High mobility

>high mobility
>high damage
>high hp
>no counter
Soldier sure is balanced

I have done nothing but teleport bread for the past 3 days

I wish his playstyle would be in every fps

any competent scout can delete a soldier

It's 50/50 if the soldier has the shotgun
And the atomizer is getting nerfed

>bad players keep blaming me for their mistakes
>keep healing them when i can because we're teammates

This machine makes sollys ragequit

>shoots 2 rockets at it
psssh nothing personnel kid...

>It's 50/50 if the soldier has the shotgun
Good thing none of them do.

>stop healing me medic. OMFG

Pocket soldiers do

Not really, most use gunboats nowadays because scouts a better pocket.

>I don't know what I'm talking about
It's preference really, and it also depends on the map. Scout is definitely not a better pocket.

Pyro should be Soldier's counter but clearly he's not strong enough to be one.
So yeah, Tf2 is unblanaced as fuck.

>puts on max hat
>puts on earbuds and accessories
>joins trading server to acquire more hats
nothin personnel


Soldier is balanced because everyone plays him.

Or at least somebody else on your team does.

>Scout is definitely not a better pocket.
Scout is the strongest sixes class right now
Scout can deny bombers better
Scout can get the medic out faster
Scout can clear stickies

There's really not much reason for the soldier to stick around the medic.
You can still use shotgun it's not a bad choice but for the most part gunboats pocket is the meta.

>trade server

Everyone uses instant trade websites now grandpa.

>mobility at the cost of health and dps
>pyro can bounce rockets back

Soldier can clear stickies with the shotgun
Soldier can get the medic out even faster if he has the quick fix

Who cares ? I can rebuild it in a giffy while one-shooting imprudent scouts and even solly with my sweet Frontier Justice crit.

Meant for

>no counter
>when the scout exists
Ya sure thing retard.

Bots make better team mates user, always thankful, always in danger.


Oh sweet summer children

It takes two rockets or one rocket one shotgun to kill a scout.
And no matter how much they jump around like tards, you'll hit them twice easily before they can kill you.

>shoots 2 more rockets
>or just one at close range while it's building
So this is the power of the gunslinger....

What's the problem? The quick-fix is pretty good, it's even banned in some competitive formats IIRC

Doesn't matter, the role of a combat engineer is simply to annoy people while my team hopefully push towards the objective. And most of the time, the soldiers get denied in the middle of a rocket jump rather than shooting my turret.

>What's the problem?
>it's even banned in some competitive formats

I do.

No one cares about competitiva TF2

>no counter

>b-but in these unrealistic situations in which a vastly overskilled solly player with full team support faces a solo and out of position amateur opponent, he beats these classes
not what countering is

>I only play against terrible scouts
huh really made me think

>All these TF2 threads lately

Lmao if you seriousky think heavy and pyro counter soldier in any way you're honestly fucking retarded

Bugs.. Take it easy on the carrots

>I don't know what I'm talking about: the post
Heavy is the best anti-air in the game. He shuts down bombing soldiers like no other class in the game, which instantly makes him the go-to "fuck off roamer" pick in any situation in which heavy unlocks aren't banned. Furthermore, unless the solly is critboosted or the heavy does something terribly wrong (like being caught out solo) the soldier will be incapable of dealing enough DPS to kill the Heavy. Heavy can chip damage him and deny him his jumps to his hearts content. Which is a hard counter to the big reason why anyone on an organized team ever plays Soldier: the jumping.

Pyro reflects back Soldier's rockets. Invalidating his damage output is obviously a counter. >But muh shotgun, you cry, ignorant as you are of how TF2 is optimally played. Good soldiers run Gunboats basically 24/7, because Solly's true power is in his jumping and bombing ability. Pyro shuts this down, which denies Soldier his job in any match with real organization.
>b-but that's not how it goes in muh ctf_2fort 24/7 furry trade servers
Strange things happen when everyone involved is too stupid or underaged to do things like basic team comp. Its not something to be proud of, nor a basis for deciding game balance. It's just retards retarding.

>no counter
I love this meme.

Thanks for telling us that you only play against shitters, user.

Heavy is really good vs him as long as heavy is being supported and doesnt actually suck at aiming the bloody minigun.
But heavy sucks on 6v6, and on attack in general.

The pyro thing isn't really true because even without shotgun soldier has quite a few options. He can walk at him and bait out the airblast, he can hit pyro with splash damage, he can spam rockets around cover or from above, or bomb into him and wait for the airblast. There's a reason pyro is considered the worst class in the game, pyro can only reflect consistently at medium range. At close range you have to guess when he's going to shoot and if you miss you're screwed.

>But heavy sucks on 6v6
Only because his unlocks are banned.

>Heavy is the best anti-air in the game. He shuts down bombing soldiers like no other class in the game, which instantly makes him the go-to "fuck off roamer" pick in any situation in which heavy unlocks aren't banned.
What the fuck am I reading? Damage falloff is a thing and Heavy is the easiest class to flank. Specially as a soldier.
>Furthermore, unless the solly is critboosted or the heavy does something terribly wrong (like being caught out solo) the soldier will be incapable of dealing enough DPS to kill the Heavy.
Three rockets are all it takes.
>Heavy can chip damage him and deny him his jumps to his hearts content.
Again damage, fallloff
>Pyro reflects back Soldier's rockets.
>Invalidating his damage output is obviously a counter.
First off, there's mutliple ways to bait the airblast, second you shouldn't even be shooting rockets directly at a pyro but make use of splash damage. Third, soldier almost always has a position advantage.

You're honestly fucking stupid

I personally think he sucks because he is to slow wich is a horrible trait to have on a 3cp or 5cp map
His unlocks fix this a little bit but not enough for him to be picked over demo or scout

>His unlocks fix this a little bit but not enough for him to be picked over demo or scout
Lolno if GRU was allowed he would be run to mid every time, that's why it's banned.
He is the best med pocket in the game, can tank a ton of damage, and easily shuts down aggression.

Soldier has a high skillcap because of rocket projectiles instead of hitscan. Also this game is rooted in Quake so of course the rocket class has to be higher tier

I'm not even the guy you where arguing with but damn your stupid, unless soldier gets to deal damage to heavy first there is no way a non overhealed soldier can kill a heavy. Heavy deals so much damage that as long as he gets to shoot first he win. You scream falloff as if soldiers attack from max range wich they generally dont do because rockets can get dodged from that range.
Three perfectly aimed rockets kill a heavy but a heavy just has to aim in the general direction of soldier to deal well over de 100 damage per second.

You are probably correct but I still think this game would be better as 12v12 or at least 9v9 competitieve, it would also make classes like spy engie and pyro better

Damage falloff isn't what stops the Soldier's momentum in the air you absolute fucking retard. If you actually knew how to aim as Heavy and tried stopping bombing soldiers in their tracks you would know this. You are stopping his forward momentum so that he cannot complete his jump. Minis also do this, which is why solly mains REEE so hard at them. It's not because the mini takes them from 180 to 0 HP before they can hit the ground. It's because the damn thing sets their forward velocity to 0 like they just got hit with the Natascha. Heavy's minigun does the same thing, stupid.
>Three rockets on an un-overhealed Heavy without his medic
Yes, in the situation in which Heavy doesn't know how to play the game, Soldier wins. What are you trying to prove? That you can abuse f2p's stupidity to get kills that you shouldn't? Try playing against people who actually know what they're doing.

When a Pyro goes up to reflect rockets away from a bombing soldier 99% of the time the Soldier isn't trying to kill Pyro, he's trying to kill the Medic or sentry that Pyro is guarding. So fuck off with your "muh splash damage" meem, because its Pyro's job to make sure that the direct rocket hits on Medic don't land. That neuters Soldier's effectiveness. If you're trying to kill a Medic with splash damage as you're bombing in as Soldier you are not doing it right. Stop thinking in terms of your L33T 1v1 matches. TF2 isn't a DM-fest, you should not be measuring who is and is not OP by whether they can make a sicc frag video against a given class. Its about who can most easily stop who from doing their job.

Yeah, look at them "pro" scouts in denial. Your class is shit. Deal with it.

>hurr durr 2vs1 beats soldier
No fucking shit you absolute moron, so does it beat every class
In no situation a pyro or heavy is going to beat a soldier 1vs1 assuming equal skill, that's the whole point

9v9 is stalematey as fuck. The overwhelming majority of your time spent in a Highlander match is standing around doing nothing much in particular as you wait for a pick on the enemy sniper or medic. Then you go in, but its more stalemates because perma-engineer, perma-heavy, and perma-pyro are too good at shutting down pushes, almost everything ends in a reset back to the status quo. You need a perfect storm of getting picks on over half of the classes in the game simultaneously to do anything. It happens, but rarely so long as your opponents are idiots. Its boring to play, its boring to watch. One of the reasons 6v6 was invented in the first place was to help speed the game and reduce the tendency to stalemate and be boring.

Demoman is better in almost everyway. They literally have to limit the demo to one per team in comp.

9v9 competitive is never going to be taken seriously because of logistics.
12v12 is an unbalanced mess where spam is king. The only reason spy does well is because of the chaos and lack of communication. Pyro does well because his skill floor is incredibly low, you can't miss with the flamethrower. This gives him an advantage in a server filled with unskilled players who have poor movement and aim.

In no situation will a pyro or heavy face a soldier 1v1. That isn't how the game works. Soldier's job is to bomb into a distracted heavy/pyro+medic/demo combo and assassinate the VIP before they know what's going on. His role, his strength as a class, is his ability to get in solo vs a crowd of unaware guys and blow their leader to pieces. Heavy and Pyro's roles, as a class, excel in utilizing their team support to deny that from happening. Soldier is a lone wolf. You cannot bring a medic with you when you jump into the enemy backline, nor can Scouts come with you unless they can to get ripped to pieces by the enemy defensive front. He's an offensive class. Pyro and Heavy are defensive classes. Their job is to stick with their friends and prevent Soldier from doing his job. They are very good at this. That is why they neuter Soldier. Thinking about TF2 balance solely within the context of "BUT WHO WINS IN A 1V1 FIGHT" is completely retarded, and shows how bad you are at the game. 1v1 fights on Final Destination are not how TF2 is played.

>takes a year to reload
>has to hurt himself to move faster than pootis and take a whole slot to not hurt himself a LOT while moving

still, you're right. soldier is a very consistent class that's good in every scenario.

Sure, in your magic land where pyros can airblast every rocket and heavies have zero spin up time and wallhacks they can always stop a soldier from killing a medic with two rockets while jumping across the map.
You're seriously have no idea what you're on about.

>little damage ramp-up with notable fall-off
>pretty slow firing speed
>slow reload
>good damage and slow attack speed combine to make a relatively low dps (Rocket Launcher has max DPS of 140, in comparison to the Scattergun's 168, the Grenade Launcher's 166.6... and the Stickybomb Launcher's 240)
>slow outside of rocket jumping, which costs health and a shot in your clip, leading to more reload time

>Heavy not near-constantly revving to keep doctor alive
>Pyro being bad at his job
Yes, when Heavy and Pyro can't play they don't succeed at fulfilling their intended roles. Any other blindingly obvious statements you want to pretend prove anything important?

>Heavy not near-constantly revving to keep doctor alive
No heavy is going to be constantly revving in every situation to be an easy prey for snipers and demos.
>Pyro being bad at his job
It's impossible for a pyro to reflect every rocket, specially when they're not even aimed at them.
Your knowledge of the game basically extends to the shitters you play against.

Demo can't pursue retreating or distracted enemies as well as Soldier can, and he's also not as good at finishing wounded players off. Demo is the best wall of advancing DPS in the game (he basically does every job Heavy does -- except deny bombers -- better than Heavy) but he needs help in turning huge DPS into frags. Soldiers fulfill their job by distracting enemies so that they don't adequately focus down the Demo as he pours damage into them, and working with the Scouts to finish the softened-up players after Demo forces them to cede territory.

>this argument again
stop looking at what the soldier can do and look at what it can't do instead

it can't do area denial anywhere as well as heavy, demo and engie
it can't heal as well as medics (duh)
it can't destroy sentry nests as well as demos
it doesn't make as good use of uber as demos and heavies
it's not that great at pocketing
it can't safely pick people off like snipers
it sucks in open spaces

he only really excels at 1v1 in enclosed areas and suicide bombing medics, he's a true jack of all trades

>Heavy/Medic combo walking into sniper sightlines like a pack of idiots
>Implying that Soldiers needing to fire off at least 3 rockets before their jump ends doesn't make the rocket timing much more predictable
>implying that Pyro can't do something as press WASD until he's in between the Soldier and Medic
>implying that Pyro even needs to have 100% reflect rate so long as he gets enough of them to keep Medic alive
Damn son and you call other players bad. I see you get the totality of your game knowledge from cp_orange_allcrits. Tell the underaged Russians I said hi.

>In no situation a pyro or heavy is going to beat a soldier 1vs1 assuming equal skill, that's the whole point
But heavy does as long as he is not caught offguard. No class comes even close to rivaling heavy's DPS and he has 100 more HP the soldier. In order to kill heavy you must suprise him, his simple mechanics make it so as long as heavy can spin up before he takes 100 damage he will win the fight.
Soldier ar much more reliable in general wich is what makes him better, not having high DPS.

As much as I love demo you are wrong. Soldiers rockets explode on contact wich makes dealing damage much easier.

Soldier is so much more reliable then demo and scout though, Demo's can shoot past their targets while soldiers rockets explode on impact. Scout needs to get close while soldier is effective at most ranges besides long. Soldier is also the king of mobility and has 200 HP, all of this combined is what makes soldier so good.

git gud

>Soldiers rockets explode on contact wich makes dealing damage much easier [than Demo].
Aim your pipes and learn how to properly airburst stickies. Demo actually does take skill.

>pills have no drop off and explode on contact with enemy
>stickies travel faster than rocket and can detonate mid air right next to enemy

People saying Soldier is balanced are literally soldier mains or competitive faggots in general, which shouldn't be listened at all because they are to blame for the cancer called Meet Your Match.
Wise up, boys.

it's funny because soldier is weaker in pubs than he is in 6 v 6

Soldier, Demo, a lvl 3 sentry, and scout can counter soldier.
You know this to be true


>>has to hurt himself
>15hp per jump

its fuken nothing

eez on dem' carrots

I find dealing damage on contact much easier then having to direct hit. Hitting pipes up close is pretty hard against scouts, scouts can usually kill you before you get out your stickey launcher and get of 2 shots. Soldier has more HP making fights generally (by far not allways) in his favor but soldier has a way easier time against scouts.
This is all my opinion ofcourse

>Heavy/Medic combo walking into sniper sightlines like a pack of idiots
Lmao because a Sniper is going to camp a single area
>Implying that Soldiers needing to fire off at least 3 rockets before their jump ends doesn't make the rocket timing much more predictable
Nice conjecture
>implying that Pyro can't do something as press WASD until he's in between the Soldier and Medic
He can't do a thing
>implying that Pyro even needs to have 100% reflect rate so long as he gets enough of them to keep Medic alive
>implying he can keep the Medic alive
There's a reason no one uses pyro outside of Highlander yoh fucktard

Your opinion is objectively wrong.

>played back when minis had amazing build time
>discover the build and destroy commands
>make a bind to instantly destroy current sentry and to immideately bring up the build for a new sentry
>could shit out minis with unparalleled speed at will in return

Anyone else love being cancer?

>I will just call it objective HUEHUE
Hitting splash damage is way easier then direct hitting even if pipes travel faster. Unless you have your sticky launcher dealing with scouts as demo is harder then with Soldier. Weapon swapping is a big part of TF2 after all.

you are one effective texan

>Sniper camping a single area
Sniper tends to stay around zones where sightlines work in his favor and not go running around cramped hallways where he gets BTFO, yes. This makes his positioning predictable. Don't be retarded.

>Nice conjecture
It's not, ask any high level pyro main.


>Nobody uses Pyro outside of Highlander
First off, Pyro does see play in last on 6s. Second, in 6s Soldier has his own counter in the form of Scout, who can effectively deny his jumps and burst him down with the Scattergun. If you don't think that high level scout play defeats Soldier you are literally delusional. Third, people who bitch about SOLDIER BROKEN REEEE aren't talking about 6s, they're shitters in pubs or low level highlander leagues who can't get organized or play Solly's counter classes effectively.

t. pyro main
Face it, pyro is fucking trash against anyone that knows what he's doing.

>I have no arguments so I must shitpost

You can whine all you want, you are wrong. You should have sticky out most of the time and even if you don't pipebombs kill scout faster than Shotgun does and point blank aren't hard to hit with. He's right fucking next to you. How do you whine about that being hard to hit?

>Play scout on hoodoo
>Constantly get to red spawn harassing them and delaying engies, easy picks
>Notice team cannot get past first point
>4 snipers, 2 spies who suck at sapping, 1 demo, 3 pyros
>Red has 3 engies, heavies, sentry sitting pyros and medics who just run past me and hide behind the sentries and hold the kart back

Fuck my life.

No, seriously. Say to any comp player that pyro counter soldier and they'll laugh on your face. You have no arguments, just retarded hypothetical situations that literally don't happen.

>I am somehow objective.
Shooting at the ground close to someone is easier then hitting them directly

I don't get why you can't balance comp and casual differently.

why are you playing the worst map in the game?

That's not cp_junction

let me rephrase in that case
>why are you playing the worst payload map in the game

In an ideal situation it just shouldnt. People in casual wont learn comp.
2Fort is objectively the worst map.

So that there is no huge devide for players to jump when hopping game modes

I have done nothing but wait for the update for 3 weeks

>2Fort is objectively the worst map.
its still very playable compared to shit like Hydro, any payload race,Dand Doomsday.

And if you had the right wep out you wouldn't need to do that. If you didn't its shotgun v pills at best and they're equally as easy.
Cherry picking the perfect situation for Soldier and the worst for Demo is just sad.

>People in casual won't learn comp
So? Comp should stay a niche thing that pubstompers go to when they're bored
>Off by one
But then there are modes like MvM where you have classes that are balanced around that mode (e.g. spy's sapper, sniper headshots). Why can't they do the same for comp? Obviously it shouldn't be anything too drastic.

I also don't see why Valve competitive isn't all stock barring skins like Australiums and Botkiller so that they can use comp as the ultimate test ground to balance the stock mercs and weapons

Balancing for comp doesn't hurt casual. The only exception I can think of is the base jumper because pub soldiers aren't skilled enough to use it. The weapons that are annoying in competitive tend to be just as annoying in pubs.