Woah, haha

woah, haha...

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm sorry, the normies have taken this meme away, it's not funny anymore.

lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

it was funny?




i unironically love this pasta

haha croc? more like croc of shit

Hi I'm Owen, and I'm above doing this.


woah is this what the cool kids mean by "kino"?

Where are all these crash pics coming from?

I agree with him but I thought this was one of his more shit videos. It's unfunny and he pontificates like a South Park Family Guy.

Bring back Spyro

Jesus Christ, ban everyone in this shitty thread. Why is Sup Forums so anti-fun these days? You faggots would have had an aneurysm back in the days of Robot Unicorn and Katawa Shoujoposting. Fuck off to your shitty e-celeb threads if you're gonna be faggots.

This is OUR board now, get with the program or leave

Same here. We need moar Epic Fail Guy, Rage face, and Good Guy Greg. This is why nobody goes to Sup Forums anymore.

Haha, brilliant.

Owen DOES realize that ding dong and julian only do oneyplays to fund
thier game making career while chris does it to continue making cash now
that youtube fucked over animators right?

Owen DOES realize that chris kickstarted the channel back when it was called oneys video hole for this exact reason RIGHT?

DOES realize that ding dong and julian have said multiple times on
podcasts and streams that they want to stop doing oneyplays and are
miserable but need the money to finish thier game right?

DOES realize that Ding dong and julian have to go without food some days
because they only have the ad revenue from oneyplays and patreon bucks
to live off right?

Owen DOES realize that Ding dong and julian are contributing more to gaming than he ever will in his lifetime RIGHT?


why dont they get real jobs?

>trying to get the gem on sunset vista


Because when their game comes out it will be epic. They will make one million dollars. Better watch their patreon because they will finish making it.

Adum Plaze is better

but that would require effort

I just checked him out and he's really shit.

lol not anymore

>dude it's just a joke lmao
so the video's pointless then?

and yet it still makes you mad

>jokes are pointless
This is some autistic shit. What's "the point" of Oneyplays then?

Who is oneyplays and why is Sup Forums freaking out this time?

a shitty lp channel that /trash/ makes threads of ad-nauseum

>DOES realize that Ding dong and julian have to go without food some days
This is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard

dudes making noises while playing shit.
/trash/ makes threads about them here because they laugh at Sup Forums getting mad over people liking that.

I watch it because I hate playing video games.

stop shilling this fucking gay channel

wew lad

stay mad

>buttmad youtube fanboy
>on Sup Forums

Mechagamezilla was popular on Sup Forums long before you got here

Key word: was

I've left Sup Forums for about 8 hours. What did I miss? Who are these guys?

>shut up gramps, the oneyarmy are here now B^) WOAH hehe WOAH WOAH hehehehe WOAH!!!!

Because they want to make their games, and the LPs+Patreon provide the funds to do that, while also giving them the time to actually work on the games like it was their job, at least so I've heard.
Course, I'm sure Ding Dong at least is sweating bullets due to the inherent transience of internet fame.

user DOES realize Dingdong is a fan of Mechagamezilla and thought the video was funny

Git good scrub, I did it when I was twelve.
If you had said the platinum relic, i wouldn't say a word.

>oney and friends shit on other youtubers and lpers constantly
lol based xD
>someone makes fun of oneyplays
um excuse me wtf show some respect these guys are artists and they are struggling and starving to death and need our help

I'm looking forward to their games: A shitty Binding of Isaac clone and "Megaman"


>comments and likes disabled

>he doesn't even have to restart the levwl after dying


The way they set up their Patreon is retarded. You have to pay at least $10/month just to get anything and at least $25/month to get a copy of the game. They'd probably be making a lot more if they lowered the barrier to entry.


So what's Chris' excuse?

I like oneyplays and found this video funny. Has everyone forgotten how to take a joke? Loosen up you sad little fanboy fucks.

He's apparently been working on some shit behind the scenes for a while, and I guess composed the music for the new Behemoth game.
Chris isn't as talkative about his other shit, as far as I'm aware of.


a real job could go on a resume without employers laughing their asses off and trashing it. just saying. They're not thinking in the long term. If they think they can live like this forever, they're mistaken.

You're on Sup Forums my man, you can't expect people here to have a sense of humor or self awareness.

Bullshit. If Ding Dong can fit time to browse Sup Forums, he can fit time for a job.

and yet they still have to skip meals

Ding Dong had an office job at one point, probably was too much of a sperg for it.

Tried watching oneyplays, It's fucking boring as shit. He should stick to being the "Funny faces" Guy

How did youtube "fuck over animators" exactly?

You are such a fucking sucker.
During AGDQ dingdong donated $500. If you are literally starving and struggling you don't get to donate $500 fucking dollars to anything. They're about to buy $6000 worth of recording equipment to make Let's Plays with. This is not what struggling to get by looks like. You are a fucking moron.


Their first game was supposed to come out halloween 2015 haha whoops



>13k subscribers

>on Sup Forums

The algorithm favors minutes watched, and animations are usually short and take a long time to produce. So, you make more, more reliably, with less effort, doing regular 10 minute lets plays that people will watch from start to finish.

Sup Forums isn't some small niche forum. There's a lot of people that come here. 13k is puny for a channel no matter what size of demographic you want to compare it to, let alone the second most visited and active board on this website.


>Sup Forums has more than 13k unique IPs
I highly doubt that. And Sup Forums is only the third most active board, Sup Forums is still ahead of it.

shouldn't matter though, with shit being shared all over the place.

Ah shit. Skip ahead to 6:00.

It worked for me.

>They're about to buy $6000 worth of recording equipment to make Let's Plays with

*funny noise*
Hey Julian what would you do if you woke up and _____________

Must be my browser or something.

Who was in the wrong here?

DingDong already had real employment at a studio that ended up going under, which as I understand it was where the Trigger Treat thing originally popped up.
A job or something would of course benefit them financially, at the cost of free time. But really, if DingDong and Julian were to look for employment, they'd probably either go for a rinky-dink, basic bitch part time job to supplement the internet fun bux before they dry out, or they'd try going (back, in DingDongs case) into their respective fields, which if they actually finished their little passion projects, could still look good in a portfolio.

I don't believe that. I was just pointing out 's doublethink.

I fucking hate Ding Dong and Julian they are a bunch of no fun faggots with terrible opinions on everything.
Oney is decent but he shines on his own, ten minutes of them trying to awkwardly make conversation with each while playing shit games is not fun to watch.

Chris is the only one with a future.

I don't know but I fucking despise Julian.


Isn't he entirely dependent on ad revenue, which is why they now have to limit what they say in order to keep it?


My dream team would be Chris, Zach and Stamper and NOBODY else

It's literally on screen during every single stream they do

Nah they were always like that, even on sleepycabin they watched what they said.

Only in the streams is when they were themselves.

The Algorithm favors time watched over number of views. Considering that animation is time consuming it's no longer feasible to make a living doing animation for YouTube. Why spend a year and a half making a 15 minute animation when you can shit out a 15 minute Let's Play with your buddies and make the same amount if not more?

why doesn't chris do a patreon? have it be $X per video.

There is a rumor that Zach and Chris no longer are speaking and Stamper is probably close to killing himself.

Chris is using let's plays to pay the bill why he works on his show, he finished Hellbenders but apparently he is working on something else.

>he finished Hellbenders
good one

I'd replace Zach with DD since Zach isn't a videogame guy

Zach and Chris' part in the Hellbenders show is finished, it is being finished by a Studio.

Does't matter when shit like that is shared all over reddit, tumblr and social media.

If it's easier to make money sucking dicks in an alleyway why do people try become musicians?

The only thing youtube did was weed out all the animators who were actually lazy fucks and never had genuine passion for it.

How the fuck do people think animators made money before youtube?
>youtube fucked over animators!! it's literally impossible to make a living from animation anymore!!!
You all heard it, folks. The animation industry is dead because all the animators are starving to death now. Damn you, youtube!

why get a real job when you can make the same amount of money, or even more, playing vidya?