Hat in time new trailer

Who else is hype for the resurgence of 3D-platformers?
Hat in time is looking so much better than Yooka Laylee

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Wasn't this cancelled like 5 years ago?

i want to fuck that hat

looks cute, shame it will probably be shit like all the other modern 3d platformers

Odyssey will probably make this game irrelevant.

This looks way better than Yooka-laylee.

Remember when this was WiiU exclusive and Ninngers put it on charts as a reason to buy a Wiiu?

Is it just me or it looked 10 times better 3 years ago?

Did they downgrade the living fuck out of it?

*Fall 2018
**Fall 2019

me too

>no switch
its trash

I thought the same.

Movement looks too slow.

There is something weird about the graphics, kinda too smooth and shiny. Gameplay looks decent tho

The "resurgence" won't stick like the indie 2d platformer before it, because there hasn't actually been a smash hit game that's both a critical and financial success to reinvigorate it. I would love for them to come back, but right now it's too forced. We won't get a real comeback until someone comes in and makes a legitimately innovative game that breaths new life into the genre.

It looks alright.

I like the music.
The music in yooka laylee felt so soulless and boring in contrast.

does it have communist antifa voice actors? otherwise i dont want it


What about Crash Bandicoot and Mario Odyssey?

Looks worse than Yooka Laylee.

this game is so hideous visually

looks bretty gud desu


>Wojack posting
*rolls eyes*

It all looks super flat.
Like a basic blender render with no texture or bumpmap

she literally looks like a painted over blow up doll

>because there hasn't actually been a smash hit game
Nah, it is cause it takes way more time and effort. Much easier to make some mediocre pixel platformer

It's bizarre how they show off art passes yet the kid herself is unchanged and ugly.

The wait for this has been ludicrous, but it looks like it might be worth it!

>inb4 delayed again
>inb4 "We're doing a port for Switch!" *a few months later* "Eh nvm LOL"

I love these KS games taking so long they ditch one brand platform for another and the emotional cycle that accompanies the decision.
1) We're bringing it to Platform 7!
2) Years later, Platform 8 comes out.
3) We're actually bringing it to Platform 8 and not 7
4) Outrage over it not being Platform 7.
5) A year or so later when everyone has moved to Platform 8.
6) The game is out! It's on Platform 8.
7) Endless applause. "YES! These devs are doing it!"
it's like they all got memory loss lol. How long before the KS standard is to say "NINTENDO PLATFORM" and "SONY PLATFORM" instead of "Wii U" and "PS4"?

I was excited for this like five years ago.
It's gone now.

Indie developers need to stop revealing their projects before late beta.

Maybe when AAA stops doing it they'll follow suit.

well i hope it ends up better than yooka laylee. seems like it needs a graphics update though.

and lol at the comments being kids begging for a switch version as usual

>being excited for a 3D platformer in a meem engine like Unreal or Unity

I can already tell there's gonna be drama on launch when people check to see if they changed or removed Jontron's cameo.

both games are shit but you are an idiot if you think this looks better.

>riding a scooter

Holy shit day 1 buy.

Hey user want to come over and play UT2k4 with me? Or Gears of War
>I unno... aren't those meme engine's?


I might get it on PS4 if it ends up being good. Don't really care about a Switch version, I'm more pissed off about the fact that this game was supposed to be finished 3 years ago.

I don't know, it's definitely looking better now, than this old trailer: