Has anyone ever used a trip mine in a single-player game for combat purpose?
Has anyone ever used a trip mine in a single-player game for combat purpose?
They're useful in bioshock 2, especially during the gay escort segment.
While sniping
I just them to kill Anna Navarra on the plane when she spawns in.
Has anyone ever used smoke grenades effectively? That shit's the dumbest meme.
Bioshock 1 against big daddies
Any game where there's a horde mechanic that you need to press a button to start
against grunts and alien slaves
Won't stop Thin men from critting your guys across the map.
in bioshock games, you can throw a bunch of proximity grenades on a table or something and throw it at a strong enemy with telekinesis to one-shot it
>single player game has proximity mines
>there are literally no or at best one (1) "get ready" defense segments
It's like they only had them to fill the early 00s meme checklist. You basically just use them like shitter regular grenades
I've used them for fun in Hitman 2016 but that's about it. They're irritating as fuck to use though because they beep once you stick one to a surface which causes the nearest person to walk right over and trip it and I usually don't want that to happen.
"We've got Hostiles" have lots of opportunities to use
deus ex have moments throughout the entire game
I have, like, twice.
In fallout new vegas I used all of the 30 some frag mines in my inventory to kill an alpha deathclaw at a low level.
>set mines
>enemies never get even close to them
fuck that shit
I was going to say Deus Ex, but you're not technically killing Anna Navarre for combat purposes
Been trying to use them in ja 1.13 to defend sectors but they are just so expensive and don't cover enough area. You could make a bigger tripwire chain with more explosions but then you run the risk of a lone soldier stepping on it and wasting all your effort.
It's a cool mechanic nonetheless
I think they're useful in the MGS series
Recent example
Donuts best mines
of course. usually on doorways and corridors
Forced defending sections, like DXHR and waiting for the elevator.
how can he lift such heavy projector
Rarely. They usually fuck me as much as the enemy. Might as well just aim for a bit and kill them myself. To be honest I tend to forget I even have them. Same with OP
wht gaem?
Shadow Tactics
this game sucks though
There was an achievement in Bioshock 2 to not take damage when a Little Sister has to extract Adam from a corpse or something.
I remember putting fuck tons of Plasmid traps, and mines and stuff everywhere.
Oh wow, didn't think it'd be the first post. I actually started writing this before I noticed your post, but good to know I wasn't the only one.
Oh shit I'm gonna replay it
Yeah, REAL GAME CONNOISSEURS would rather play some actual ludo like Dark Souls and Overwatch
Call of duty 2 Single Player on the hardest difficulty. Mandatory for some segments (or at least it felt like it.)
>it's intelligent AI
They usually work pretty good in multiplayer games. In Rising Storm 2 it can be impossible to advance without smoke grenades.
Tripmines worked well in Bioshock 1 against big daddys.
>There are people that don't go out of their way just to use them
I think I used them in Fallout when getting chased by a melee enemy.
>drop mine
>ai walks straight into it
MGS:PW, smoke grenades are on of the ultimate weapons for eliminating clown cars
It's alright. Solid 6/10.
deus ex
>place LAM on the wall in a hallway right before some enemies
>run back and hide
>fire a loud gun
>enemies run in and die
I have a save on half-life on ps2 all the eay back in 2003 where a security guard is stuck right before you grab the long jump module and i always put trip mines down and he just explodes. It never gets old