

>It appears Michael Condrey also told a black gamer he needs to be more “inclusive” and “welcoming” because the black gamer suggested not to have black female Nazis in the game.


Irregular reminder that "So you're saying..." is a liberal's favourite tactic to strawman your point and make themselves feel superior

That's retarded. Oh, no! Nazis wore swastikas! How will we ever depict WWII again with historical accuracy without hurting the feelings of overly sensitive nuhippies?

Fucking hell. Its over the stupidest shit.

Really they just dont want controversy over having 2 different versions for Germany but they know there would be huge backlash for it so they are saving face by doing this
Really not a big deal either way, ill probably pick this up since it looks fun

In an actual discusaion, its a fine way to make sure you understand what the other peraon is saying as long as both persons/parties are willing to listen to a re-explanation if they did not in fact understand what the other was saying the first time. Its especially useful when the explaining party is being vague and seems to be tip-toeing around an issue, in order to get them to firmly declare what they mean.

Damn, I thought Activision were smart enough to be above this kind of bullshit

Why is this stuff a problem now when we've been having Nazi swastikas in entertainment since WWII? What the fuck is going on?

This is why Respawn exists. This is why they decided to go work for EA. Fucking ironic man.

>since it looks fun
it won't be

Modern idiots are more concerned about controlling words and symbols rather than understanding meanings and intent.

The game itself lost his entire fucking credibility ( lol credibility in a Cod game ).
The game is so full of American culkturl imperialism it hurts:

>The only guys you play are again Americans and French
>You see women in the Army fighting on the front
>You see Black Nazi soldiers
>You see Black women Nazi soldiers
>Third Reich soldiers have acccess to American weapons
>No swastikas on Nation Socialists despite them having tham pflastered everywhere

>What the fuck is going on?
we tried to tell you: SJWs+vidya=no fun

I will never understand the 10 dimensional, self contradicting mental gymnastics of liberals and I don't think I want to, probably some lovecraft kind of revelation that drives you mad or something.

>another PR stunt
>retards will eat it up

Those in western academia are trying to rewrite/reinterpret history at the moment, latest thing. The goal is societal confusion.

threadly reminder that every problem in the games industry and also in Western society at large would be solved if we removed leftists

>wanting to shoot nazis makes you a nazi
Damn didn't know all those ww2 allied soldiers were nazis.

>I must rewrite history or else someone's feelings might be hurt

>This reads to me as "I want a more racist and hateful symbol that helps me better associate with mass murder." Is that your position, Zack?
Now shut up and play this violent shooter!

considering all the other stupid shit like female soldiers, it's not surprising. I only considered playing it for the zombies mode but I'm reconsidering it

>cod ww2
>das racist
I already dropped but "dropped"

or whatever voat or 8ch board you GG fags lurk

Same, they're basically demonstrating that they learned nothing from Infinite warfare. And what did we get from that? Maybe 20 hours before that shit got stale?

we will defeat gamergate and orange drumpf comrade


>This is why they decide to go work for EA
I mean that hasn't work very well for them. TF|1 did sell on release then died of relatively fast and it seems like EA tried to kill them off with TF|2 release. Hopefully their Star wars game goes well for them.

>i can't believe they think that people asking for swastikas are nazis!
Because they are, real people don't care about that shit.
The far right tries to be as offended as the far left, it's a pissing contest between degenerates.

Ethics in games journalism, right bros? PRAISE KEK XD

>brings up reddit /r/ shit
thread was going great till you posted.

Go kill yourself you hideous tranny-loving tripfag.

>thread was going great
LMAO this thread is clickbait shit

how does it honestly feel that gamergate now literally controls the world via Trump? and the left is democratically dead in America- you will NEVER have another democrat president.

All because of Sup Forums.

haha :) eat shit nigger

Hold up
So you're saying that we were kings and shit?

I'm hoping so as well, we haven't received any news about it since last year (or I haven't seen anything) linkedin profiles imply shit is going down though. So here's to them not getting fucked a 2nd time.

>gamergate now literally controls the world
This is how delusional GGfags are.

>no jew representation in the nazis


you call me delusional but you've been crusading against GG for almost 3 years now

aren't you going to post your "gg station" pasta with muscular vivian now? hahahahahahaha you are pathetic hahahaha my literal sides

leftist garbage filth waste slime


lol didnt read.

>Can't have Nazi paraphernalia
>But must include other races into the "bad guys" faction other then whites

Is this guy a double agent? Making what the baddies, in what used to be Nazi killing simulators nondescript and all inclusive, effectively removes the Third Reich from being "the bad guys"

I'll elect a democrat, just deregulate mining and fraking laws on the east coast, defund planned parenthood and stop giving unions so much say. Totally get my vote back.

>you've been crusading against GG for almost 3 years now
Who are you talking about?

is there any measurable difference between the nazis and their symbol? does anyone associate one without the other? if you're going to be blowing there heads off anyway why is a symbol on their helmet or uniform or flag off limits?

Yeah I have no doubt they well make a good games, but I doubt we will get a Titanfall 3. Maybe they'll make a new ip that has good gameplay like Titanfall.

Now everyone can play the german version.


It's impossible to have a decent discussion about this subject without attracting Sup Forumstards

still blows my mind how an ancient buddhist symbol means hate.

May as well ban all fucking symbols

you do understand that demoturds are doubling down on the identity politics sjw garbage, right? they're going extreme left now

they will not even get 20% of the vote next election and will probably be subsumed by a new moderate right party

hahahahahaha and it's gamergate that did all this!


more vocal lazy people on internet to moan and bitch about any ridiculous subject they can come up with

>replies are bashing him
>Get media reporting about it
It's 4D chess, free advertising from a nothing burger story

>Really they just dont want controversy over having 2 different versions for Germany

Yeah so much controversy about a WW2 game being different in Germany.
There were shitloads of WW2 games before and it was more expensive to have different versions because you actually had to print them.
Nowadays it's probably cheaper and also digital sales are bigger

I don't like realism in my games, and Call of Duty can't really claim the realism tag after this happened.

But this isn't just having fun, in this case they said they WERE going the accuracy route, but it just turned into another superior thug dominant black dick worship circle.

>Now everyone can play the german version.

Looks like we did win the War after all.

Gee, you sure seem to know a lot about Reddit

>worked with EA for making MOH
>decided to fuck off because got fucked and worked with Activision
>got fucked by Activision and now joined EA again
>and get fucked by EA again
I seriously don't get it

But that ain't me.

>every post that disagrees with me must be by the same poster
How pathetic are you


love this one

>Want Nazis
>Don't want to show Nazis


not as pathetic as you being antigamergate and anti trump


fuck i forgot about this. used to shit on the germans in my old cod1/uo/2 clan for having the "pussied version."

Now we're all pussy's.

post truth world no one cares they just want to relevant

Female soldiers & changing ethnicities is more deliberately ahistorical and offensively revisionist than removing the banners that were fought under. Nothing has yet topped Battlefield 1's contempt for the real men who died in that conflict.

I'm glad it's gotten extreme enough that as to be unavoidable. The left is salivating over a their idealized police state, but they're only driving average people away

>>You see Black Nazi soldiers
Weren't there (few) black nazis though?

I'm fine with that, It didn't look like they were going to go very deep into Titan/mech customization, which is what the stomp stomp fans want. I doubt they'd start doing it in a 3rd game, so by all means, move on to the next genre/project

these devs are insane, actually, I'm sure a majority of Americans are insane

the thread was going fine until an SJW posted, user. Don't blame us

>germans ruin everything yet again
We need to find a final solution to the german problem.

>Become a dev for a very well known gaming franchise
>WW2 themed this time around so naturally there's Nazis and Jews
>"but surely MY OWN sjw agendas are more important than actual historical fact"
>new rules: no swatzikas, no Jews, only unrealistic black women fighting on the battlefield
>the days of interviewing old veterans for their take on events, are no more
>"heh, that'll show those bigot minded closet Nazis"

ITT: A bunch of retards false-flag so hard that nobody can even understand what points they're trying to make

There is no SJW plot behind this. They are just too lazy to censor it only in Germany and other Euro countries that ban it.

If you want to blame someone blame Germany

>How to kill your sales 101

>tfw started browsing this place around 06-07
>back then I was pretty left-leaning and most of the site too
>now I have become a right-wing nationalist, as has most of the site
What happened

the points in my posts are pretty easy to discern, retard

>le pol is satire xd

we won

Who the fuck cares. Anyone who was part of World War 1 wouldn't want a video game about it to begin with.

>not as pathetic as being a ggfag and pro trump

>but that ain't me
>Vietnam pic


It's all about context with symbols, but when one of the more deadly groups of people use it, it can be easy for people to forget the original meaning.

I mean Sledgehammer are a shit studio anyways.

I can't believe they actually tempted me with what they showed at SDCC. I want to play Old Sweary David Tennant killing zombies.

What is it with Zombies casts being Literally whos except for one character?
IW had Seth Green, BO3 had Jeff Goldblum,
WWII has Tennant

It's an interesting kind of political correctness the west is pumping into the new generation. You can mention Nazi's but can't show a swastika.

he's doing what was once known as trolling, iirc
posting to make people angry?

are you at least a fortunate son though?


Stormfront figured out that if you shitpost hard enough, for long enough, people will start accepting it and so newfags will take it to heart.

>WWII game
>Nazis don't have Swastikas
That's like having a Vietnam War without having the VietCong mentioned by name.

I can't believe that only one person in this thread has realized the obvious fucking counterargument of "I want to SHOOT Nazis, why the fuck does that mean I want to identify with them?".

God, this site's gotten so bad. You can't even fucking make fun of retard developers because Sup Forums and tumblr run in and start shitting all over the thread with their political bullshit.

Like seriously this guy's argument is the


of hanging fruit and you are all talking about how he's an SJW (and gamergate????)

i mean come on

The next thing you know, they making a game about Afghan invasion and make all the Talibans white men because das raycist

>Brother's in arms got quotes from the men who fought the battles
>Sledgehammer would call those men nazis for their conservative beliefs.

It's a strange world.

Just let it happen.
Afterwards it's always "Germany was right" then Germany does something and suddenly we're the bad guys again.
>try to take over Europe by force
>Don't do that
>Be nice and try to unify Europe and even give slavs money so they can unfuck themselves (lol as if)
>Don't do that

4D chess my nigga.

Fucking Indiana Jones, bullshit Nazi propaganda where the good guy punches Nazis in the face and the Nazis are literally punished by God.

Germany didn't ruin this. Idiotic sjws and faggots did

Contrarinism. The pendulum will swing back

>There is no SJW plot behind this
>"Are you racist?"
no user there really is
the left got into power and the far left went out of fucking control

there's also nothing wrong with nationalism if you think your country is doing a good job


he's just shitposting back and forth with another moron making the exact same type of post

Making them white would be racist.

If they made a game where you play as a Taliban (ethnic) and were shooting white guys who were portrayed as evil, now that would be progressive.

>they just dont want controversy over having 2 different versions for Germany
a fucking shitload of other games have 2 different versions for Germany and those don't get shit for doing that. Wolfenstein had a swatsika-less version for Germany and Bethesda didn't get any "controversy" over doing that.

They already did. Taliban and Terrorists are referred to as OpFor. So people can't play as them and feel bad

Infinite warfare makes sense for female soldiers though? We have them in the modern day military, so there's nothing saying we won't in the future.

It was much better than BO3's "It's all a simulation so Multiplayer can be whatever the fuck you want anyways".

IW's got so much better QoL that if you have to play a still active CoD game, then you go for that.