I would rather have good games so the red button.
Surprisingly good for EA is still a bad game.
Depends, does blue end up being the downfall of EA? Then blue, if not then red
EA is holding some of my favorite series hostage and running them into the ground. So red
>Do you want good games or games that are funny to watch crash and burn, but will still likely sell well due to name alone and continue to bring down the industry as a whole?
Yeah I think I'll take the good games personally. I hate EA, but I hate them because they put out shit games with terrible business practices surrounding them. If they made good games, I wouldn't have any issues.
I mean if the games on red are good, red. EA has some good franchises under its belt, ruined by their greed and buisness practice.
Red ez. We can keep Ubisoft for hilariously (but occasionally good) bad games.
red, because i like video games and want more.
only a person who doesn't play video games would push blue.
also they should stop posting on Sup Forums
Why would I want anything but good games with a solid budget?
>Dead Space
>Mass Effect
>Mirror's Edge
>Dragon Age
>The Sims/Sim City
If it means getting good versions of those, hell yeah I'd press red. Why wouldn't you? I can't stand EA's bullshit, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't want good games. And they have some great franchises under their name, so having good entries would be fucking great.
I'd press red for a new, good Dead Space alone.
Blue without hesitation, I'll open a bottle of champagne the day EA dies.
Someone pushed the blue button a long time ago.
Blue is slightly less entertaining but much cheaper
press blue, wait for their collapse then pray to god that a good company buys the sims and simcity
ea deserves to die for all the great ips they have murdered and buried
Now are we talking electronic arts or early access? It's come to a point where I see EA used for both in about equal numbers.
>pick blue
>nothing changes
>pick red
>Mass Effect and Dragon Age get infinitely better
Shit, I don't know, man.
EA will always be normie type shit, even if they do end up being good.
I'll choose hilariously bad.
Blue. Can't trust EA's policies and it's not like they have anything good going on with Dead Space, Mirror's Edge and Alice all being some kind of currently fucked. I won't miss em'.
Good Need For Speed games? Sure I'm in
Someone already hit the blue button 5 years ago
But EA's games are already kind of hilariously bad.
Where's the button to shoot myself.
Press both and see what happens
What happens if I press both?
where's the button to make me into a cute girl
no trans
depends on how brown we're talking
>italian with a summer tan
>puerto rican
>lower class mexicans
hell nah
I'm blue da boo dee da boo die, bitch!
>Except for me
I'd still press it anyway. It is a net-plus, sucks not being a little girl but becoming the world harem MC is good enough I guess.
Wooooooow, I'm pressing the blue button but nothing's happening!
Is EA still doing stuff like on disc DLC and denuvo?
If so blue button so someone else with better morals can take their place
only one button makes a difference
Do they all become clones or variations?
Wait, so, no men in the world, ever? What happens if I die? Is the planet doomed?
And I mean, I'm not sure that I'd be able to do much without ruining the gene pool with inbreeding
I've got some old ass bourbon sitting in the back waiting for just such an occasion.
Does forever imply eternal youth?
If so smash that green
>not picking the immortality option
May we live to see the day
I choose russian asian
red is enough money for both
Blue obviously. For years, I've only played vidya to havew fun from devs retardation
there was a variation that went into that but the writing was shitty
Am I missing something here or is there no penalty for just choosing all the highest?
Good luck with that
I sell it.
Posting skeleton gangrape and the 2 expansions
Somebody already pushed the blue button like ten years ago
What makes a game good is subjective, so by assuming that the games will be good in my eyes I will press the red button.
Read the scenario again, dumb dumb. It says you need to have each setting at a different fidelity.
> All these anons choosing Red
I'm honestly surprised that the majority here is people who just want to play good video games and there are so few edgelord faggots who would rather there be more bad video games.
I know I'm a huge faggot, but I can't stop buying Madden every year.
Priority (low to high): Permanence, Interactivity, Gameplay, Graphics, Sensations
Exception: Permanent room
I use this as a sex machine and turn into a zombie because unlimited pleasure
Because even if they made a half decent game it would bee locked behind 30 different season pass paywalls.
Red. I can coast until my inevitable death.
Red, and hope for a Road Rash game.
White; love pale-skinned girls.
Hook me the fuck up
Blue until they get the memo that not everyone wants to be jewed, then red
Permanence lowest because all I need is a room. Interactivity low because I don't need conversations or deep characters. Gameplay and graphics are interchangeable depending on what impact gameplay has. Sensations highest instead of using the "touch" exception because smell and taste would greatly improve the experience.
Blue if you're the same sort of faggot who makes NEVER EVER threads, red if you actually like playing video games
>Each game is not just good, but surprisingly good
>Each game that comes out raises the bar
>With each new EA game, they get better and better, each one being surprisingly better than the last
>EA becomes the golden gods of gaming, eventually making games that are so incredibly good they transcend description
>Each game eventually is a masterpiece of story, gameplay, visuals and audio that is good to the point of making other mediums obsolete
Or, they're a bit worse and good for some laughs.
>Pick red
>Dollar becomes worthless because
red button i think
red, you're an edgelord if you pick blue
Ackshually, user never specified if you won it from a contest or megalotto, so, if you specifically won it from a contest or something, the dollar wouldn't go the way of the marx post ww1
Red. I missed when EA had good games
not if everyone on earth gives you one dollar
Already living blue, it's not that entertaining, I'd rather play good game.
Swap Gameplay and Sensations and then you're right
Who the fuck likes EA games anyway?
By hilariously bad do you mean like mass effect andromeda that was hilariously bad but a commercial success, or so hilariously bad that they make them lose money? If the former red, if the latter blue.
What kind of "bad" we talking here. We talking "The Room" bad or "The Remake of Footloose" bad?
red button easy.
as EA starts pumping out better games, the expectated level or quality is raised. meaning the quality required for it to be "suprising" is going to keep going up with each game
until EA makes the perfect game.
>letting EA dominate the industry and make their practices necessary evils because of their quality
No way, fag, go die in obscurity with a plethora of shitty games. Luckily, I don't even need to press a button, they're doing it already.
Brown if doujin loli brown, white if real life brown.
Except that's impossible you retard, there isn't 1 trillion humans on Earth.
Red only because I want to save the Mass Effect IP
Best reply right here.
Seriously fuck at least half of you autistic faggots.
>would you rather play good games or shitpost about bad ones
bluefags need to be deported back to r.eddit
>tfw rebbit pushes the blue button because they started coming here 3 months ago and missed TORtanic
pls go back thank u
This is the greatest trick ever played on EOPs. kek everytime I see it
Do they have to see me to be attracted to me?
Brown, since that implies it is anime-brown.
they have to pay
Kanji is hard
Does pressing the red button give me:
-a release of the PS2 version of Need for Speed, Hot Pursuit 2, ported to PCs?
-a rerelease of extreme pinball that of course has the whole table always visible?
-a remake of System Shock 2 where you play on side with the many?
And, of course, a spinning off of the studios they've acquired to act autonomously as proper continuations of what they used to be?
I hit both buttons at once.
Red so we can maybe one day get a good sims again without the nickel and diming.
cheap expansions were one thing but what they do now is nuts
Everybody on earth gives you three dollaridoos.
Reminder that if you choose blue - you are what's wrong with videogames today and you should consider suicide.