What are some games that take place in Mexico?

What are some games that take place in Mexico?
Hard mode: No stereotypical shit like Guacamelee, Super Mario Odyssey or Raiden's "Adios amigos".

Aren't there any GTA style games based on it since you shitters like to spit >le cartel meme every time you see a Mexishit posting?

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Brigand: Oaxaca

the old ghost recon games

Army of Two Devil Cartel is my favorite for all the over the top shit.

Also even if Ghost Recon wildlands says that is set in Bolivia, it totally set in Mexico, but they are faggots and said that is Boliva.

gears of war servers

you need to go back

everyone speaks mexishitter spanish so yeah.

inb4 the guy polling for every latino's
>Favorite game
>Currently played game
>Most anticipated game

Like it or not Mexican Spanish is the best.
There's a reason why Mexico always does the dubs for games/movies/cartoons etc for the entirety of Latin America. They don't have lisping like other countries.
