Other urls found in this thread:
>says literally nothing about a game/movie/show aside from its name
>"What else is there to say?"
>moves to new topic
>talks about jojo for 40 minutes
How are they these days? I stop listening to their podcast around 3 years ago last I heard liam left or some shit
>Pat can't talk about XIV
>Matt can talk about wrestling bullshit for 30+ minutes every week
I've literally never listened to a single one of their podcasts and their choice in games they play has only gotten worse.
he left because it was "too stressful"
it's in a bit of a lull right now, i think, but it's not absolutely awful like some would suggest
>bitches about minor flaws in e-celeb
>still constantly check uploads for bitching material
I love porn games.
They're..... just there. Mostly doing one-offs and TWD S3.
The moment when the mailbag ended was when everything started to go downhill.
I actually started reading Jojo because of them, it's pretty stupid, I like it.
I don't really mind when they talk about things I'm not interested in, I couldn't give less of a shit about fighting games but I liked the recent EVO podcast.
Woolie's incapacity of reading human emotion is the high point of that LP
the podcast is good, Matt is just going through the motions on games though. They're doing more indie one offs because they do better in views but the content is really lacking. The dream is Woolie/Pat just do a twitch channel one day, it would probably be really successful.
the moment Liam became a full time member was when the channel lost a lot of steam. Just about anything he touched turned into shit, with the exception the Barkley+Mario RPG playthrough. Anything with him and Matt/Woolie was instantly skippable.
Matt getting married to a SJW party girl right around the time where he got burned out on games was pretty bad for the channel too. I see no difference, for better worse, in Pat and Woolie though
Don't forget the UDG lp where they went out of their way to blame everything but themselves for that shitshow. They're still butthurt to this day and still blame the game.
woolie is such an idiot on la noire
does woolie play any fucking video games? he seems to be matt tier at this point
>here lets have woolie have the controls on GAME because hes never played it what could go wrong
>Mario RPG playthrough.
One of their most incompetent LPs. Liam took forever to figure out you could sprint
>Matt getting married to a SJW party girl right around the time where he got burned out on games was pretty bad for the channel too.
I don't like when his contributions to the podcast are related to the "pizzapasta force", but that's an absurd characterization of Leanna. She's a HUGE dork. Do you really think a "party girl" would have married Matt?
its fine
>when you hang out with Wooly irl and he's kind of a huge faggot
He is an unabashed cuck in an open relationship.
He practices pretty much every noteworthy fighting game that gets released but drops them the second he realizes he's shit and not getting any better which is quite a while due to his inability to realize anything in under 100 hours
do tell
Proof or it didn't happen.
I actually enjoy Woolie playing Naruto games on his own channel.
Me too but I wish he would just skip to the good fights.
its funny seeing 016ers trying to put him on a pedestal as some fighting game guru because he puts that front that hes such a fighting og
Wow thats interesting, i am glad to know no would would just go on the internet and tell lies.
People shit on Liam, but I still miss him just for those perfectly timed comments or roasts on Pat or Woolie.
I dunno, would you let your GF go camp in the rockies with a Chad who has slept with over 100 women?
Is this something you let your girlfriend do in a regular, non-open relationship?
I don't care if you believe me. It's pretty easy to hang out with Woolie in Quebec. He frequently goes to the Wednesday Street Fighter locals and scrubs out because he's terrible. He just wants to be treated like one of the guys there though and isn't 'in character'. I found that to be pretty cool but he's not shy in explaining how he doesn't believe monogamy works so him and his pudding gf are in an open relationship and can fuck whoever.
i mean he fits a nice balance if the 2 of the others weren't loud mouth idiots and 1 retarded black dude
its either liam or matt, who would you prefer
>call woolie a cuck
>posts pats girlfriend as proof
Dick probably found a way to fuck all their girlfriends desu
That was another retard jumping in and not me.
Also he doesn't consider himself a cuck because he can go fuck other people too.
I can't wait to see him flounder around in UNIst and Gundam Versus.
who would want to fuck that smelly nig
Alpha males tend to do that around fat leaf's gfs
black weeb angle huh
>Also he doesn't consider himself a cuck because he can go fuck other people too.
Sounds like excuses to me, i know a cuck that makes this same excuse, when their gf is the only one fucking anyone
This, have seen Woolie at MTLSF on several occasions.
French women fuck anything.
Fuck, I only skimmed his post. I think Woolie being a cuck is unfounded, but holy shit, there's a ton of evidence for it with Pat
People try to meme this in his streams and he just ignores it. Someone donated with a twitch name of "angriestcuck" and he took the money and straight up ignored him/didn't read the donation. Someone got through once with a comment about having seen a pic of Paige partying drunk with a bunch of dudes in the woods and she just denied it jokingly (of course I didn't), and Pat was deadly silent
What women hangs around other men dressed like that?
Especially someone like Dick
she drinks a lot, goes to parties a lot and has like minded friends... she's a party girl. Pat and Woolie have acknowledged multiple times that Matt drinks too much now
They made the mistake of doing a walking dead season 3 lp recently. I've been pissing off all the Janefags in the comment section for the most part.
Woolie is fucking terrible at L.A. Noire, and they're doing the Cat lady that I know fuck all about.
He can be annoying, but so could the rest of them. Woolie to a lesser extent for me since he's the least abrasive with his retardation.
I do follow Liam's channel and enjoyed a couple of his playthroughs (seeing him mark to Automata was very enjoyable, especially the ending where he cried like a bitch).
That guy looks too gay to want to hit on Paige.
I'd take Liam over Matt. When Matt's disinterested in a LP he can literally ruin the entire thing. Also Matt only has a few things to say all the time
>reference "humor"
>stealing jokes from other youtubers
>talks like he's trying to make a t-shirt about the next meme he makes
>everything Pat says but slower
I honestly feel bad for pat, i can't think of a worse nightmare than being with a woman that looks like that and just cucks me
Poor dude man
I mean, he could always tell her to take a fucking hike.
Woolie is not terrible in SF, he's usually one of the top placers in those tourneys they have there. The fact he got to compete in EVO at all should tell you that. Stupid meme poster
>haha everyone but me is a cuck!
t. 32 yr old virgin
Cat lady is good
>That guy looks too gay to want to hit on Paige.
You picked possibly the worst person to ever think was gay. He's probably your father and you don't know it
>That guy looks too gay to want to hit on Paige.
i think hes some pua guy and they do podcasts together
Liam, I'm glad he's gone but between him and Matt at least Liam actually plays video games, Liam''s also led to some good moments of him getting btfo ok the podcast after saying some dumb shit and when you compare that to matt who just eats up time going into to much detail about what he did only to ignore or actively shut down everyone else it's really no contest
That would require having a spine, and when guys like that are with a woman like that, they will put up with anything until they are just a husk of a man.
Woolie is terrible and he never beats any of the top 10, at locals.
Also you know EVO isn't invitational, right? Anyone can compete there. I have.
Woolie is literally free. Canada hasn't had a good player since JSMaster.
Probably right, but doubt Pat would stand that shit if Paige did that. He's way too unhinged to keep people like that around him. Matt probably would be stuck on cam duty and Woolie would probably be high-fiving the guy while playing games.
Never seen him.
She was guest twice or thrice.
Who's not something you have to qualify for dumbfuck you just pay to enter, Woolie places at all because Canada is free as fuck, at EVO he lost every match he played
>Woman dressed like that
>Dick the chad masterson
Pat is getting fucking cucked by freedom dick
He had his moments for sure, but most of the time he was a annoying faggot, especially with his devils advocate shit.
>He doesn't believe monogamy works
After the Catherine lp I wouldn't be surprised of that desu.
>woollie and pat are so surface that they actually think there is a stand that can truly bring people back to life besides btd.
I'd still take Matt over Liam because Matt isn't overbearing like Liam is. Liam was in every playthrough, talked way too much on the podcast and got way to snarky/bitchy about the fans on twitter.
He's the "hates all his fans" guy because he can't listen to critique without being a bitch about it and 2+ years of this turned him into an incredible whiny dipshit who quit on the channel in the middle of no where
man did best friends used to make so many retarded anime and jojo references back then? like re2 era and deadly premonition? i swear theres so many fuckin dumb references that totally fly over my head now that i cannot find their shit worth a listen
>try so hard to avoid even the most minor spoilers when discussing new movies/games/tv any discussion is completely unintelligible
Spoiler crybabies need to get a grip or maybe Woolie shouldn't be so fucking lazy when editing the podcast and add in spoiler timestamps.
>That guy looks too gay to want to hit on Paige.
Only gay for Xi-Huan
I would be very surprised if she didn't take DIck's dick on that trip.
No, they just memed part 3 like everyone else
>try so hard to avoid even the most minor spoilers when discussing new movies/games/tv any discussion is completely unintelligible
i listened to their botw talk and it was so retarded with trying to avoid spoilers. its like fucking cmon. i dont think they got around to it since so its like whats the point
i mean besides jo jo they love to reference other anime shit that i feel totally lost.
Actually I lied, bites the dust doesnt actually bring anybody back, because if it's reset the death never happened. There isnt a single stand in the whole series that can bring someone back.
>all TBF threads now double as DickShow threads
We live in amazing times
So far it is,I just meant I don't know anything about it, especially compared to the other two.
I'd honestly love to see them play either:
>Vampire the masquerade: bloodlines
>Deus Ex
>Spec ops: the line (I want to see Woolie in that one)
I don't think you do, can you give me a time where they reference. But fuck spoiler culture is so retarded.
The thing is, it kind of depends on the nature of Dick and 80s Girl's relationship. I mean, if Dick found some way to get into a relationship where he gets to bang a bunch of pretty twitch streamers and bikini bodybuilders and stuff as he pleases plus have a steady relationship with one and she's cool with it? Holy Shit.
But yeah, Dick himself is the limiting factor more than the women that hang out with him. If Paige didn't fool around with him on that trip it was because Dick didn't want to, not because Pat didn't want her to.
Dude sex would be infuriating because Pat would assuredly be in it and bitch about how it's terrible now because everything that doesn't hold up perfectly so it's shit and overrated
the botw podcast was before matt left or just as he came back and they were so adamant on being careful about what they talked about.
i guess the shit you explore and find they pretty much avoided which is 80 percent of the game
they do that spoiler shit way too much for shit i dont even care about
>the Liam said 3 funny things in 3 years so he's good posters are here
contrarian pie is on the menu again lads.
>Liam is probably sitting in his twitch room with 50 people watching
Jesus christ, what are you, his mother or something?
>Richard is a very nice boy and any girl would be lucky to have him!
how can you spoil a game with no story
Has anyone ever raided Liam before?
Pretty sure he took 80's girl with him on that trip. I seem to remember Dick mentioning that when telling the story about the Aussie shitposter who tried to pick up on the girls there.
i'm assuming shit like the 3 dragons flying around,especially the one on top of the mountain.
those types of things
mastersword talk
lost woods ya know
That shit is the worst, Woolie's to fucking lazy to time stamp shit so instead he just insists they stop having a conversation that someone somewhere could consider a spoiler
Why the fuck do I still watch these guys? I watch them and there'll always be something they do that irritates or annoys the fuck out of me, and yet I could watch a CowChop video and just have a good time.
You shouldn't spend a half hour on a game while dancing around spoilers. Talking about botw is completely uninteresting unless you talk about your discoveries.
tfw they killed bro Conrad
why do they continue to fuck up
lack of timestamp is a huge turn off
we would be able to filter shit we have no interests in like matt or fgc(heard complaints about fighting game talk from fans but i dont give a shit i like fighting games)
if he wasn't such a huge SJW he'd probably love to have his room count tripled
No, I'm simply saying that he's a notorious ladies' man and is not bothered by a girl having a boyfriend. If Paige wanted to fuck, he's not going to say "What about Pat?" and nor should he.
Yeah I just get this weird feeling that she's okay with him fucking other girls but hey what do I know
>how can you spoil a game with no story
Mentioning everything they've seen/found in Hyrule's open world can spoil a lot of surprises for people.
That's not good. Sup Forums doesn't deserve the glory that is TDS
is that the majikoi anime?
Pat how dare you spoil Spiderman being in civil war even though he was shown in a trailer and leaked months before
were you a long time watcher? because i got sick of their shit last year because i was hoping it would get better. re2 is still my favorite from them.
something fucking changed them. guess they got huge egos and their heads so far up their ass. matt getting married
Video Games.
Compared to the 2 funny things Matt said over 4 years?
Are there photos of their gfs online?
conversely, I'd argue that everyone on Sup Forums deserves more Dick in their lives because they might actually learn something.
not sure about the others, but here's Pat's
I'd take whiny and barely noticeable over overbearing spaz anyday
The fact you use matt as a bar is telling
for a game like zelda with so many "spoilers" you are really fucking tugging dicks. i stopped listening to their podcasts after that one and i want to know if they ever got around to actually talk about the game
do they have any timeframe for when to not having something be a spoiler?