What is Sup Forums's opinion on this hidden gem?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on this hidden gem?

Hidden gem thread?

>early access
lmao no

Never heard of it.

>Actually thinks early access means the game is bad

Great game if you like the thrill of the kill and predator vs. prey type of stuff. Cuts out the excess stuff that other games like DayZ mistakenly include like crafting, and lets you get right into the action fast.

This game is literally better than most the multiplayer trash that has been officially released.

They do no advertising. One of the top played games on steam atm through word of mouth.

It's fun to watch other people play it and pretend like you have friends

As the gameplay goes this game set a new low

>hidden gem
every fucking youtube fag and twitch fag is streaming this. You're not in a cool club, you're just falling for the latest dayz meme game.

>Thinks this game is like dayz

>what is irony: the post
Do you have autism?

He sounds like a guy who never made it past top 50 solo and got salty at the game.

I didn't say it was like dayz, it said it's the latest dayz meme game. It's all over every stream, it'll be gone in 2 months tops.

People were saying that two months ago. See you when it tops steam concurrent players

I'm not a GameStop™ kid with pop figures all over the place, so no I've never played it.

All the obnoxious shilling is way too similar to Squad.
Game in it's stage is not worth more than $20

That extra ten bucks must really break your back.

No allowance this week hmmmm?

>over 5 million sold
>""""""""""""""""""Hidden"""""""""""""""""" gem

Nevermind OP, let's discuss why niggers stink so bad

>hon hon hon, only underages hate the game, amirite?
Game has a quality of Arma mod, not surprised since it's how it started. Doesn't make it worth $10 more in its stage.

I'll be honest, I haven't played it. But from what I've seen, there seems to be too much luck involved. Also a match could be 95% running in an empty field to get in the zone, 4.9% collecting loot, and 0.1% getting shot by a sniper.
Still, it seems like an alright game, but nothing more.

>latest meme game
>jokes about allowance
talk about ironing

At least try to talk like an adult when pretending to be one.