky get gear AIDS from fucking dizzy or what

Sol without a headband wa about to destroy a mountain sized gear, not to mention his soul is able to survive in the backyard. Meanwhile, Ky may be a natural predator of gears but Sol is someone that uses that to make himself stronger.

Ah, sucha buddy, father/son in law duo.

And Sol somehow managed to kill himself in the past and avoid the resulting time paradox.

That was Ky's first ever win in a duel with Sol.


This is what peak maturity looks like.


Its trash

Is dragon install not Good? I never see people use it

post sexy and mature men



He said sexy, not god damn perfect.

There are better things to use meter on. Especially if you're trying to close out a match.

dragon install is really good but the stun that happens when its over is generally way to much of a drawback and you can use that meter in other things that are still effective without risking you getting completely killed

it's a lot better than it used to be though

Sure thing OP, just pirated it.

Scrubby Jam player here.
Even I was laughing at that special move parry.

sorry dude :p


The last time I joined a Sup Forums Rev 2 room a guy talked a lot of shit and then he lost and bitched at me for picking Sol because he said he was too unga bunga

I haven't joined a Sup Forums GG room ever since

I've been thinking of playing Bedman but I don't like what they did with his 2HS and 3HS combos and his 6HS so I think I'll learn another character. Is there any other characters like him that have good mixups and zoning.

Is That Man GG's greatest hero?

It's okay. Thanks for going slow on me at some moments. I'm new to the game so getting rushed down makes me panic big time.

you play a character everyone else uses and you're not a challenge.

People can't find these threads reliably if you don't put Guilty Gear somewhere in the post you goof. Or is that the point.

It's kinda amusing to see that the thread is able to continue without even putting Guilty Gear on its description.

What the fuck do you even do against Johnny?

I picked Sol instead of my main because I wanted to go easy on some random from Sup Forums

and then he still got mad anyway

was it you?

It's a picture of the face of the entire series.

It's not exactly hard to miss.

Don't get hit

Why the fuck is there even a stun after? It's not powerful enough to warrent that

Forgive me, I'm just used to the filter I have picking up threads, I don't really hunt for them myself. Whatever works for you guys.

Ight you fucker you got me i just bought your shitty game.

I do have some general questions though
Is a stick really need for this game for any sort of "high" level play or should the dpad work fine? The last fighting game i played any kind of seriously was MvC3 and for the upper level of play atleast fight sticks seemed to be generally recommend do to the many z motions on the characters i used.

Also how the fuck do you play jack o, Ive been watching videos but since im so new I have no idea what half the stuff those guys on youtube are doing.

>massive + frames on everything and insane meter gain
>a super that does like 20% in chip

you can poke out of certain points of his string, for example if you instant block 6h you can generally poke out with a very fast button like your 5p if he does another 6h after a mist finer cancel.

quite a few characters can also 6p through his far slash and mist finers(granted it whiffs generally in his favour)

his movement is also quite sub par without meter since him doing zweihander transport without YRC is basically a death sentence, and his scoot dashes take a decent while to recover so you can focus on trying to catch him out dashing in on you either from ground or air.

also it would help to know who you play since most characters run a different gameplan around him

Id think a move that gives you incredibly fast specials that all do a shit ton of damage and can pretty much all be combo'd after to be strong enough dude.

outside of specific characters (such as zato in this game) you haven't NEEDED a stick to play fighting games well in about a decade, especially since you can bind macros. MVC3 in particular had a ton of top level players using pad

a stick is never needed for high level play

dpad is actually better for marvel 3 because you can block both ways at the same time unlike a stick

Pad is fine. Use whatever you feel comfortable with.
Do the tutorial and missions. And most importantly, do the character's combos / learn its moveset. Jack-O in your case.
Watch GG Crash Course to learn the basics and have a practice goal.

Pretty much everything he does is plus and he gets a tension bonus, as long as they don't ground viper and delete themselves you are at their mercy.

Try out her combo trials and you'll get a feel of what you need to be doing. Your goal is to overwhelm with minions. Did you get a knockdown? Set a house. A throw? Set a house. Are all your houses set? Get your opponent in the corner and keep them there. Apply pressure until they fuck up.

depends on the dpad. if you've got a 360 controller dpad you're screwed

If Dragon Install didn't have that stun at the end of it, Sol would be the best character in the game. Every match would be Sol biding his time until he got 50 meter and then going fucking crazy with no repercussions.