Making an actual AUTIST your team strategist

>making an actual AUTIST your team strategist
what were they thinking?

>making the second autist their navigator
they weren't

Ok but who besides Joker himself isn't either retarded or autistic?



Wrong game.

That wasn't Fox's name?

It should've been Hifumi.

Are you black?

It's Yusuke.
Yosuke is in persona 4


Autists can be real smart at certain shit cause that's all they wanna focus on.

is she autistic?

Can this bitch become a party member?
I've looked up some team strats and haven't seen her mentioned

Can you get Goro back after he turns heel?


>make character available for one palace only
Fucking hell at least make him a NG+ guy

That wasn't a insult, btw. It was a setup to say "you're my nigga", but you didn't reply and now things are awkward

>Makoto looked like a badass in official arts before game was released
>play the game wanting to waifu her because I love strong women
>she is her sister's bitch, who isnt even that older
>she sneaks around in school acting like a fucking snitch for the principal
>almost gets raped by Yakuza and had to be saved
>confidant events focus on her bitchy friend that she just made for whatever reason

What a fucking letdown.
I was expecting a better version of Mitsuru and Makoto wasnt even close to a cheap copy.

Junpei Iori

Her awakening was pretty good. I figure thst she lets out all her bottled up anger by fighting the shadows

If you didn't want an autist to be your strategist, stop playing the game.

>expecting Japan to like strong women
Why do you think the tomboy never wins?

>decides that she's going to be the team's strategist
>first plan of action is to just be a stupid asshole and charge right through kaneshiro's palace doing literally nothing different than the party has been doing before

>there are people on this board right now who think Makoto is best girl
Why are we still here

Just to suffer.

>Liking the doctor

Grunge called, it wants it shitty punk rip-off clothes back

>liking the teacher

Old, damaged goods. Pretty fucking stupid for a teacher.

>liking the journalist

Yeah, go ahead and romance the alcoholic lesbian. Have her get a fucking haircut afterwards.

>Futaba "250 battle lines"

If you like her, you also like weeb trash and/or small children

>Haru "The Shoehorn"

Literally who?




Best husbando.

Just curious, is your "best girl" Kawakami or tae?


>flat ass

>She corners you in the student council room
>Breaks rules to make decisions for herself regarding your punishment
>Owns up to her mistake when she rushes in because of her complex about being useless
>Decides to start being useful on her own terms and not just mindlessly follow others
>Her awakening Stop taking advantage of the students at MY school
>Dear fucking god her awakening.
>"Do you want me to slap you?" (The answer is yes by the way)
>Next time you enter the palace she's giving orders and keeping everyone on track.

Then her entire confidant is about beep boop and getting her to open up and be more personable/take action for the justice she believes in now that she has the strength to do something. It would be nice if her confidant focused more on her having that strength rather than bumbling around with it, but it was still there. You just never really see "Awakening"-mode Makoto again, which is a real disappointment.

>pitch name
>get threatened with slap
Makoto apparently had a brief spell in the Hana school for violent bitches

I distinctly remember her slap being against Ryuji when he commented on hour outfit after she awakened, and she was still running really high on adrenaline. I don't remember her threatening to slap you with the name, does it change depending on the name?

>Still trying to milhouse this

Loversfags are the worst.

If you pitch the name Prez to her

user, they specifically snuck through a secret underground entrance. They only take the front door at the Pyramid, and Shido's Ruse Cruise.

The secret underground entrance that YOU (not Makoto) found. And you wouldn't even have to enter that palace if it weren't for Makoto being a dumb cunt

She even says she's never had a boyfriend

Half the anons who talk about P5 have a completely distorted cognition of what it is, and what happens in it.

What's whorng with it? Machines are inherently more apt at strategic thinking than humans.


Makoto is only a pair of color contacts and some bleach away from looking like Aigis' twin sister anyway.

>If you like her, you also like weeb trash and/or small children

>lists Shinya as best husbando

>entrusting magical power to a bunch of boring delinquents
What was Philemon thinking?