Fire Emblem Heroes...again

So...what can I do with this?

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Cellphone games are for fags

Give me that Elise, man.

Has anyone managed to beat the last chain challenges? 12 is stupid and I haven't even tried 11+12 because Celica's last chapter is bullshit with the turn limit and the units that never move even after you attack them.

I can't beat it man, fucking thing sucks

I didn't even knew she was in the game, then the healer voting gauntlet came...I voted Elise...won...fucking Elise man...

It took me like 10 tries to beat 7+8. I've been able to clear every GHB and had no issues with the first tempest, but these chain challenges are pretty tough.

The defense map where your team is split apart by a mountain is the worst.
Pretty much guaranteed to fuck my first team. I need more fliers, man

My strategy in that map is putting my tanky unit on the left and my mage with buffer on the right. I've done it with both a Xander/Ursula/Frederick/Priscilla and a Ike/Nowi/Nino/Olivia team and they both survive the assault. The huge problem is the last map which is massive cancer. Those timed maps are not made for chain challenge where you have to play defensively to keep your units alive.

And don't get me started on 12-4, that one is some serious bullshit.

Is 4854 enough to get into tier 20?


Totally. The question is, is it enough to stay in that tier?

I've pulled 3 young Tikis somehow and never thought to actually use her until now since she seemed really weak while I was training her. Fury seriously lets her pull her weight, and she's great for arena scoring too.

Loli Tiki is one of the best units in the game. Give her Lightning Breath+ and watch her destroy everyone.

What's the best loadout for her? I rolled a neutral one a while back searching for S.Tiki but i'm worried that fury 3 will fuck over her longevity when it comes to tanking what with the -6HP every time she enters combat.

I've seen people say that flametongue+ with DC is also better than lightning breath+ as it allows for bonfire more reliably but funnily enough i'm not swimming in Hectors.

Reposition, Bonfire, Fury and either Swordbreaker or Quick Riposte. Neutral is fine, but loli dragons usually prefer +Spd -HP if you ever get those spreads.

I almost had a shot of beating it, but I lost 11-5 with my A-Team from hitting the turn limit when all I had left to kill was Sheep. I don't have good enough other units to clear the rest of the chapters if my first team dies.

Is bonfire good with lightning breath though? 4 turn charge is quite long to wait even with QR. Also I never understand the fury+QR meme, it only works in arena/if you have a healer as you WILL get knocked out of QR range after 1 or 2 fights otherwise.

When are friends going to be useful for anything other than feather scraps and extra Voting Gauntlet points?

Owl news incoming. In plain english for you gaijins

Magvel soon

Also reminder that the Valentia banners end soon, so a new banner might be on the horizon.

I kinda want to roll for Delthea, but this will probably have an announcement with a banner of everything I've always wanted.

It's most likely gonna be the Choose Your Legends event they talked about since release. Makes sense to make an entire broadcast for it because of all the hype around it.

For anyone who doesn't already know, the CYL winners are Lucina, Lyn, Ike (PoR) and Roy;

>f2p since launch
>spend hundreds of orbs trying to get Ninan, then Camilla, then Celica, get nothing. Not even a pity 5*
>eventually stop doing things like the daily challenges because what's the point if I can't get waifus?
>Sonya comes in
>finally get one, start playing the game regularly again
>story and tempest trials have gotten to the point where I can't beat them anymore. I don't know how the hell people beat things like Ike's stage on lunatic
>same for challenge maps

The later story chapters and challenge maps are balanced around having played from the start, honestly.
11-5 is some bullshit if you don't have a decent flier, though you can cheese it with an mkv strategy.

On the bright side, story mode maps and shit are there forever so you can come back stronger. You're kinda fucked on the TTs and GHB challenges though

Is there a hero tier list?

Check the wiki.

When will ISIS release more 3*-4* dragons so I can give my husband the meme team he deserves
I get why -4 boons/banes exist but that's not going to stop it from infuriating me

Give one of them Hone Dragons while they're at it.

Hopefully more FE3 or FE8 characters.

No, the game needs more SoV characters.

What exactly is hype about that? Sounds fucking horrible.