Just beat this. I really liked it, but I don't feel like it's the insanely perfect masterpiece everyone attributes their praise to. It's just a very good game, and nothing more.
Just beat this. I really liked it, but I don't feel like it's the insanely perfect masterpiece everyone attributes their praise to. It's just a very good game, and nothing more.
Other urls found in this thread:
it is overhyped but it's well worth a play at least once.
I'm an old fag. When this came out the people that played it were like "oh that was interesting and different". Fuck hipsters for making this something it wasn't.
It is good, but I felt like both Mother 1 and 2 had issues with lack of direction on where to go to progress the story. A lot of the time, it wasn't obvious at all.
Mother 3 is genuinely the best of the three.
I agree, I love Mother 3 though. Earthbound is charming, but didn't amaze me, kind of feels like something you'd have to play when it came out to really appreciate.
It was my first RPG before I got pokemon blue, I have nostalgia glasses changing my view on it.
Mother 3 is better imo. The story is better, the gameplay more fast paced and the pacing isn't as slow.
I also feel like in Mother 3 you feel a better connection to the characters in your party.
I agree, and it's my favorite game ever made. It's flawed but I love it for what it is.
Earthbound > Mother 3
anyone who says otherwise doesn't know SHIT about video games.
>Mother 3 is genuinely the best of the three.
It's the worst by far.
It's overhyped by cultist. If you did like it, you will like Mother 3 as well.
The real patrician opinion is liking all three mother games equally. Each games has its strengths and weaknesses.
I really like that game. that said I avoid any community built around it.
>but I felt like both Mother 1 and 2 had issues with lack of direction on where to go to progress the story
OP here, this is kind of the best summation of my thoughts that I could wish for. I have played very, very little JRPGs but of the two I have played (TWEWY and PM:TTYD), they both had a very clear direction with the story so it never felt like aimless wandering.
With Earthbound, I enjoyed the dialogue and writing but I felt like I was just going on an endless trudge.
Still a great game, though
I agree, now play mother 3.
Wrong. Mother 3 has a much more gripping story than earthbound.
I tried to play a patched gba mother 1, but couldn't for the life of me get into it.
What's the best english version of Mother 1 to emulate?
I think Mother 3 is more your style then. While some like the nonlinearity of rpgs some do like having a clear idea of their goal and how to go about it. Mother 3 is more linear in its progression as often there is little question as your destination.
GBA remake with the fan translation patch as well as the color restoration patch.
Not as bad for a nes game. Better having somewhat inferior music then a completely shit script. The script on the prototype is censored, dry, and just dated.
It's a poor man's Undertale. Only nostalgiafags will disagree.
Hilarious how Neokikeshitendiedrones still act like their games are relevant when some autist with 15$ and RPGmaker outsold their meme trilogy overnight and has now eclipsed Kikebound and Shitter 3 both culturally and memetically. And Undertale isn't even a good game.
Its a Super Nintendo game.
Of course it wont feel as amazing as it was when it was first released.
You need to take into account that games age like milk, and sometimes are surpassed by new ones.
why didn't they just retranslate the nes version then?
>but I don't feel like it's the insanely perfect masterpiece everyone bla bla
Don't use this mentality when playing games. Even if you think you're above letting it affect your experience, it's still useless. Play games for yourself.
There actually was a good reason why they worked on the gba version. The nes version had a smaller script size, the character limit in lines and enemy names and such is much shorter. Meanwhile the gba version allowed them to translate properly as the character limit there is much less restrictive.
While I understand your sentiments. I don't think you're explaining in well enough. As one could argue that the game isn't supposed to make progression easy. As a game is supposed to challenge you. And no, the challenge isn't only in the battle system. But also your ability to sleuth for information and think of a solution to overcome logical barriers.
>play a game from 1994 in 2017
>its not that great lmao
Most people who say its a 10/10 never played it
Kill yourselves
That's true.
It was baby's first JRPG for many thanks to Smash, and that made them get really into it.
Final Fantasy 7 is still the best game of all time and it came out in 1997
>people say they're mother fans
>they've only played 2 and 3
Every fucking time, I don't even consider myself a big Mother fan and have more respect for the series than self proclaimed starmen.net fanboys.
No game is a "masterpiece". What more can you ask than being a good game?
I don't disagree with the OP, but you're a faggot.
>No game is a "masterpiece"
3 is the masterpiece
If only it had overworld enemy encounters, Mother 1 would be the best game of the trilogy.
It's still pretty cool though, but it's not for everyone.
Good music, good story, mediocre gameplay.
A typical Taro game. A flawed gem.
It would also need to fix Mt. Itoi
>thinks years matter when it comes to a game's quality
>calls other underages
Oh the ironing!
No game has topped it's story or music, it's world design is top notch, the materia system is fun and allows for tons of customization and the combat is great for turn-based games. That's to not even mention the god tier characters and enemy design. Can you even name a better game?
But then you would remove the true final boss from the game.
Mt. Itoi can make or break the game, it's absurdly random and broken, it needs little skill and lots of luck, yet somehow I adored every part of it.
25th anniversary edition nes hack
Looks like shit.
>people say they're mother fans
>their favorite game is Mother 3
Compared to the original, no. The GBA version has terrible audio and no graphical updates.
I don't remember the patched version sounding this bad.
It's plausible to think that they patched the NES music into it.
It's really good! People should play it.
The only possible "HQ" Mother 1 may not ever happen, but here's an effort in that anyways:
>people say they're mother fans
>don't like all three games
cool now beat nocturne
But I played all 3 in order because I'm autistic like that.
Did the same thing with Persona and Final Fantasy, sort of.
It was a pretty basic rpg in the gaming sense (although it is pretty old so it gets a pass). I enjoyed it not because of the game play, but there was a certain charm to it. It had some pretty eerie and strange parts that I never really experienced with other games, the music really helped to that feeling as well. I'd say it's worth it to play it. Pic related, music in this part gave me a weird feeling.
yet mother 3 winds up being void of any kind of adventurous feeling
a good story doesn't detract from the rest of the experience
the rest of the experience was harmed by the story
Mother 3 is fucking terrible compared to Mother 1 AND 2, I swear to God people must have played 3 first and then expected the same hand holding that went on for nearly 6 hours in that game.
>But I played all 3 in order because I'm autistic like that.
Mah fucking nigga, in my honest opinion you either go in release order appreciating every tiny change and concept evolution or just go home and keep playing FOTM crap and forget about all classics.
Why weren't there any Flying Man in Mother 3?
Did Lucas have no courage?
Lucas never went to anyone's magicant.
Lucas just didn't have that power
man. Mother 3 really is an in name only sequel
What, you wanted the game to be exactly like the other two?
Itoi has said he knew some elements of mother 3 would be disappointing to fans, and I love him for that. I'm happy he had the balls to do a sequel that was different.
I'll dump fanart of all three games, we need to stop the fighting.
A truly great game stands the test of time.
Yes because you know, Porky definetely is a new character, and all the references to Ness never happened.
>play System Shock this year
>it's fucking amazing
it's the setting that's the best part. locations were fun to explore and kept me invested the whole way through.
most rpg's are just some washed up variation of tolkien's high fantasy or generic warring space republic
Adding to this
>play deus ex for first time in 2014
>becomes my favorite game of all time
Which game had the best Magicent?
Mother 1.
Mother 1's magicant. Ness' is sillier but I like the mystery and almost subtle weirdness of Maria's magicant.
I feel its pretty overrated yes, but its still a classic.
I like the tone most of all, I love stuff which starts off with a nice pace and tone before suddenly turning into something weird and unnerving at the end.
Fuck the limited inventory tho, that gets really annoying really quick.
Think Jeff was right, think these two got hitched?
I'm going to go ahead, and throw my two cents in. Haven't really read every single post in this thread so if I cover any previous made points etc, hats off to those user(s). Earthbound to me, is one of the few videogames that meant more to me than just having fun, or escaping from reality for a few hours. I genuinely love Earthbound, just not entirely for it being a videogame.
Videogame wise this game can be pretty rough. There are times where it's not very clear where, or what to do. Like some other older RPGs it suffers from this. Talking to every NPC usually puts you into the right direction, but furthermore, as a sort of nod to it's own short comings there is a handy NPC that will literally give you a hint for a small fee. This quirkiness is not forced, or cringey, at least in my opinion.. It's filled with love. Which is a major theme in this game series.
The amount of culture references are to long to list here as many probably already know by now, or can easily watch numerous videos on the subject of Earthbound. For me, when I talk about Earthbound being a great game, what I actually mean to say is it's a great experience. A experience that was made with genuine love by someone. Few videogames can be considered art as pretentious as that sounds. Again, in my opinion Earthbound manages this. One such tidbit that was interesting to me was the font used for Mr. Saturns, in saturn valley was formed from Itoi's daughter's own handwriting. Showing how this man poured love into various little aspects of this game.
I wouldn't say Earthbound is a very good game. With art it's subjective what you really take from it. I think many perspectives are skewed because as a child your mind only processes, and really sees/understands so much. That sort of nostalgia goggles kick in as you fondly remember adventuring about threed, fourside, and other locales, versus a grown adult tediously walking about trying to figure out where to go next.
>people think 3 isn't the best when it had everything Earthbound had plus a better combat system and story
I've personally played mother 1, Earthbound, and Mother 3 and Earthbound is my favorite of the three. Mother 1 being second in my own opinion. Sadly like any fan base you'll have some Earthbound fans rave about this being a gaming masterpiece which as I said before I feel is misleading. It's just one of the few videogames that I truly feel surpasses the simple game medium. Really arguing the case that a videogame can make you feel, and experience something from the norm.
As fucking gay as that sounds.
All signs point to yes.
Or maybe that in-spite of living only a town away and sharing so many experiences they gradually grew apart and stopped seeing each other, like many friends do growing up.
Cool, you going to dump art too?
Doesn't really capture that sense of exploring the world like EB does.
yeah. I got a few images I can contribute
Seems likely.
Ninten and Ana make a better couple though, and Tracy can show up every now and then for a spicy trio.
I guess I should clarify that I never really had a problem figuring out where to go next, I just kind of got tired by how much it seemed to drag on.
I would say that playing it felt like I was playing through a work of love, and there are just too few games that accomplish that.
Now I don't agree with you, user, but lets say that's true.
Does that really change anything that I put in my post? Having a better sense of exploration doesn't make up for the gameplay flaws 2 has compared to 3.
Thanks, anything is good.
Anyone know what's happening here? I love this artist but they do a lot of these comics i can't understand sadly. great art though.
Found 3's battle system more annoying than anything, especially with emulator sync issues.