Undertale is better than Touhou

Undertale is better than Touhou

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Thanks captain ovious

Pizzas are better then keyboards

picture related

I legit think touhou (the one with the vampire at least) has a better story than undertale.

The only people Undertale resonates with are NEETs and the insane.

Good fangames have came from Touhou, nothing good has come from Undertale.

And the only people Touhou resonates with are nerds who try and say "THIS CHARACTER CAN BEAT OTHER CHARACTER" and Waifufags.

Mima is returning. I can feel it in my bones.

i respectfully disagree

Except Undertale itself.

And the fan songs for Undertale are good. (Not the one's with lyrics, but the remixes)

Which video game has a better OST?

Undertale or Touhou 6?


Are you sure you want to get into a music debate with Touhou? Because even just considering the sheer volume is insane, but most Touhou music including fan works are fucking impeccable.

>They are both shit

You shouldn't have picked Touhou. The only argument undertale faggots have is "m-muh soundtrack", which is not only Touhou's greatest asset, but objectively more consistent. ZUN is an actual legend.

Good thing the fanbase is the only thing that makes good art too.

Undertale official song:

Undertale fan remix:

Undertale fan/remix song:

Touhou official song:

Touhou fan remix:

Touhou fan song/remix:

>cirno's theme

At least give Undertale a chance.

You wanna know why people started hating the fuck out of undertale OP? This shit. Stop it.

>fan songs

You know you've lost an argument when you use the work of fans to support your favorite fiction.


2hu atleast has cute girls

>posting Touhou's worst song and UT's best song
>still including fan work as part of the debate


Reminder that this exists:


Rate my autism

Luize - Toriel
One of those ghost stage enemies - Flowey
Yuki - Papyrus
Mai - sans
Ayana - Monster Kid
Yumeko - Undyne
Rika - Alphys
Evil Eye Sigma - Mettaton
Shinki - Asgore
Asriel - Mima

>genre is better than other genre
Undertale is an RPG.

>(Not the one's with lyrics, but the remixes)
How about Underveil: the Sequel's "HerTears"?


Undertale, but fuck you for making me choose.

>Stronger Than You: Sans Version
>not posting the patrician version

God this video is so cringey. Thanks, you've automatically lost UT the debate

You have to like Kingdom Hearts to like that video. You like Kingdom Hearts, don't you?

Well-made game ruined by the fan-base
A game driven by the story
Good gameplay
Not very hard

Poorly-made game series enhanced significantly by the fan-base
An arcade game that isn't supposed to have a story but still has one anyways
Good gameplay
Actually hard


I seriously like both 2hu and Undertale.

shit, that version of stronher than you is aeful.
1. that person cant sing
2. the lyrics are a mess and dont even rhyme
3. that video is shit

oh boy

>"uh, I'm user, and I just can't play a single player, solo game anymore because of the fanbase. I mean, they can't ever interact with me directly or indirectly while playing the game, but the other fans' enjoyment just makes me dislike the game"
People like you are the reason the industry is going to shit

Undertale wasn't that bad.

touhou overall has better memes

I never saw a more correct image in my entire life.

Where does Reisen fall in this?

Somewhere between Flan's tier and the main characters' tier.

Uhhh the same can be said about touhou lmao just look at /jp/

He fell for it

Just a reminder that Chara was the real protagonist of the game, and literally did nothing wrong

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian

Not to different from Reimu

I'm too much of a casual fuck to into Touhou games but they have some great music.

Also posting best Undertale characters and boss fights imo

I agree. Pizza you can eat and have a delightful time eating. I can't eat my keyboard though.

/jp/ plz go

I'm gonna agree with you cause Touhou fanbase is so shit nowadays they don't even play the games yet they call themselves "fans"


The irony is thick here

Touhou games are not very fun at all, and anyone who plays them regularly is a weeb who forces himself to like it. Not a b8 post, its fact. I was once one of you, then I grew up.

>UT's best song
Is this nigga for real?

Both games need a good amount of autism to even consider playing them.

>hehe yeah... I wouldn't be caught dead playing THIS autistic garbage... am I right guys? Literal autists in here... fuckin reddit...
You're overthinking it, its just a video game

>tumblr pic

Look at this fucking idiot

>No nitori
>Cirno isn't even there
Shit meme

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian

toe hoe, underrail, it don't matter. can't we like both?

Not if you post that animator

dag, yo