Yes, well done Nintendo, well done. 4.7M units.
However, it remains a machine for WiiU ports.
Yes, well done Nintendo, well done. 4.7M units.
However, it remains a machine for WiiU ports.
Other urls found in this thread:
Say that to everyone playing splatoon 2.
My gf is a casual (only plays sims and mario party) yet she put in 100 hours into BoTW and plays Splat2n at least 2 hours every day since it came out.
This thing is turning casuals into gamers.
>Sup Forums was wrong again
Whatever you say buddy
>gazes upon infinite wasteland of wii shit ports that nobody will play since they moved onto android and iphone
jesus, can you imagine with oddyssey coming ?
fuck. POKEMON next year
sonybros will hang from streethlights
good finally I want winter to come that means I can buy my second switch game which will be Xenoblade 2
fuck splatoon
Whatever you say, buddy.
why did you buy a switch
Has it been confirmed that the Pokémon game is going to be like a mainline game? I would fucking hate if it turns out to be like colosseum. The former would be more of a system seller than Zelda, especially if they release a Pokémon themed console.
Women I can understand, but how can you enjoy Nintendo games when you're a grown man? I can't find them stimulating for long no matter how I try.
mainline 99%, don,t remmeber the exact word used but same as with other mainline
Why are people acting like 4.7 million in 5 months is good?
Didn't the PS4 sell 4.5 million, in literally less than 2 months?
That's a fresh take. do name a few good, stimulating games to help me out?
Actually, it's 4.7 million in 4 months and it released in March, compared to a PS4 Holiday release.
It's actually quite impressive numbers considering the release timing.
The PeeEssFour sold 4.5 million units in 2 days.
4 months.
Because thats the entirety of the stock and it wasn't released in black friday/holiday season but in March (ie one of the graveyard months for vidya sales).
Zelda and RPGs I really don't give a crap about most of nintendo's first party shit outside of Fire Emblem.and whatever Atlus puts on the system.
Once all the nintenniggers get there switch watch sales drop hard.
Nothing will be good until it outsells wii u.
Sony is smart enough to ship enough consoles for people to buy unlike Nintendo
If it doesn't have the good ports yet or more ports than original releases, then no
You dumb mick
Honestly I don't care if SMT HD comes to the PS4 and I already have one.
If it looks good and the Switch version isn't gimped I'll be buying that system in a heartbeat.
I'm spoiled from the 3DS playing Zelda and SMT:IV(A) in bed
give me more, i want to have a more complete palate of stimulating games
>I'm a nintenbro the post
>only 4.7 million in 5 fucking months
Splatoon 2 is as much as a sequel as any CoD, sports or battlefield game. Deal with it.
Its a new game.
Not in verbatim, but essentially it was announced to be a mainline game. They did not, however, specify if it was to be a "Next Gen" game or if it would be something a-la Colosseum with current-gen as its focus.
Though /vp/ has narrowed down the (obvious) possibilities to that it's to be Gen 8, with how long it might take to actually release (it's not slated for 2018 exactly, as it could be pushed into 2019)
As I said I already own a PS4 alongside my pretty outdated PC and an old Xbone.
I'm an idort you poor fuck
>I am assblasted the post
But why?
>Zelda BotW
>SSB4 sooner or later
>Splatoon 1.2
Now, tell me what are the good original releases for Switch coming out this year. Come on.
these + xeno 2 , and oddysey
Mario rabbids and fe fighter if those are in your taste
Notable Titles
>BotW (multiplat, Switch version is definitive)
>MK8DX (port, Switch version is definitive)
>Splatoon 2
Upcoming Notable Titles
>Pokken DX (port, Switch version is definitive)
>Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade 2
This port meme is retarded.
>holiday release vs fucking March
Happy holidays, Sonygro ;)
Its a fucking indie game machine
who cares
Nintendo made a vita that I actually like
thats about the extent of my attachment to this whole argument if it is one
>Nintendo made a vita
PSP. You can't use a regular Vita on your TV.
You faggots attacking sony are in for a rude awakening come december. You should have stuck to picking on Microsoft.
Dragon Quest 11 is coming to PS4 as well as Monster Hunter as well as a plethora of established franchises.
You're biting off more than you can chew.
>it sold more than a third of the wii u's total sales in just four months
>when actually obtaining one is a total crapshoot
Fucking crazy man.
Dragon quest is comming to nintendo too. Jesus, sonybros are scraping hard at this point
I feel like Nintendys fucked up their stock system in a slightly unusual way. It's almost like they've sent all of their system to Europe because Switchs are plentiful here.
It's not a lack of sales either because my buddy works in our local gamestop and they sell systems every single day
+1 when they have them in stock mear me
>Best selling game this year is literally a bundle of PS1 games
nah, europeons simply got shit taste, and it's haram for nu europeans
>the likely scenario
>Game Freak has begun developing a core RPG Pokemon Title on Nintendo Switch
Colosseum and Gale of Darkness are spin-offs.
>Dragon Quest 11
>Super Mario Odyssey
Which of these do you think is going to be a system seller in America, user?
>turning casuals into gamers
You cant tell me that your SO is a true gamer when (s)he hasn't even sucked dick for crack
Atlus sold their best selling game on PS4.
everytime i see that kind of sony stupidity i ask them to gimme a way to fiollow them, like a twitter. Mostly so i can laugh at their retarded, mentally deficient shit falls flat. I never got any.
I guess even the niggerest of the sonegroes doesn,t believe the bullshti they spew
Eh, sorta kinda. They're plentiful in Austria, apparently, so I just imported mine from there. Meanwhile it's taken until recently for Switches to be in stock here, and only the red and blue version.
Also not developed by Game Freak.
It's going to be the SNES mini
Interesting tidbit on that too actually. Like I said Switchs are super plentiful here despite selling relatively well.
Saying that however I haven't seen a single grey version anywhere. Every console in stock is red and blue.
Isn't it the opposite in Murica?
>literally averaged less than 1 million sales per month
Pokken and Mario Kart. That's two. BotW shouldn't even be considered a port in the same vein as those two since it came out on the same day as the Wii U game and the Switch is the favored version.
Absolutely seething
I got no fucking clue mate. At least the shortage seems to be over here now, no idea if it's the same for Murica.
literally illiterate
hint march 3 to june 30 = a bit less than 4 months.
Why are you so assblasted?
This means Kingdom hearts 3, persona 5, Dragon Quest 11, and others are all sony exclusives because aint nobody buying an Xbox.
>Say that to everyone playing splatoon 2.
I would but most are in elementary school kek
I honestly don't like the fact Nintendo is releasing SMO this year...
I mean, how csn you have two GOTYs at once??
i LOVE that month old shit
i love it because it shows how little you got to work with.
You're so upset and it makes me happy.
See you next month Sonygro ;)
one get goty , the other gotd.
>Why are you so assblasted?
I don't know ,why are you? We all knew the Switch wouldn't come anywhere near the PS4 and so far, it isn't. Why does this make you so mad m8?
Using the same type of extrapolation, can't you say that the PS4 is nothing but a machine for PS1/2/3 sequels/reboots?
>Sony bros are increasingly sweating
Are nintendo faggots seriously wishing for an NES type takeover of the industry where Nintendo owns 80% marketshare?
I own every nintendo system and I don't want that because Nintendo is still run by arcane japanese business men who have outdated views on america.
>j-j-j-just y-y-you w-w-w-wait you fucking SONYGGER
Pokken isn't really a port from Wii U either, since both versions are port of an Arcade game.
>Say that to everyone playing Splatoon 2.
I would, user, but the problem is that the nearest elementary school is over an hour away and I don't get paid until next Wednesday, so I would really rather not waste the gas for such a trivial trip.
>Sony won 2 generations with 1 console
>This is not coming to the Switch
>notable titles
>notable titles
>75 000+
I just want Nintendo's shit to sell well enough so other people feel inclined to put their games on there.
Right now though third parties seem rather reluctant to release games for it, even though it's actually selling. You'd think games like Mega Man Legacy Collection would be a perfect fit.
It was one of the first games announced for the Switch though
>Anything realistically outselling the ps4 ever
Even ps4 owners can't grasp how stupid the ps4's lead is. Using the Switchs inability to outsell the ps4 as a negative is like walking into a gym and saying "yeah you're working out, but you're not even surpassing Hercules kys"
Nigger it's a port people count the umpteenth different versions of Street Fighter as ports.
Don't push it.
You are right OP. So far the Switch is selling because it's a better man's Wii U. It's what the Wii U should have been.
We'll get noteworthy content soon. They are getting the Wii U ports out of the way first.
Who are you quoting?
That was Dragon Quest heroes
Yes, it's a port from arcade. You don't count the 1 million versions of SF2 as ports from SNES.
But, seriously, between you and me why are you this assblasted?
Street Fighter 2 has more ports of the Playstation versions than the SNES one.
The thing I'm more disguted in is that people can't tell the difference between Dragon Quest heroes and Dragon Quest 11 yet get assblasted when people say Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 1 look the same.
Dragon Quest 11 and DragoN Quest heroes are not even the same genre.
>4.7m sales
>4 months
>less than 1m per month
wojack posters are a danger to themselves
Can you imagine us getting 2 games a year apart? Sony fans btfo
Switch can't be a Wii U port machine if Wii U has no games to port.
>Masahiro Sakurai: Well then, I would like to ask about each of your new games. First, Dragon Quest XI. The 11th installment in the series will be released simultaneously on Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation 4, and including NX it's coming out on three platforms, right?
>Yuji Horii: That's right. The use of hardware is different for each system, so it's quite a challenge.
You're used to waiting
after all
The PS4 is selling insane numbers though, it's not even a fair comparison
That's a funny way of spelling Playstation 4 user...
No one, ever, has said WiiU had no games.
Durr hurr mature games for mature gamers.
How does it feel to be an acne filled teenager that works retail?
I am married, have my own company and play any game I want because I do not need to "seem cool" for my prebuscent friends
nobody bought a wiiu, so how is this a bad thing?