What is the vidya equivalent of pic related?
What is the vidya equivalent of pic related?
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Unreal Tournament 3's ending
Stop this second, why would you even want that?
Any of the 3 Berserk games.
we will speak again as kinsmen, oh blessed king of longing
in that time, in that place
What is pic related?
bad rats
meme shit
the most pure fucking kino moment in the history of chinese cartoons
Eric sparrow stealing the tape
dragon's dogma OVA
Berserk. Read it.
yeah read it faggot
King Alant from demon souls. Literally fucked up the entirety of boletaria in order to revive the soul arts and thus usher in the return of the ancient one
>this entire city must be purged
I want a remake of Berserk when it finishes.
It'll be the extra despair version and true version. Where after Griffith makes passionate love to his soon to be wife She kills guts and they live happily ever after.
Just watching that scene will do nothing for him if he doesn't know the rest of the Golden Age arc.
the movies are better except for some shitty CGI shots
what is the point of this manga
it doesnt go anywhere
it's completely different in tone than it was
it's shit
And into the /trash/ you go fa m.
Read it up to the conviction arc, then once you see the magic loli; only read the Griffith chapters, then throw the rest away.
The OST for the old anime is so much better.
this is how it should end
Big Smokes betrayal. He did nothing wrong
the emaciated, bandaged guy is the PS4, he's holding all the PS4 game in his hand
How y'all want berserk to end?
I got a couple ideas:
1: Caska cured, but a completely different person. Guts satisfied goes on a futile quest alone one last time toward falconia and dies sword in hand.
2: Caska not cured, Guts gets plot armor/plot enchantment ie RELEzE LIMITERS ON DARGONN SLAYYYYRR dies while killing Griffith.
3: Caska cured, but with vague memories. Guts gives up his rage quest and realizes that revenge wont bring him happiness lives in literal fairy land.
Too happy and doesn't really fit but ok I guess
>Yeah.. sorry.
>cutting out half of the content
Fucking asshole
it is. Now it's le questing with my magical loli and faggot jrpg party.
cant wait for muira to die before it goes fully to shit
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
>best friend betrays you, sacrificing your loved one and cursing you forever just to reach a supernatural state
>he gets away with it and you're forced to forever hunt him
Why is American voice acting so shit?
Isnt the Void supposed to be the final villain or something?
They said the story is like 75% done but the God Hand still arent doing shit and Griffith parts are the only ones worth reading
>Never was into anime
>friend spends the night like 9-10 years ago
>brings Berserk
>spend all day/most of night watching it
>watch the last two episodes........
Shit blew my mind. Came out of nowhere in a way. Most metal shit I've ever seen in an anime.
Every time I see that scene it's like this agonizingly numb feeling of dread.
I would love this as a poster.
Someone doing something VERY WRONG
Why is he so thin
Whole year of torture/getting sliced open
The torturer mentions starving him and removing his flesh constantly, as well as inserting burning iron rods into his gut
Got tortured in a tower for like an entire year straight.
The Oersted reveal in Live a Live was just one thing I can think of:
>be standard JRPG protag with a princess and friends and pretty much set.
>best friends dies
>king is the true demon!
>haha turns out best friend was jealous of you and faked his death, he cucked you with your princess who doesn't like you
>kill him for his crimes
>princess kills herself because she loved best friend
>to the public you just murdered their king, princess and hero
Welp, sometimes you just become the final badguy for other people in your game.
like thisor with casca regaining her memories, but having to get over her mental trauma with a short arc.
Then another hiatus comes and the author dies so I can laugh while you cucks suffer because that's all I wanted.
Grifith and Gutz die together in the final battle or he dies not too long after so he can get with casca and have a good kid or help out the other one.
Real talk, how much torturer cum do you think Griffith ending up taking that year
King of Midland said he could do whatever he wanted to him after all
The demon child exists as a means to make Griffith/Femto vulnerable, this will be the chink in his otherwise omnipotent defense.
Guts is going to run his sword straight through Griffith once Griffith is responsible for his current party dying. There's too much at stake in the story between them being set up as the falcon of light (Griffith) and the falcon of darkness (Guts) for them not to have some sort of showdown.
What is REALLY interesting though is that we haven't seen much of Skull Knight since Fantasia, or really ANY Skully since that happened
Dark Souls is the only real answer
The only correct answer
I have to roll my eyes at you retards. Grow up.
>tossing out boring filler
>a bad thing
Stay upset, friendo :^)
Rolling my eyes.
Kill yourself
Dragon Quest has a really cutesy artstyle by Toriyama but that shit is fucked up.
Did he really deserve it I mean the princess was a slut
>guts kills griffith
>world is just as fucked up, if not worse off afterwards anyway
zero percent chance of guts and casca live happily ever after. if guts lives, something is going to happen to casca. if casca is cured/"fine" after the fight guts is either consumed by the berserker armor or dies as well
for years and years and years i would bet my life this is exactly how it ends, but post boat hiatus and the story changing to guts and friends adventure i cant be so sure anymore
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Miura said he wants a happy ending, but that was a long time ago.
Read the manga, the anime is shit
>not filler
Kill yourself
Even though it's just the end of the tutorial, I think this fits pretty well
I sure hope that Puppy guts gets the last piece of the doll
I also kinda wanna see more of these chuckle fucks.
>nobility would marry children off to secure alliances, land, riches, and peace
>earlier in the story the kings brother talks about how the Band of The Hawk are shitters from the muck
So THAT'S where that screaming red head ball thing comes from.
Skull knight will sacrafice himself for guts and then guts will take his place
pack it up boys thread's over
Is the Berserk annymay worth watching? I'm not enough of a weeb to read manga shit.
The hell are you talking about. If anything, watching anime is the weeb thing to do. It's much more socially acceptable to read comics.
Yeah, nice try. Weeb.
This comes close.
>kefka just murders the emperor
>the party cant do shit
>kefka becomes god
>the world gets fucked
Lol no
You're doing yourself a disservice by watching the anime especially since the artist of berserk might as well be the best in the industry
>Oh no, Guts has to use the berserker armor to fight a big monster again, can Schierke use her astral projection to bring him back this time?????
>uh oh, a lot of monsters/a really big monster is here and Guts is indisposed! Can Schierke/Farnese make a big dumb magic shield this time??????
>Listen to 5 exhilarating chapters of Schierke explaining how magic works in the Berserk universe AGAIN! Bonus content: Isidro plays the fool and Schierke calls him a dumb monkey boy! That never gets old!
Alvis's BBQ is likely pretty close.
lol, while that is awful, I meant the 90s adaptation, not the newer one.
97 anime, yes
2016 anime, fuck no
it isn't, especially not the 97 berserk dub, it's quite good, and that's the general consensus.
Yeah, japanese guts doesn't really fit the character imo.
>too cool for manga
You're settling for a cheap imitation with animation. This shit is right online.
there is none.
this is bait.
>right online
>reading Berserk from shitty downscaled and compressed online manga sites
How many issues we talking here?
yeah man these guy at least make things a bit more lighthearted.
at first the dub and the animation both seem a little odd, but after a couple episodes you stop noticing it, and then a couple episodes later it's not the same without them
The anime isn't bad, but I'd rather read the manga personally.
I say just read the manga, but if you really are hellbent on not doing than go ahead.
Only thing you need to worry about us that it only adapts the origin story of the MC.
So if you wanna fibd out what happens next you.need to watch the new one read the manga or just never finish it at all.
If you are fine with either 3 options than you can watch it if not don't bother with it at all.
Do they show Griffiths torture in the anime?
came here to post this
Holy fuck I need to stop editing so much and proof read more.
I've read/watched everything out there except for some of the 2016/2017 animation that i finally gave up on.
97 anime is a great place to start. if anything it will make you want to immediately go read the manga right afterwards anyway
Pillars of Eternity lets you permanently sacrifice party members to a dark god in order to gain power
Yes because Griffith fucked up. Had he waited a bit longer and allowed the king to deflower charlotte, then im sure he wouldnt have gotten tortured
dub guts is very good with the yelling/rage
I agree, the 97 anime will get someone to read the manga.
You're right.
the only way I can see it being a fairly decent ending now the way things are progressing is to have caska cured at least somewhat, something happens that makes guts want to leave her behind again, goes after griffith at falconia, wreaks terrible havoc after the town is finally setting in, and then dies in a fight with griffith.
the ending is rickert, caska and the blacksmith's daughter erecting a gravesite for him among the other swords on the hilltop that served as the gravesite for the original band of the hawk members.
feel free to call it shit.
not in the slightest. if you couldn't figure out eric was a rat by the tampa am, you deserved to get your tape stolen.