Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
I've been looking into darkest dungeon and I love the artstyle and atmosphere of the game very much
I'm just wondering what you guys think of the game in its current state. After about a year and a half after its official release, is it worth playing?

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yeah i got it on the summer sale. great game in all honestly butt it feels a bit like a mobile game in its execution. like its supposed to be played on a tablet

Any suggestions on where I should start? I feel like its a lot to get into and there's a lot to lose if I just go in blind.

I disagree actually. I just got the game and went in blind and there's certain things that would lose their fun if you didn't discover them yourself, like which items activate which curios properly or which parties should go to fight which boss.

It's a pretty good game but near the end it gets really annoying and grindy. You'll constantly be losing squads who try DD missions which means you'll constantly be doing shitty procedural generated dungeons just to get your roster up to a point where you can do DD missions. Even then there's only 4 of them, predesigned dungeons that is. Everything else is procedural generated, which isn't the worst at first but after doing the DD mission which aren't I realized what a waste it was that the majority of the game is played in shitty pregened dungeons.

The game is extremely stupid in this regard, you are punished very heavily for going in wanting to discover things on your own. You pretty much have to consult a wiki or guide before challenging any boss as a bad party makeup screws you over. Curios are the exact same way, consulting a guide is the way to go
There are many ingame mechanics designed to prolong your grind which is the main thing I have a problem with, some of them can be modded out. I do think it's a good game that is mostly carried by details such as the narration, art style, music, and general atmosphere but the game has a lot of grind and RNG issues.

I don't even think there are that many RNG issues because the game gives you ways to mitigate them. The issue stems from what you said about it punishing you for discovering things on your own. If you DARE to attempt a boss without reading a guide you must do so knowing you will probably be running/losing someone, which increases the already massive grind.

I'm just salty because I've lost about 7 people and pretty much none of them survived a single hit at death's door
Also I had a champion DOOT skeleton get a 17 damage crit on every single attack it made in one fight at full torchlight

damn right it is. I just watch the gf play and she has turned her game into a theme park of them and loot.

Sometimes we loose whole teams and she starts cussing a storm. But most of the time she makes foreword progress.

I am can play shooters but rng managment makes me nervous

If you like FTL you'll like this.

It was always a shitty mobile game trying to pretend it's some hardcore dungeon crawler


protip: if you see a shambler's altar, be sure to drop a torch on it, especially if you're low on health and high on stress. It heals stress for free so you don't have to use the town

And nerf Flagellant. Too stronk.

The new DLC has massive, non-random dungeons that your progress saves in

I've been debating on getting it myself, its still on sale right?

>its still on sale right?


Also rebalance the Crusader and the Leper





Google darkest companion, all you need baby

Hey, thanks! This will probably streamline half of it, I'd guess

I picked it up on the steam summer sale and I've been loving it so far. I've been trying my hardest to keep Reynauld and Dismas alive as long as I can. There have been a few close calls but otherwise, so far, so good.

Favorite Classes:

Least Favorite Classes:
>Grave Robber

I've purposefully been avoiding starting the Crimson Court DLC as long as I can so I don't have to deal with the Crimson Curse.


Fuck off with this post jesus

Check out this review, OP. Anderson reviews are amazing. youtube.com/watch?v=_Buwei6ZWqU

He's gone from 400/mo to like 4000/mo on Patreon in less than a year. Great analysis.