Do any of the older 90s shooters still hold up?

Do any of the older 90s shooters still hold up?

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Isn't it obvious?

Yes, go play Doom right now faggot

Yes, they are still as good as they were then.

Don't compare recent games to older games.

yeah the ones that you've heard of, there are plenty of shit ones you wouldn't know about though

doom has really good level design
make sure to use mouse look though

DOOM is still really good.

Depends what you mean by "hold up"

Frankly, I think Half Life is terrible, it has this dumb slippery movement that makes you move more than you intend to, weapons are bland, and the alien invasion setting is boring compared to others of its genre. The only good that came out of HL is its engine being used for Deathmatch and TFC.

HL2 is a large improvement, but still not a game I would play more than once. Shooters in general are just boring, unless multiplayer variations are expanded upon them.

Some do, some don't. Most are still better than the average Halo or CoD clone. Doom is still awesome and 100% worth playing.

Yes. Contrary to what you may believe a game that was good in the 90's is every bit as good today. This is because the game has not changed.

Doom holds up staggeringly well, its fundamentals are so strong you could likely switch from Modern, CoD style into Doom and right back to it with minimum difficulty.

No, only with mods. But that does make them better games than shooters of today.

no shit, Doom and Quake are the gold standards for fps games


Don't you have some let's play streams to watch, you mentally ill inbred?

I prefer quake multiplayer but UT has better bots
Unreal 1 is required playing too

You now remember Blake Stone

No, I actually play games. I competed in TFC, UT99, and 1.6, so yeah I know wtf I'm talking about.

Duke 3D is literally the best FPS ever made dude.
Shadow Warrior is pretty cool too, and is really interesting for the fact that the sword in that game is the best melee weapon ever put in an FPS.

Wolfenstein 3-D
Spear of Destiny
Doom II
Final Doom
Quake II
Quake III Arena
Duke Nukem 3D
Shadow Warrior
Unreal and its sequels
Half Life (and HL2, but I don't think that was the 90s)
Thief (even though these are barely "shooters")
Thief Gold (even though these are barely "shooters")
Thief II (even though these are barely "shooters")
any N64 FPS

>Unreal and its sequels
unreal 2 is pretty shit

Make sure to play Heretic on highest difficulty, it's great.

>in squad
>puts grenade down
>sits there
>squad sits there
>everyone blows up

The AI is very rough in areas

hexen and strife are sooooooo good

Hi Clint. What's on the next LGR?

I'm sorry but Goldeneye 007 is shit now, of course, it was fucking god like back then, just now it doesn't stand up well

>Duke Nukem 3D

Am I the only one who thinks Duke Nukem is great but Duke himself is pretty awful?


My man

I don't think HL2 was in the nineties either

No, you are not the only one. Duke's character was entirely ruined in Duke3D. In Duke 1 and 2 he didn't have much personality but he wasn't a terrible ripoff of better characters either.

Ok, but the question is where are the obscure FPS games that most people don't remember, but they have been released and gathered some praise back in the day? I for example remember Future Shock, but it seems nobody ever mentions about this game, even though it's in the Terminator universe.

Using the alt fire of the gauntlets to heal in a pinch is so satisfying

No not really.

Reminder that Doom 3 is the best out of its franchise.

Blow it out your ass

Holy shit, it was like my memories locked away and that image was the key. I remember everything now.


>weapons are bland
Which one? SMG with grenade launcher, Laser guided Rocket launcher, Exploding crossbow, Thing that shoots wasps, Beam gun that you can use to rocketjump and shoot trough walls, 3 types of explosives or cute alien puppies you can throw at people?

>and the alien invasion setting is boring compared to others of its genre
What? How is Combine and Xen fauna are boring?

>The only good that came out of HL is its engine being used for Deathmatch and TFC.
Oh really. It seems you forgot to mention couple of games.

Duke didn't have character in 1 and in 2 he was already blown out of proportions and was considered Schwarzenegger level of hero from the beginning. Hell, the main scene of him is telling "I'm back" after shooting from uzi and then he was kidnapped by aliens during interview. Duke 2 is closer to DNF than to Duke 3D in terms of sillyness.


Any love for the Descent games?
With a sourceport and remapped controls they're damned fun.
Currently stuck on level 21 of D2's vanilla campaign.

still waiting for dem obscure FPS games

Post classic FPS jams

Doom and its clones? Good if you get used to the controls.
Wolfenstein 3-D? Not really.
Quake games of course are still amazing.
Half-Life? Timeless.
Super 3D Noah's Ark? GOAT

up to 2003 is pretty safe
2004 is where it got all fucked up

Yes. Doom, Blood and Quake are still the best shooters ever made and are great fun to play. Douk is really good too although imo it's not as good as the other 3. Mostly because a lot of the weapons are unsatisfying and a lot of its innovations have long lost their appeal. Shadow Warrior has some very awkward, confusing level design but once you figure out where to go and replay the levels again, it's a blast. Half Life is terrible though. Awful slippery movement physics, straight line level design, guns that all feel like utter shit, bullet sponge enemies, constant obnoxiois jump scared and gimmicks, etc. Unreal is the better game if you want to play a cinematic shooter with a lot of adventure elements.

Thank you

>Which one?
All of them are gimmicky and stupid. Shooters in general can be immediately judged as good or bad once you look at how they handled pistols. And I think we can all accept how pathetic the HL1 pistol was.

>Shooters in general can be immediately judged as good or bad once you look at how they handled pistols
Guess Doom's a shit game then

Doom is a rare exception, the great level design makes up for any shortcomings. But Half Life was designed after all the trial-and-error games, it's unforgivable for them to have gotten so much shit wrong.


I had completely forgotten existed. I enjoyed the shit out of that.

Hey, I liked HL pistol, and later you're getting a revolver. Shit method of judging

Almost all the big ones hold up, shooters from the 90's aged way better than those from 2000 => 2007 with the era of bad "realistic" games and postprocess to hide consoles limitations.

Reminder that Doom 3 is the worst of the Id Tech 4 games, it's not a good Doom game, it's not even a good FPS, .

Doom 3 was great when it stopped pretending to be a horror game

thinking about buying serious sam after I beat the new doom.

should I?

Pistol is just as effective as MP5 in HL.

Unreal tournament
Max player ffa on deck
Godlike mode

SS3 has a slow start.

In the grand scheme of things it's not a bad FPS, even if it is kind of a shitty Doom game. All it needs is make its guns more beefy sound wise and damage wise, while compensating for the increased damage with more monsters in the levels. Then it'll be good fun. Even like this it can be fun to run through the levels and blast monsters, though. Between it and Half Life 2 I'd choose Doom 3 any day.

I've been replaying System Shock 1, I'd recommend that as well. It doesn't have the RPG elements the second one has, and the huge ass maps are fun to explore. Controls are a little rough but with the enhanced edition, swapping back and forth between the classic controls and modern controls by pressing E is really helpful for the kind of game it is. The soundtrack is also GOAT too.

>while operating a mounted gun on the helicopter ride in the game's opening you can shoot down a billboard
>next level takes place in the building below the billboard
>in the next level if you shot the billboard it has fallen through the skylight and killed a badguy

That shit blew my mind.

Wolf3D is still fun, provided you use a source port. It's really basic sure, but that's part of the charm imo


does this count?
it's still the best FPS I've ever played

The Doom games have aged like fine wine and are still amazing to play today, and they're even better with a few mods like Smooth Doom. Doom 2 has a couple of really crappy levels but if you're using it as a mod/wad base then it's perfect; TNT is hit or miss, Plutonia is hard as nails, and 64 is a lot of fun with some eerie atmosphere. Doom is by far the greatest FPS of all time.
Wolf3D honestly did not hold up well at all and, while fun to play, wears out its welcome pretty quickly past the first two episodes in my opinion; the level design just doesn't hold up (especially those labyrinth levels) and the weapons and enemies get stale. Return to Castle Wolfenstein is fucking great though.
Quake 1 holds up very well and is still a lot of fun, but be sure you aren't playing the Steam version (that goes for just about all of these games, really; always go for source ports when you can). Quake 2 is also good but people tend to be hit or miss with it.

Duke 3D still holds up pretty well; Blood is still fun as fuck but you have to play through DOSbox because NO SOURCE PORT; Half Life/BS/OF are all still pretty good but the scripted "cutscenes" aren't fun to wait through; the Marathon trilogy holds up really well and is a lot of fun to play, but the AlephOne source port has some weird aiming quirks and there's a lot of reading if you care about the story; Heretic is a classic Doom clone example and is still pretty fun; Hexen is very hit or miss, honestly the only game I'd recommend having a guide handy for when you get lost, and the limited weapon pool because of split classes can make things a bit uninteresting at times. N64 and other console classic FPS games can still be fun but be wary of the dated control schemes.
So overall; the iconic classics have mostly aged very well, the console shooters have shit controls but can still be fun, and a majority of these are all still worth playing if you enjoy shooters. The classic FPS genre is one of the finest genres.



Link because it's impossible to find and run competently otherwise.

The ole sonny jim just recently reviewed it, so maybe it'll get a little more known. Kinda has that gothic-looking Quake 1 look, love that shit.

I genuinely believe older FPS are likely to be inherently better because they don't use the flawed regenerating shield or Health mechanics along with the faster movement and ability to carry all weapons.

The main problem Doom 3 had was every encounter was literally walk through a corridor and hidden panels open behind you when you hit an event trigger with zombies coming out.

Admit you're mad I spooked ya

It's interesting that you're reluctant to say that they're just plain better. Fast movement and weapon variety is good, but I feel like regenerating shields and limited health could be used well, if for nothing else but to make comebacks more reasonable in duels.

Not to mention well thought out and creative level design, games that were coded pretty damn well (the code for Doom itself is made to fucking last), and great action that doesn't pull punches.

No carmack I am mad you treat every game as a technology project rather than a game.

>Goldeneye 007 is shit now, of course, it was fucking god like back then, just now it doesn't stand up well
There's a thread about this on /vr/, and no you are wrong. This is an opinion born in ignorance of the game

How did you know to get the armor?

Probably the second you got shot and realised armour would help against that?

green is the color that most causes a nigga to chimp out and try to grab it

what the fuck happened to Shepard????

How were you supposed to get the mega-armor?

>grey DK64 cartridge
>not master race banana yellow


I think it looks better grey
I had the yeller one and it always just made it look bland somehow

Then again I didn't even end up liking the game


Oh man future shock.
It was kind of weird that the hardest aand most laberinthiclevel was the first one. It felt super creepy and it was amazing reaching new zones

I think you are mixing up future shock with terminator: skynet

Reminds me of when I hear fucking casuals talking about how "dated" the gameplay of a classic game is. The question is whether or not a game is fun, not the particular control scheme or whatever it uses. Why would a game stop being fun all of a sudden just because it's being played in the future? That's ridiculous.

>dat dope ass song as you enter cyberspace

No game has made better hacking music



Pretty much this.

People that say that some game didnt "age" well is the type of player that only want to enjoy a movie game.

You have to purchase the Military Tools of Warâ„¢ DLC

Was marathon that game that had a shitload of skills/spells?
One of the was like throwing a pinch of salt that would turn the enemy into salt?
That shit creeped me out. Only got to try the demo

I read the manual. What, were you born too late to experience printed vidya manuals?

These, System Shock 2, Deus Ex (even tho it was a little later), Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Opposing Force are my jam
Also think it might be worth mentioning Ultima Underworld 1/2, Daggerfall and Morrowind since I love those too

and Counter Strike. Never was a huge fan of Halo though

Remember this? Me neither.

For a wolf 3d based game some of the feature are pretty cool, although things like names for the enemies show that they weren't 100% enthusiastic about it.

Great game.

>needing the manual in the first place aside from looking up words to launch the game

most of them;
>Doom (in any modern source port; fuck chocolate doom)
>Quake (in fitzquake)
>Blood (bloodgdx)
>Duke3d (in the newest jew re release or eduke32)
>fucking HALF-LIFE
and to round out the first person genre
>motherfucking THIEF
>System Shock 2