What's the most pretentious video game that you have played?
What's the most pretentious video game that you have played?
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Starter pack memes are dumb.
stick to your fucking containment board
mgsv, fuck kojima and his name showing at the start of every mission
>Inb4 someone says all of these are shit except LOGH
How the hell is Nier pretentious?
>Sup Forums calling Sup Forums a containment board
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy XII
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Vagrant Story
Basically anything made by the talentless hack known as Yasumi Matsuno.
Reminder that Sup Forums's precious meme mod got fired for trying to mess with Sup Forums.
Don't fuck with us.
Probably Dear Esther, the writing was fine but it tried so fucking hard and basically wasn't even a videogame
I always thought that angel anime and Technolize or however the fuck it is spelled were always overrated as fuck, especially the angel one.
Story before 404?
Literally every CRPG.
Why is Akira not on that list
user, i love nier, but there isn't a better word to describe its story than pretentious
Try playing with developer's commentary. It really goes off the deep end.
A lot of modern anime really only attempt to be some kind of flavor of the month with memes,or quirky hentai bait.
90's anime tried way more to be timeless and It really pays off.
Not to say that 90's anime were constant holy grails,but they have strong points such as decent attempt at anatomy and what not.
You think so? I wouldn't even say I love it, but I wouldn't describe it as pretentious desu. An emotional story =/= pretentious
People surrounding the game made it pretentious.
The story itself doesn't pretend to be anything more than it actually is, the fans do.
"pretentious" is a meaningless complaint, all these shows are good except Ergo Proxy and you having ADHD doesn't change that.
Braid, man. By a long shot.
It's not a bad videogame or anything, but boy is it reaching up its own asshole with that secret ending interpretation or whatever.
Although I guess you could argue that it's only pretentious because the developer is, and you'd have a point.
It does that YA/fanfiction-tier hypertragedy = good story nonsense, but pretentious it ain't.
>reddit spacing
>muh 90s
>muh modern anime
I'm not saying it checks out, but it checks out.
Jonathan Blow is the most pretentious cunt in the industry.
The Witness is just him slapping his dick in your face while he yells LOOK AT ME, I READ SMART BOOKS BY SMART PEOPLE while you solve line puzzles
reddit spacing will always make me laugh
Name 1 (one) anime not called kemono friends from last season you'll remember in two years
Lain is good though and not that complex
Metal gear
Spec Ops: The Line. No contest
Dear Esther.
Also, moeshit itself is a massive problem in the anime community, it's the most alienating, pandering, masturbatory and creepy part of the medium.
It's borderline brony-tier, it doesn't help that moefags have 0 self awareness and even argue that their characters are """""""""DEEP""""""""""
I like shonen and I can see why indulging in something fun can be relaxing but Moefags take it too far and turn it into something hyper-commercialized, twisted and creepy.
Worst part being moefaggotry infects other genre's for those easy neetbux.
someone should make a starter pack starter pack meme to try to counter them
>wait a full 24 hours doing literally nothing so the cloud moves a few nanometers to the right so you can obtain 1 of 7 jewels to reveal the secret ending that the princess you were chasing all along was actually a devastating bomb that you used to kill earth.
Edgy and pretentious. I can't remember if it used some Einstein quote but I'm fairly sure it did.
Here's a hard question. What games deal with high concept and complex ideas while presenting in an intellectual manner WITHOUT being pretentious?
This most modern anime is just waifushit bait for teenagers and man children to jerk off over
it bugs me that Braid was a pretty solid game with an interesting backstory and a cool twist.
and then they shot themselves right in the dick with this atom bomb horseshittery. seriously. you didn't need that and it added nothing. the game was fine without it. the story was fine without it. everything was fine without it. fuck.
Where's the line between moeshit and pedobait anyway
It's not necessarily hard to understand, but it is complex and that's part of what makes it great as a story.
Little Witch Academia
Attack on Titan
Are you fucking with me?
>reddit spacing
Trying way too hard to fit in, kid
The Void
Silent Hill 2
We're going with "pretentious" as in "pretends to affect depth but actually says nothing of value" and not "unconventional and takes more than 2 seconds to understand," right?
>Einstein quote
bioshock infinite
that dubai game
mgs 5
basically any game that's posing as something well done despite being really surface level shitfest
there are also games that are pretentious yet manage to pull it off, like pathologic, yume nikki etc.
Pretty sure I'll remember those anime for at least 2 years. Looks like you got proven wrong. It happens.
>Being this butthurt over your shitty taste
I bet he loved gurren laggan, klk, and geass too
Limbo honestly any indie game ever made TBQH
The second definition is what most Sup Forumsirgins consider pretentious
>Can you get through a canadian air-port with this on your laptop?
if not it's pedobait.
>We're going with "pretentious" as in "pretends to affect depth but actually says nothing of value" and not "unconventional and takes more than 2 seconds to understand," right?
Oh boy are you in the wrong thread.
>implying GL is bad
Sure it's a little overrated but it's still one of the best anime in the past decade
>tfw fucking adore most of these but hate Evangelion more than any other anime I've ever seen
How's Angel's Egg, by the way?
I've been meaning to watch it but always forgot.
Moeshit is the redditor's term for CGDCT or ecchi, pedobait just means it obviously and intentionally appeals to pedophiles regardless of content.
Made In Abyss, for example, is obvious pedobait and the mangaka makes no attempt to hide it, but it's not "moeshit" by any stretch.
Yeah I know. Just shilling on the off chance someone takes me up on it and enjoys them. Gold nuggets in an ocean of shit and all that.
a year from now it won't be one of the best anime of the past decade
>watching the japanese jew cartoon
>500 shows
the marker is 1000 you faggot
I would but I'm not really into horror games or adventure games
I'm a simple person of simple taste
You have shit taste, you're not people.
See the problem is when I think of "moeshit" I think of that godawful dragon loli, which is also pedobait
I don't know much about anime, I've watched more of game center cx than every anime combined
All of these are good but Ergo Proxy
Is Silent Hill 2 emulateable? One of few "classics" I haven't completed yet. I got spoiled on the ending years ago, is it still worth it even though I know what happens?
You got my attention and I looked them up but The Void and Cryostasis had no seeder torrents so not today.
Yeah. Even has a PC port.
There's overlap, but they're not the same. Watch more anime though, most of it is neither.
>not posting the vidya version
you dumbass
Learn English before posting.
No, that's for Sup Forums
What's the Sup Forums version?
So if this is the equivalent image does that mean most of the anime in the OP are actually fantastic and Sup Forums and Sup Forums are full of contrarian fuckheads?
Evangelion is unironically the greatest TV show in general, not just anime
I shouldn't have to say unironically
Really excellent movie worth a watch for any fan of deeper shit.
>one's personal attitude or reaction toward an aesthetic phenomenon or social situation, regarded as either good or bad.
t. dictionary's
Nice try, r/T_D.
t. Idiot
Elaborate your point.
I'll post on Sup Forums
>So if this is the equivalent image does that mean most of the anime in the OP are actually fantastic
If you haven't already figured it out, yes. Except Ergo Proxy
And that relates to my post about memory how? Did you reply to the correct post ESL-kun? Cause looking back I said nothing about anything being good or bad.
What goes around comes around.
Yes. Majority of the anime in the op are actually really good. Some aren't for everyone (see: the hate for Ergo Proxy in this thread. I liked it, but I can see why others might not), but the majority in that image are easily top 5 materials.
It's not in the OP, but watch Escaflowne. The series, not the OVA. OVA butchers the story.
There are no pretentious Sup Forums works. Cartoons are for literal children.
>Dwarf fortress
How? Just because they're slightly inaccessible? Is fucking Europa Universalis "pretentious"?
I can't really get myself to watch most shows. I think too hard about them, feel weird about it, then forget about it and do other things. Lain was okay because it was really abstract in a lot of parts, but Gurren Lagann just makes me feel really weird and uncomfortable, because of how much it appeals to this weird sense of masculinity and heroism that would've REALLY clicked with me maybe 5, 6 years ago but now just makes me feel alienated
Fuck, now I'M being pretentious
At least you tried. The Void shows up on steam for like $5 sometimes if you feel like taking a chance.
Absolutely, Sup Forums has pretty frequent SH threads and someone always dumps this big ol' copypasta with a ton of information on how to get them working.
It's pretty good, one of the only anime where the heavy Christian symbolism actually means something, unlike Evangelion's "because it looks cool" shit.
If you don't understand it the first time just wait and watch it again eventually, there's a genuine puzzle to put together from the images and dialogue in movie and you'll feel super dumb if you have it explained by some YouTube video.
The director says he doesn't know what it means but he just said that to hear people's theories, the entire film is inspired by his loss of faith after having grown up Christian
>dark souls
I get what you're going for but "pretentious" isn't the word I would use for people who think they're hot shit because they're good at a game that's not actually hard.
t. Fucking contrarian hipster faggot
I have seen Escaflowne, I liked it.
nigga literally nobody has ever called Drakengard a good game. The people who love it the most will be the first to tell you that it's a steaming pile of shit.
The dub is totally cool too, right?
What makes a game pretentious?
It's a shame you feel that way about GL. I'd almost say try it again in another 5 years and see how you feel about it then. You kind of have to want to meet it halfway, but if your soul's stuck in the big dark rape-basement of cynicism it's hard to really get into it.
you're not being pretentious, this place is just full of fucking 15 yr olds or at least mental 15 yr olds who think any sentiment more complicated than sad or angry is pretentious
Marvel vs capcom
You don't like it
>GL was 10 years ago
Fuck I feel old.
Oh man, any kid who watched that is gonna be real disappointed when he finds out it's actually a love story with robots.