What do these three series have in common?

What do these three series have in common?

Their first game was the best in the series

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Sly: 2 > 1 > 3
R&C: 3 > 2 > 1
Never played Jak.

Jak is
2 > 1 > 3

>First game
>Fairly unique, simple gameplay, well-received

>Second game
>changes the format while retaining core gameplay, usually the best received

>Third game
>keeps format of second game, tries to add more to keep things fresh, game decently received but consdered weaker to 2

>Fourth game (not counting spin-offs)
>Often keeps with established format, could be by another developer, reception is often mixed, leaning towards negative

3 > 1 > 2

Jak II is an awful fucking game, and I'm not the type of person to call a 7.5/10 game shit. It's truly terrible.

The first game was about platforming and exploration of an open environment. In the second game, all traces of good level design are gone as most levels are just about mowing down waves of enemies with your gun. The other half of the game is doing mindless chores in the hub-world like shitty racing minigames and other repetitive missions that pad out the game. Not to mention they just had to make the game EDGY because "we want the GTA audience".

Jak II was the DmC of Gen 6. It's like a shitty knockoff of Ratchet and Clank and and a shitty knockoff of GTA III rolled into one abomination that was designed solely to appeal to the focus group consisting entirely of 12 year olds.

What about Ape Escape?

Fourth Ratchet and Clank completely abandoned the established format which is why it sucked.



It had co-op though, so that made it pretty fun on its own.

Ratchet's first game was a clunky mess with maneuverability

For me it was everything you said plus the drastic tone shift that rivaled going from Sonic Heroes to Shadow the Hedgehog. I honestly just lost all desire to play because not only did it feel like a gta knockoff but it felt like it was written by a 14 year old who just discovered swearing.

Up Your Arsenal was the best R&C game, though it's a 10/10 when others were 9/10 or 8/10.

Sly 2 > 3 > 1
Ratchet 2 > 1 > 3 > ToD > ACiT > Remake > Deadlocked > Quest for Booty
Jax 2 > 3 > 1

2 isn't that bad it introduced a lot of things 3 improved on

But the Ratchet and Clank games got better and better within that trilogy.

t. homosexuals

That's the issue, if it wasn't uninspired, it was just unpolished ir straight up unfun. Not to mention the weird "realistic" textures they used that really clashed with the artstyle

But any regular Ratchet and Clank could be co-op without issue. Doesn't make up for the game itself.

Meant for

How about you explain why 2 is better when in reality it's a bastardization of the first game? It's Shadow the Hedgehog levels of bad.

Could being the operative word. I'd kill for a co-op for any of. the other games.
And Deadlocked wasn't that terrible, had some of the best vehicles and the weapon customization had some nice variety to it (although completely unbalanced).

Why do people like Sly2 so much?

For me personally i found it so repetitive with the hubs being so jam packed with enemies that it was frustrating. The individual missions themselves also mostly took place in the hubs rather than unique levels which kind of killed the smooth and tight platforming the first had.

Not shitting on people here just generally curious why the second is favored over the 1st.

I rather liked the set-up of the missions more in 2 (and 3). Doing various things in preparation for a heist was pretty interesting, and Bentley and Murray were decent characters to play as.
There's less smooth Sly platforming, of course, but I felt it was an acceptable trade-off.

Huh? How was it unpolished? Never ran into a single glitch at all, I also don't know about these "realistic" textures you're referring too the textures are pretty simple and even if 3 looks better 2 still looks decently cartoony enough.

The only thing that really looks weird to me is the pipo monkeys it just looks like they took the references from the 1 game and gave them more polygons without changing the overall design but they don't look too bad, honestly I think the game gets shit on too much compared to other AE games it still has solid level design (save for those magnet rooms near the end) and the new gadgets (even though mostly situational) had good ideas behind them it's just that the execution could've been better. Guess why they opted with transformations instead I mean both games had the same director.

I guess when I meant unpolished, I meant the useless gadgets that only pretty much had uses in the levels they were introduced in. Also how do you not remember the "furry" looking pipo monkeys. Uncanny valley shit.
>tfw there will never be a true sequel to AE after the terrible spinoffs

I felt Bently and Murray got better in the later games. Bentleys hacking mini game was especially too common in the 2nd game and i honestly didnt find it that fun until the 4th game where they added a lot more variety.

I can agree the heist format was a good change and it was nice to see more of the characters.

TPL was absolutely fantastic but Jak 2 improved on it.
Compared to TPL,
>Jak is actually a character in Jak 2, voiced
>Jak 2 hub has people walking around, vehicles, and guards while TPL was empty apart from npcs standing around waiting to give you a mission for power cells
>story is more interesting than having to look for Gol to turn Daxter back
>Jak 2 has platforming and melee combat just like the first game, but adds ranged weapons. More options. If you don't like the guns, you can play TPL style
>more characters
>TPL is too easy, Jak 2 is just right
TPL had better music and more diverse settings, and had the collectathon element to it if you enjoy it. But that's it for the most part.
Compared to Jak 3
>Jak 3 has too many overpowered weapons that I have to ignore because they break the game
>too much health, no challenge unless you fall off a platform
>impossible to die in Jak 3 against enemies because of Light Jak healing and shield
>haven city is better in Jak 2 than in Jak 3
>Jak 3 has too much racing, Jak 2 had better balance
>desert isn't interesting
>Erol as main villain wasn't as good
>the precursor reveal in Jak 3, them being you know what
>the platforming is too simple
Jak 3 did everything worse than Jak 2 and TPL. Worst game

Here's the reply you want.

They're all furry

Now give me a furry bf. Toronto pls

Why did Ape Escape die?

What is Crash Bandicoot

That cover is fucking cancer

Oh those textures specifically, yeah they did look kinda off compared to most other textures in the game from memory (haven't played the game since last year) also Big mission is alright and I heard Million Monkeys ain't half bad either but I haven't played it yet


>Jak is actually a character in Jak 2, voiced
and he's awful. Naturally he'd be pissed due to all the torture but he went from being this lighthearted adventurous go-getter through his animations and cutscenes in TPL to "I'M GONNA KILL PRAXIS" and it gets so irritating that Daxter is the single voice of levity in the entire game and it's annoying as all hell.

>Jak 2 hub has people walking around, vehicles, and guards while TPL was empty apart from npcs standing around waiting to give you a mission for power cells
Even with this Jak 2's hub was lifeless. All the cars driving around don't go anywhere, they just keep going in circles. All the people just stand around or stand in the middle of the street, and the guards are there to make your life miserable since anything you do to them means having to either die or zone out to get them off your tail due to how they respawn.

>story is more interesting than having to look for Gol to turn Daxter back
It's also far too dark for its own good, especially coming from TPL. The mood whiplash is unbelievable and it's painful to play after coming from TPL.

>Jak 2 has platforming and melee combat just like the first game
In far worse areas. There's nothing to explore, they're mostly linear corridors.

>more characters
Who you either hate or don't care about.
>Fat black market guy who uses you the entire game.
>Scientist you meet twice.
>Sig who is around you for maybe 10 minutes.
>Praxis who you see sporadically at best and don't give two shits about.
>That elderly lady you escort near endgame.
>The two people from the resistance.
>Ashelyn who ruins Jak 3 by replacing Keira after she already fell in love with the other dude.
They're all awful.

>Jak 2 is just right
Except for the distance of all the checkpoints, constantly throwing 40+ enemies at you without even so much as a single health recovery, the time trials (Including the forced one), the racing times, and the escort missions.

Just wanna say I agree with all your points but some stupid faggot is gonna just gonna greentext your last point and say git gud or some variant.

Jak II is unfun. If Dark Souls had every alternate bonfire removed, it would not be the good kind of harder, just way more tedious and grating. Oh no I died to something stupid, can't wait to mow down the exact same waves of enemies all over again.

>What do these three series have in common?

They're on ps2 the superior console

It's an edit. Unfortunately this isnt

Million Monkeys is all about combat, there isn't even a conventional net IIRC, but the combat is slow, and there are unskippable animations that the camera focuses on for every wave of new enemies which further slow the game down. It's overall not very fun, but if you are desperate for a AE game, it's all that's left.

Fuck I c an't seem to post right today.

>the guards are there to make your life miserable since anything you do to them means having to either die or zone out to get them off your tail due to how they respawn
>the distance of all the checkpoints, constantly throwing 40+ enemies at you without even so much as a single health recovery, the time trials (Including the forced one), the racing times, and the escort missions
This is the part where I tell you to git gud because there's not a single issue with any of those things in terms of difficulty.
>All the cars driving around don't go anywhere, all the people just stand around or stand in the middle of the street
As opposed to no vehicles or people walking around at all in TPL? It's still an improvement in Jak 2 no matter how much you want to underplay it
>mood whiplash
Nigga how do you get whiplash when 2 years went by between the release of TPL and Jak 2?
>There's nothing to explore, they're mostly linear corridors
Don't be fooled. TPL had corridors like the precursor temple in the jungle, gol and maya's citadel, the underwater city, etc. TPL did have more open areas, but even then there's very little exploration.
>Ashelyn who ruins Jak 3 by replacing Keira after she already fell in love with the other dude.
That's a Jak 3 problem.
And I think it happened because they couldn't get Keira's voice actor so they just ignored her altogether

Welp I'll just attempt to emulate it and see how far I get, I think there's a guide someone uploaded to YouTube too I was shocked when I first discovered it months ago

Not that user, but you know you can play TPL and Jak 2 back to back now, right? That is one way to get mood whiplash?

Also I liked Ashelyn better.

Sly 3 had some fun "minigame"-things,

like the Pirate level where you could sail the seas.

or the biplane/dogfight level,

though those were kind of buggy, and the biplane level lacked much depth.

>there's not a single issue with any of those things in terms of difficulty.
Guards are horseshit because they infinitely respawn. Nick one with your car? Now they will chase you nonstop until you either die or go through a loading area. I believe you can also enter the resistance building but I can't completely remember. If you try and hide they will spawn where you are standing, or will immediately run around towards you because they always know where you are.

Sig's escort mission reverts you to the puzzle room which is several rooms back if you die at all during the fucked up control snake chase.
If you die at all in the underwater mech section with the jellyfish at any point it reverts you all the way back to the start of it 5+ minutes back.
If you die at all during any of the turret section you revert back all the way to the start.
If you die at all during the section where you escape from the tower, even if you reached the bottom, you will revert all the way back to the top where you have to jump over the fire platforms.

>As opposed to no vehicles or people walking around at all in TPL?
Yes. I'll take small, condensed towns with people standing around than lifeless fluff.

>how do you get whiplash when 2 years went by between the release of TPL and Jak 2?
Because I played these games for the first time in the HD collection and 2 was like someone shat on my plate and told me it was a Jak game after the nice collectathon that was TPL.

>TPL did have more open areas, but even then there's very little exploration.
Forest area let you choose which direction you wanted to come from, if you wanted to go into the building, and so on. Water area had both the on foot section and the jetski. Mountain area had a crazy amount of choice on directions to go and areas to find. Jak 2 had none of it, the closest you get is the very first area you enter and even that is linear, the water leads you to nothing but Precursor orbs in the water, no special landmass.

Sly: 2>1>4>3
Ratchet: ACiT>3>2>ToD>Remake>Into the Nexus>Deadlocked>1>Quest for Booty There are no bad Ratchet games though
Jack: 1>3>2

>ratchet remake over deadlocked
>ratchet remake over fucking 1

I don't think Ratchet and Clank 1 was the best, but I agree with the other two.

1 is really clunk m8, I'd go as far to say that its not worth playing more than once now that the series is so fleshed out

I don't get the WB/whatever-game fans,

I played shadow of mordor, and while the rivals were neat, the combat was really sleep inducing, and the exploration pretty unsatisfying.

I always thought these three series were a single thing until now.
Always dismissed it as a shitty 3rd person platformer with clunky mechanics.

>sly 1 being better than sly 3
>ratchet 1 not being the worst game in the franchise


say that to my face and not online faggot


because they're braindead retarded

Sly2 was a genuinely awful game, while the original Sly was fantastic. Fucking kill Bentley and Murray, I hated them so much. I didn't pick up Sly Cooper to play as a fucking idiotic hippo and a paraplegic turtle.

What about the PSP Ratchet games?

>ratchet 1 not being the worst game in the franchise

They're their own thing

Secret Agent Clank was the fifth best game in the series after A Crack in Time, Up Your Arsenal, Going Commando and 2016, the fuck are you on about?

Jumping Flash 4 when?

>There are no bad Ratchet games though
>intentionally doesn't talk about All 4 One or Full Frontal Assault

There was a third?

>Now they will chase you nonstop until you either die or go through a loading area
It's funny this is a complaint, because I would always trigger the guards on purpose while I was in between missions just to have opponents while driving around.
>if you die you lose progress!
Again, this is the part where I say git gud. I could probably beat the game without dying more than 3 times.
The missions aren't even that long.
>having people and vehicles moving around is lifeless fluff, I just want empty hub only with people that'll give me missions aka just lifelessness itself
>forest area, mountain area, water area, JETSKI
You can't expect me to take your post seriously when you don't even know the names of the settings you argue are better and call the zoomer a jetski.
Regardless, choosing what direction you wanting to go to first in TPL is no different than choosing which mission to tackle first in Jak 2 when you have multiple available at the same time. Having the option of going on foot or going into the precursor bay in TPL in "the water area" is no different than having on foot and racing/escort missions in Jak 2.

3 > 1 > Pumped & Prime > > > > > > > Academy > Quest
Pumped & Prime is pretty bad (it's entirely incompetent), but it's a lot of fun with friends like most mediocre party games.
i unfortunately haven't played 2, but i'm planning on getting it on PSN after i finish Jak and Ratchet.

All 4 one is a fun party game, Full Frontal Assault is a side game I'd hardly count it

>Sly2 was a genuinely awful game, while the original Sly was fantastic

Dude if I wanted to play Crash Bandicoot I'll just play it. Sly 1 was a nice prototype though.

>Sly2 was a genuinely awful game, while the original Sly was fantastic
wew lad

They're mediocre, but definitely not offensively so. FFA multiplayer was legit fun though

Going Commando was pretty trash. It's this weird stepping stone between platforming focus and TPS focus and excels in neither. The weapon selection was weak and the writing not as humorous as the first.

I need more sly reaction images

>the fuck are you on about?
>Worthless weapons on both Ratchet and Clank's sides to the point that even the RYNO feels weak.
>That invulnerability enemies normally have in R&C games is twice as long in this game, you can waste three or more shots of certain weapons dealing no damage to enemies due to how long it takes for them to take damage again.
>EXP gain needed for weapons is massive, the whip you can get as Ratchet can take hours of grinding just to max out.
>Clank's levels are just terrible in every manner, from the stealth that works maybe half the time, to the forced fighting sections with their massive groups that have enormous health, to the forced rhythm sections and autoscrolling sections.
>The secret items needed to access the treehouse are obtained in the most ass backwards of ways it's next to impossible to find them without a guide.
One of the keycards requires you to fall off a completely random pathway at a very specific point in a Qwark level where you can't even turn the camera to look down in order to get one of them just as an example.
>Treehouse is inferior to the Insomniac Museum by far.
>Every single Qwark stage
>Every single skill point relating to Qwark's stages and how they require you to be 100% perfect like in the dam level where if a single enemy attacks it once the entire skill point is void and enemies come in waves of 10+ at a time and take multiple hits to kill.
>The three rhythm skill points that require you to be perfect, including the poker one with the Gadgebot fighting section that takes 5+ minutes in the middle of it.
>All of Ratchet's stages are just really short waved arena battles that take forever for some reason.
>Terrible boss fights.
SAC was a mistake.

This, I give it respect where it's due but when compared to 1 and 3 it falls short, seems to be everyone's favourite though.

this is why you don't drink the kool-aid

>Going Commando was pretty trash.

I'll fuck you up m8. Best Insomniac Museum, best soundtrack and best weapons

Yeah I played every R&C game and could enjoy most of what they do even something as short as QfB but SaC...it was really hard to like that one except for the fact it was a play on Clanks acting role in UYA, it's just so tiring to play still wouldn't call it a bad game though

I've never played the first one, but i remember enjoying all of 2 and 3.
Mesal Gear Solid was my shit.

"the plot twist" and onset of puberty.

>best soundtrack
Not even trying with that bait

>best weapons
That's not deadlocked

You should play 1, held up better than I thought it would when I revisited it a few years ago

My man, loved the modification customization shit was great

I wish sly stuck with what 1 did for the series, and another series did the sly 2 and 3 formula.

A stealth based colectathon is fucking rad, but qhen it went heist based, I was not as engaged.

Despite this, 2 is still the best in the series.

>It's funny this is a complaint
They are the single worst addition in Jak 2. Infinitely respawning guards that make an already shitty driving system that handles like you're on ice even shittier by causing a single bump to have the entire town on alert forever.

>I could probably beat the game without dying more than 3 times.
That's great for you, on my first playthrough I died multiple times on the awful Sig camera section since the camera changes the controls very slightly as the thing chasing you moves, you're jumping on small platforms, and there's lasers to deal with as well and it puts you back all the way to several fights before you attempt it again. The underwater mech section I died countless times due to the jellyfish that hit you from a mile away and you have to deal with about fifteen of them while moving at a snail's pace. and I also died countless times in the tower due to the fire traps and enemies constantly shooting at me for the entire duration. It was not fun. The inverted turret section was also a load of shit.

They don't do shit to the world. They're cars floating around driving in circles. The people don't do anything, they don't add anything, at least the barren villages in TPL felt isolated and small. I'd rather have that than all these floating cars that just spend their day riding in a circle. It's like if you went from Morrowind to Oblivion and in Oblivion they added horses that just went in circles around the city and nothing more. They add nothing to the atmosphere or environment, it's just a bunch of lifeless cars flying around a lifeless world.

>You can't expect me to take your post seriously when you don't even know the names of the settings you argue are better and call the zoomer a jetski.
I barely know the names of things in series I like, I sure as hell don't remember the names of things in a series I barely care about. Even in Spyro, a series I love dearly, I can only remember the names of Spyro and Sparx.

You obviously have a nostalgic connection with 2. Its very unfun, it has so much pointless driving, you can hardly compare it to 1. 2 had repeat missions all over which most weren't fun anyway. 1 was just fun all the way through, no bullshit. Quality over quantity.

Sly 2 will always be the best.

sly 1 was too mascot platformer with some wonky detection

t. dsp
the only issues with Sly 1 are the retarded minigames, specifically the fucking driving ones.

"Comfiest" level coming through

I liked the first sly more than two. The gameplay of two isn't bad but too much of the missions take place in the hub and it kinda got boring going around in the same area for so long, especially if you look for bottles earlier

You are a fucking retard if you think Ratchet 1 is better than 2 or 3.

I can see how people would like 1 more. Story was a little more serious, was a whole dofferent vibe from Ratchet and Clank as well. Plus it had some cool planets.

Sly and Ratchet both run pretty decent on Vita.
Shame about the Jak collection.

The first Jak ran fine didn't it? Thats really all that matters to me



Jak 1 runs at 20 fps on Vita. Sometimes worse.

Got the platinum trophy though.

i find that hard to believe when the collection runs like shit on ps3

>Sly4 worse than 3

Sly3 had way too many gimmicks and extra characters that made the pacing all over the place. I honestly forgot I was playing a sly cooper game at points because of how rare you find a straight forward platforming level.

Sly4 hit the nail on the head by having the extra characters isolated to their own time periods and also being natural improvements of Sly's gameplay. Hell I'd put 4 on par with the 1st game because of how well paced it felt compared to 2 and 3.

Ratchet is locked at 30, retarded yes, but playable
Sly is 50-60
Jak is fucking bad,

does Sly really only go down to 50? i feel like i've had it drop to sub-30