Spla2n thread

I'm really digging Splatoon 2 yo. I have a couple of minor annoyances, like that this could in all honestly have been Splatoon 1 for Switch and I legitimately wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But I'm not that pissed as the Wii U was a pain in the ass for me to use so I never played Splatoon 1 past the first week anyway, at least now I'll play it with the Switch.

Also seems to have gone to the MK8 Deluxe school of online connectivity, my last 4 games have each lost connection after a pretty flawless first 6 or so.

Pretty negative sounding post but I actually really like it. How is Sup Forums enjoying it?

Other urls found in this thread:



>Could have been Splatoon 1.5
>Shit online connectivity like MK8D
>Still awesome despite these

There you go OP, I just saved your wall of fucking text thread from being skipped over by impatient 12 year olds here

Both of those complaints are wrong.

What? It's literally everything a sequel should be, and it's clearly different from the first game

Honestly you'd have to be legit retarded to have them side by side and not immediately tell them apart

Yeah I'm having tons of games drop out today but had been fine until now. Shits fucked

No one here is old enough to remember the era of arena shooters and how absolutely fucking nothing changed between versions and no one gave a fuck unless they broke everything.

>game HD
>game Remasterd edition
>game for 3ds
>game for wii u
>game for switch
>game deluxe
>game legends
>game 2
they just go with what fits

Good game, also feels identical to Splat 1. Like hub world and everything feels like what I played a couple of years ago, maps too

Still gonna put 300 hours into it

Objectively S1.5

Online is improved from MK8 tho, not perfect however

Name a sequel to an online shooter that isn't exactly the fucking same as the last one.

You know, for people saying this, it actually has more new shit than most online shooters sequels.

What sensitivity is the best in handheld mode? I can't find a good middle ground between too slow and too fast.

Would you really rather it be an enhanced full priced port?

Who cares

I never played Splatoon 1 but whenever Salmon Run is available I have a hard time choosing modes because I want to play them all. Either way, this horde mode has a lot of care put into it and is much more fun than in most other games.

No problem here user

I only lost connection 2 times since the game released and I played like 20h already. Maybe its because my switch is really close to my router but either way I have had almost no problems.

Even basic shitty sequels like most COD games looked aesthetically different despite being the same shit underneath. Hell the recent ones are all mechanically distinct too

Still shit though, don't wanna seem like I'm saying anything else. Splatoon is at least good

Battlefield 4 > Battlefield 1

The same can't be said about quake and unreal, the only shooters that matter in life.

>my last 4 games have each lost connection

Literally its [your] issue. I have not lost a single connection.

>like that this could in all honestly have been Splatoon 1 for Switch and I legitimately wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

> I never played Splatoon 1 past the first week anyway

Its funny that you say this, its a really different game and every 1 veteran can tell the obvious differences. Its like comparing two different cars, they look similar but they are not. Even just for the different weapon sets, specials and maps you can tell the flow of the game is drastically different.


Can't wait for Quake 1.3 or CIV 1.7.

Literally any sequel to anything is 1.X of the previous game if it's a good sequel.
This meme needs to die.

Reminder that all "port" talk is due to those retarded "leakers" who kep saying a Splatoon port was coming (along a Smash 4 port)

Fuck this game.

They raped me and there was nothing I could do about it.

>blue and yellow

You truly lived the swede experience.

>Like heavy splatling
>sting ray

Why is this special so garbage?

Count me down for shitty online too. Spiked the last few days. Games it totally a fullsequel tho

I've played online matches at work, tethered to my smartphone's 4G and still not dropped a single match. Upgrade your third-world dial up or potato router user.

>afk in the middle of a ranked match
>tfw end up winning

Git gud

When is the next salmon run? Is there a site with counter for convenience or something?

Kek at the old "blame the OP internet" shit itt

I saw the same shit on Mk8 threads. I have seen a lot of People say this today

Well its that or calling Op a blatant retard + fagget

>check map to see where people are
>looks clear, decide to super jump
>suction bomb placed right where I spawn

Thanks dox

I have had 3 disconnects today. For the record my internet is fine and running everything else normally, even tried Mk8 Online and it worked fine

Am I the only one who can't stand motion controls?


Turned them off after 1 hour. Shit is terrible

They should really allow for a mix of both for the Y axis though rather than one or the other. X axis allows both

Honestly, after playing ranked matches sinc release, i can say that the changes to ranked matches are all fantastic changes.

The glass break system allows you to reflect on how you lost your last match and gives you some chances to adapt to the stages or team strategy.

Its much more relaxing to play ranked now since you dont drop levels instantly like we used to in Splatoon 1.

Also, separating the ranks by game mode was also good to cause it makes it feel like you can focus on your favorite gamemode and not have to worry about losing ranks in the others.

My curent ranks
A- in tower controll
B+ in rain maker
C+ in splat zones

I still feel that Splatzones is definetly the hardest ranked mode.

Splatzones actually requires good team synergy whereas you can be a solo player and team carry in rainmaker and tower controll while only focusing on killing.

In splat zones you have to actually focus on inking turf and making good smart pathways for you and your teamates

>Ink paths for your team
No thats EVERY mode

I fucking hate when my teammates dont ink everything they can while theyre doing nothing but sitting on the objective. So many times Im trying to follow the tower, but it ventures in enemy ink while the guy on the tower is just sitting in squid mode.

Are you using the pro controller or detached joy cons?

>Sup Forums told me this game was bad
>It's great

/vee/ has either shit or the best taste.

Do you people seriously want to recalibrate the camera every five seconds that badly?

>Shit online connectivity like MK8D
What, Ive played like 20 hours of S2 online so far and not had a single connectivity issue. MK8s servers are fucking garbage, but S2 doesnt have any of the issues MK8 did

Tried in handheld and docked with pro controller. Really hate that your "zero" can't be changed, it's always at 45 degrees. I just went back to using the sticks.

Same shit, different setting.

>No thats EVERY mode
no its really not.

In tower controlll and rainmaker, kills are far more important than wasting time trying to be mr sneaky trying to make a path on the other side for the fucking map.

The further away you are from the tower/rainmaker makes it easier for the enemy to get there hands on them.

Step up you game,pleb, and quit holding back your teammates in rain maker and tower controll




>Even basic shitty sequels like most COD games looked aesthetically different despite being the same shit underneath.
They were never going to change the aesthetic. It's a huge part of the game's identity.
And despite it stylistically being more of the same it still looks pretty different - they completely redid the lighting, for example. It's not a drastic difference but there are a lot of little changes that add up. It looks familiar to those who have played 1, but it also looks better.

Of course that's to say nothing of all the gameplay changes, which also are mostly pretty small on the surface, but again, they add up. Ultimately I'd say Splatoon 2 is a natural and satisfying evolution of 1 (though that's not to say it doesn't have plenty of issues).

I always hold the controller just slightly upwards before pressing Y and then ease it down to "regular" position

Painting the map is area denial, and is pretty much necessary if you plan on pushing forward. Which all of the gametypes require

is it me, or are the pay increases in ranked only good if you KO

...Well this explains why everyone here doesn't know what they're talking about at all times. Everyone in Sup Forums confirmed for children who know nothing.

It can.
Hold the controller at a comfortable position then press Y.
I find that tilting the controller slightly upwards from your position then pressing Y works best.

No, it's always shit taste. Name one time when Sup Forums was right about something.

>2 kills with the N Zap
>First place out of all teammates
Let me guess, you spent more time inking turf than controlling territory/splatting enemies. Learn your role.

Rainmaker is the hardest, imo, cause every moron wants to grab the thing despite having no idea of where to take it. Plus, it can end in 30 seconds if they are stupid enough to die or leave a route open at the beginning.

I can't wait til ranks stabalize more as the playerbase of ranked grows and people get more experience. Right now I've had so many matches like pic related and we still lost because my teammates are just so incompetent

Well, it only centers the camera, I can't play while laying down because of the 45 degree bullshit.

Information is displayed in the game.

Ya'll got a place to set up matches?

>every moron wants to grab the thing despite having no idea of where to take it
I haven't really experienced this that often. In fact in most matches I've played in 2 it seems like nobody wants to take it, including me, but somebody has to do it eventually.

>Not being able to solo carry your team
>At fucking C rank
Wow, are people actually this bad?

>level 14, decide to finally try out ranked mode
>win the first match of splat zones
hey this is pretty interesting
>mode changes, we tower control now
>win 4-5 matches in a row
>get to B-
wow nice, I thought I would pass though C and C+ first
>lose the next match
oh, nice I didn't lose points in the ranking
>keep losing
>the bar cracks
okay, just one more match
>win some matches but lose a ton of them
fuck, one more
>the bar keeps cracking and finally, I go back to C+ rank
>slowly climb my way back up to B-
And this is how I spent the last 3 hours and a half
I love this game

If his team mates had 0 points, it was likely that they all got disconnected.

I have a switch being delivered tomorrow. Never had a Wii u so excited to try mario fart and Splatoon. Seems like it will be comfy to play random stuff in bed with.

>learn your role
>all the rest of his team disconnected
What did he mean by this?

The worst part is having the enemy team take the rainmaker on Sturgeon to your left side, then seeing your teammates try and match it by going right. When left is pretty much a straight shot and gains points the fastest. I don't deserve these losses, but I get them anyway.

>Game yesterday, losing
>We get the rainmaker
>Have a straight shot at taking the lead
>Rainmaker goes solo in a different direction than the whole team and gets splatted
>He stole the rainmaker from me by a split second

I almost broke my joycon grip that game.

>get top score in rank
>Keep winning
>Don't get a skip

Rainmaker is the worst solo mode because you can't really solo carry it. You can't pass the rainmaker off to anyone else, and your slaying power is severely limited when you're playing the objective. If your teammates don't know optimal routes, you lose.

I bet people losing connectivity play on wifi

you faggots are retarded, videogames stream so much fucking data that with wifi you'll lose tons of packets, use a fucking ethernet adapter already

Dude, I don't know how to tell you this, but you are color blind. Good news is that you can still live a relatively normal life.

it's not that bad, I got a pretty decent rhythm of shooting the rainmaker then swimming.

I play on Wifi and havn't dropped a match


well bluish and yellowish

There so few orange it looks somewhat yellow

It's based on your MMR. Pay attention to the power level at the bottom left of the screen during the intro animation.

>have 50-50 winrate in rainmaker
>go from C- to B-
This system is weird.

I enjoy this game, but only when Nintendo's servers decide I'm allowed to fucking play it.

I've been dc'ed from my last 5 matches, I've got the warning 2 matches ago and now I'm afraid to even try playing again since I'll just get banned for this bullshit. The Switch is literally the only device I have that does this shit, everything else I have has absolutely no issues maintaining a connection. So either it's Nintendo's shit servers or it's Nintendo's shit hardware, but I'm sure you cunts will defend constant connection errors anyway.


Werks for me ;^T

works on my machine ;)

Get an ethernet adapter.

No, the wifi in the Switch is pretty shit. Try 5GHz if you can or get an ethernet adapter.



Over here we do

Seen any hackers yet?

There aren't any. That's just importing a hacked Mii from the 3DS or Wii U.

>Painting the map is area denial, and is pretty much necessary if you plan on pushing forward. Which all of the gametypes require

Yes, in turf war and splat zones.

It doesn't matter in rain and tower because its just wasting time and you are leaving your team 1 man short you numbskull!

>Try 5GHz if you can
>only have one device on 5ghz
>it runs like a fucking dream while everyone else complains that their 2.4ghz devices have shitty connections
wired is still better

>not inking ground to get your special ready for when you reach the tower

It literally does matter. Good luck pushing objective forward when the enemy has their entire field in their color, and have the advantage of seeing you before you can see them. Obviously painting backfield during a push is retarded, but not painting forward will just cause you to lose once you get out of the Cs.

My minor annoyances:
>no dual squalchers
>not enough weapons with regular old splat bombs

I haven't won a single game

>they add dual squelcher in an update in 6 months
>they give it the shittiest combo of sub/special possible

They better fucking not.
It's already enough suffering having Toxic Mist as the Jet Squelcher's sub.

Why is it always Rainmaker?

>this could in all honestly have been Splatoon 1 for Switch and I legitimately wouldn't be able to tell the difference