Genuine question, what did he do? Haven't been following his channel for like 6 months.
Genuine question, what did he do? Haven't been following his channel for like 6 months
>makes promises he can't keep about his schedule
>likes money, but doesn't like the effort that goes into making money, so makes shallow, effortless content like reactions and movie reviews and Twitch streams
>posts video about him going to take a 2 month vacation
>people thought he was on a vacation the whole time given the lack of activity
>"b-but muh nine years!!!"
>people call him out
>disables comments and ratings because he can't handle criticism
>Joe's army retaliate in defense and suck Joe's dick (what's new)
>Joe gets shit from every direction, even Twitter
>"b-but muh depression"
>makes a new damage control video, enables comments and ratings again
there your up to speed
>Genuine question, what did he do?
Made shitty videos for 9 years
Why do you keep spamming this shithead? There's already a thread about him, use that, you retarded faggot.
Threads just autists circlejerking about how bad he is.
I wanna know what he did.
So he's Mexican Spoony?
> guy posts videos on yt
> people watch it (or not)
> depending on above he earns money
This generation of spergs breaks all records when it comes to entitlement. If you don't like something, don't watch it.
This entire year he's been skipping out on a lot of major games and only reviewed a few of them
He started making reviews for movies and shows that nobody asked for
The he suddenly wants to go on vacation as if he did anything
Wait, Joe has been making videos for 9 years?
How is his overall quality so shit
Like it or not, Joe needs to understand that his viewers are his "boss" and that they can make or break him.
>Metal band
>"We're going to make pop music now!"
>"Don't worry, we'll release some metal occasionally, but pop music is our focus now."
>Fans boycott them and the band loses money
>"What the fuck, stop being entitled!"
That's more or less this situation.
Not sure if this applies to Joe or not because I don't watch his show, but a lot of content creators nowadays have patreons. If Joe has a patreon, his audience has every right to complain. If not, then I guess they could just move on to someone else.
you forgot his latest look
This reminds me of Linking Park but fags and females were still listening to them.
Maybe it was one of reasons why main singer killed himself because he could no longer scream and sing like before it added to depression and drug/alcohol addict after he was molested in childhood.
God I fucking hate this sort of rabid fanboy trend on youtube.
>youtuber makes different videos
>people complain about these videos, it's not what they're subscribed for
Well I'm super fucking sorry for wanting a certain kind of entertainment from a channel that has been making that kind of entertainment for years.
looks like vampire who didn't left his house in 2 months
Exactly. It's perfectly understandable. Personally, I don't care for Joe's movie-related videos. I only ever watched his game reviews.
He always says how there aren't any big games for him to review, yet he's missed
>Dark Souls III
>Yooka Laylee
>Halo Wars 2
And these are all the recent ones off the top of my head. It's fucking obvious that he doesn't like to make them. They're too much work. So he'd rather just stream it once, give impressions and be off.
It's funny because I'd personally just prefer him to get angry about games/review them. His skits are cringeworthy and I don't care for them.
He has homosexual relationship with other Joe. It's very clear. I think they drink beer together almost every day and this is why he can't seem to get anything done.
>e-celeb drama
i hate nu-Sup Forums
I could live with the skits years and years ago, then they gradually got expanded to the point where you're watching 60% skit and 40% review.
His skits are effortless and pointless too; I don't even know he complains about them being too hard. The hardest part is finding everything on eBay.
His problem is obviously that video game reviews are not profitable enough considering how much effort has to go into them versus watching a movie and making an unscripted video.
What's his name again Sup Forums?
I swear this is at least the 50th Angry Joe thread in the last 24 hours
Let's imagine this scenario for a moment:
>YouTuber is popular for film reviews and builds his channel around it
>Few years later
>His content is now mainly gaming videos with the occasional film review
>People get mad and boycott
Of course that will happen. These people subbed for game content, not film reviews. I think I actually unsubbed from his channel a whole back because of this. I rarely watch live-action films, I mainly watch anime and play video games. His channel has no content that I want anymore, so I left.
I heard he motorized a JewWario tribute video
vroom vroom