
Switch – 98,999 (31,906)
PlayStation 4 – 23,841 (28,569)
New 2DS LL – 17,717 (43,315)
New 3DS LL – 13,108 (12,101)
PlayStation 4 Pro – 7,037 (7,649)
PlayStation Vita – 4,545 (4,655)
2DS – 2,300 (1,901)
New 3DS – 1,020 (1,242)
Wii U – 176 (146)
PlayStation 3 – 142 (129)
Xbox One – 77 (200

Other urls found in this thread:


I like that picture.
Now, where's source?

B-but it doesn't have any games....

"Purchase= Validated"
What could happen in a man's life in order to make him get excited for a company that has nothing to do with him is making money

>Retards spent weeks shilling PS4 for selling more than Switch for like a week
>Now the tables are turned and the same people are nowhere to be found

Hmmm.... really makes you think.

PS4 still sold millions more in the same time frame as Switch. The facts never change.

Thats just japan. lets wait for the npd reports


>Tables are turned

NPD already showed the PS4 blowing the Switch the fuck out in June. Who gives a fuck about neepland senpai?

Hi, I worked at Sony up till 2014.

People really need to realize that 'shipped' doesn't mean that there was any transaction. Sony gave over three million of those things away to high profile gaming outlets all over the world within that time period.

Seriously, you sales warriors need to cut it out. Playstation is on it's last legs.

Did Splatoon cause the sales increase? If so, I didn't know Japan liked the game. I'll be buying mine for Odyssey

>Holiday vs march
Sonyfags are desperate

>Switch – 98,999 (31,906)
Why doesn't the stock meme work when the Switch sells well

Launch is Launch buckaroo

Japan is fucking obsessed with Splatoon. Nintendo somehow figured out the right formula to get Japs to care about online shooters.

Pic related.


Any word on how the Switch is doing in Europe? Anything in the financial reports?

On my phone and can't see shit

Splatoon is fun. I get why Japs like it so much.

NPD ins't about shipped "ex-sony worker".

Shut up

It varies from country to country. Switch has been sold out in the UK pretty much since launch. Every time new stock comes in it immediately sells out again.

But Germany don't seem to care and have plenty of switches.

>World wide $299 release vs Non World Wide $399 release

Nintenniggers are suicidal

>third best selling game of the month

What went right?

This isn't anything new. Nintendo now owns Japan, they curbstomped the Vita and Sony fucked off. They won't focus on Japan ever again. Expect Sony to lose a lot of exclusives from now on.

Oh is this the new meme? Can;t handle that the old outdated ps4 is starting to fail? It's ok little buddy. Now do not respond to me you have not earned it

>Meanwhile, in the real, Non Nintenbro world, pic related

And how many PS4s did they sell at Japanese launch? 5?

65 million

Nintendo is tearing Sony a new one in Japan right now. Tons of devs already switching over or hurrying to include Switch releases for their games.

Oh are we talking about the 3ds now?

Sonybros are on SUICIDE WATCH

The cuckstation4 has no games get fucked.


Because nintendo basically saved up consoles for the Splatoon launch. There's still a shortage.

>[NSW] Splatoon 2 (Nintendo, 07/21/17) – 648,085 (New)
>Switch – 98,999 (31,906)

And how many Switches did the Switch sell literally anywhere but Japan? 2?

>No Kingdom Hearts 3
>No Persona 5
>No Yakuza
>No fucking MONSTER HUNTER (even the fucking Xbox is getting it)
>"tons of developers are swtiching over"

Switchfags are absolutely suicidal

>"We want the Western audience"
sonyEOPs btfo

>he doesn't know MHWP was already leaked by the same guy who leaked MHW in the first place

kek, kid

i dunno, you shoudl ask the sony ponies about it

>Sony won 2 generations with 1 console

They literally don't even need to try anymore

>Splatoon 2
>648,085 (New)
But I thought this was the Switch's Magnum Opus
I thought this was supposed to sell millions in hust a few weeks
You told me Splatoon ruled Japan
Fuck you all, you lied to me
Nintendo is fucking dead

Japan is fucking obsessed with Splatoon, Splat 2 sold 650k in 3 days or something over there.



Literally doesn't matter. America is like 100 times bigger and the Switch doesn't sell shit there compared to the PS4.

Splatoon sold 650k in its first 3 days, physical only. Japan only.

It'll absolutely do 1m in the first week.
What kind of weak shitpost is this?



But Japan is where all the good vidya comes from, faggot.

i dont care if it comes out for the vita i just want capcom to keep releasing portable titles in the west

lol they cant even provide 100k units because they are unable to manufacture them... next month is gonna be 35k

Poor. Europe is Sonyland.

by the end of the week, splatoon 2 will have sold more than any PS4 game in japan.

Yes and they're all on the PS4.

t. ironic weeb beta nu male lefty cucky

I know and based Sony gets all of it meanwhile the Switch can't even get a mainline Monster Hunter and the Xbox CAN

>I didn't know Japan liked the game

Are you a fucking retard?

Why would Japan not love the game?

It has: squids, underage girls in shorts.

That's all Japan likes.

*and PC

How long until Sony copies Splatoon like they always do?

Remember Playstation All-Stars when they tried to copy Smash? But then realized that they have zero mascots anyone gives a fuck about? HAHAHA

Are you fucking retarded? 600k opening sales is really good in Japan.

How did Wojack become associated with console war shit posting?


But how fun? as in Abigail FUN or Reggie Non-Cinematic Experience FUN?

>physical only
Not him but you shouldn't even bother mentioning digital sales when talking about Japan. Nips don't buy digital.

Only 15 out of those 49 are on PC.

They do now. The Switch is too powerful.

>he doesn't know


Over 700K is estimated when you include Digital.

It is. Don't worry though, it'll fail to cover its budget and bomb in the West since the PC version is getting shafted, while it'll bomb in the East due to PS4 exclusivity.



>believing literal capcom shills
top kek
you are actually this dumb

news just in
capcom employee said MHW is totally not casual and a super good game and we should all buy 10 copies

>Capcom USA

>unreleased games, shit games, movie games, and bad games: the list

>unironic weebshit
>games that are actually terrible

Nintendo might have Super Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 and Splatoon 2, but does it have these?


Didn't think so.

You forgot:
Gravity Rush 2
Yakuza 0
Second Son
Crash Trilogy

>Bringing up old news
>Implies that Nintenbros don't have any other platform to play it on

Me and my buddies are hyped to play the game on PC

It makes you think that Sup Forums is infested with hypocrites, but honestly no one should fucking care about sales except in the cases where it leads to more games coming out, which has to do with a game's budget and brand marketability, things Sup Forums never talks about. In short this shit is just circle jerking.

Forgot youtube.com/watch?v=uM523jjrvf4

>I didn't want it anyway

This is why the switch has no games.

Ah, yes... all those no games it has that keep wrecking ps4 software sales in Japan launch after launch after launch

The PS4 does have great games, but this image is just insanely inflated with multiplats, unreleased games and ports.
Just to make things fair, I'd do the same for Switch games in 2018 and end up with the same amount.

>Second Son
I've played all of these and they all fucking suck, especially Nioh and Uncharted. Kill yourself retard.

because it means a good healthy lifespan for the console rather than being the dumpster fire that is the wii u and vita

Everything not exclusive will be ported eventually, and everything exclusive is worse than what Nintendo has to offer.

If you look at this chart you can see that the Switch is still doing exceptionally well, despite dealing with a worldwide stock shortage. Even the most hardcore fanboys can't deny that shit. 400k in a month is really good.
People just take any opportunity they can to shit all over Nintendo.


>Wanting to play the disappointment that is second son how do you fuck up so hard after making such a good game
>not realizing P5 and yakuza 0 are also on ps3
>thinking TLG and Horizon are good

Gravity rush 2 was the only thing of value in that list that is a true exclusive

No. I've also played all of them and they are great.

>muh sales
It's gay when sonyfags do it and it's gay when nintendofags do it

It's because all Japanese are pedophiles

>tfw realizing the Switch did in 20 weeks what took the PS4 50 weeks in Japan


>xbox one - 77

if I was an exec on microsoft's games division I'd just kill myself now

>tfw idort
>Tfw not a console warrior shill and can realize that the only worthwhile game on the PS4 is Bloodborne


nintenbros count botw as exclusive

200 or 2000 or 20000

>sales threads are only deleted if Sony is winning

>80% of sony's conference was shit from last year
>10% of MS's conference was shit from last year
>apparently these are comparable
Lel, sonygers are pathetic shitposters.

>i am a retard with very poor memory

Would explain supporting sony after the ps3

>PS4 and Switch doing great
>Xbone getting BTFO everywhere
>These filenames again

Friendly reminder that Xgroids are the only people with a reason to shitpost.

No, sales threads are only deleted if they're bullshit sales thread from media create. When Sony's on top in japan via media create those threads don't get deleted.

Kek, try 80% as well.

Oh wait, can't forget about those timed indies that count all of a sudden.