Take note Sup Forums
Take note Sup Forums
the world was a mistake
How'd you watch a 3 minute long video in 1 minute?
>dumb bitch
>overbearing personality
>ugly tats
>ugly hair cut doesn't match face
>shitty points
>brings up anita
10/10 shit
I watched a few seconds but it was too cringey to continue
literally turned it off 1 second in. It hurts. Can I get a quick recap?
no nose ring so ill lower it to 9/10
>he doesnt watch things at double speed
jesus he's got bigger tits than I do and I'm a fucking GUY
>Steven universe shirt
Where do these people exist?
>Tells me to watch Anita Sarkeesian's videos
>that entire look
Maybe start with "How To Be A Girl" first.
>slam poetry
i legitimately hope i die in the next 10 years
holy shit two words in and i shut it off
muh misogyny
you open two tabs, you see the same spam
My problem with female gamers is that they have to let everyone know they're
a) a female and
b) a gamer
when literally no one cares
THIS is what HEIR HITLER was warning us about
not the jews
the TRUE monsters...
ones of BOTH genders!
ones who can trick the masses into listening to their lies as truths!
Don't say that man because you know it won't be quick.
>spams both threads
shoo shoo swecuck
thank Allah trump will execute these people in the street soon
>assuming other players are white males
>draging in anita and that bitch that sleept with her journalist reviewers
lots of betas care and shower them in praise at the mere mention of those facts.
Why the fuck can't women be funny?
>your online identity
I'm an adult, I don't play multiplayer. Closed video.
>Tfw you like Steven Universe.
>But you your associated with waling cancers like this.
They are coming for anime next.
they can't shake an inferiority complex in regards to comedy so they see what men do and do a shitty imitation of that but with vaginas and shit.
I mute all squeekers / women when I play online games. Then I proceed to mute their puppy dogs that follow them around everywhere giving them attention. Feels good man
They can fucking try.
the voice is exactly how i imagined it to be and i couldn't get past the first second
s-shut up