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Will new characters be added or do you have to make new ones?

You can request character, i think


You need to use reddit

Fuck that.

hol up

shaggy's name is norville?

>hermione is the last one left
>get fucking rekt
Never playing against a witch again what the fuck.

>that zone-tan/raven dynamic

I'm amazed at the good taste in the roster
I expected basic shit choices and then I find stuff like BlackRose and Kyoko

where might i acquire this gaem?



Just google strip poker at inventory.

>check the sublebbit
>someone's making Zizou from LoDW
I guess reddit doesn't always have shit taste.

Actually, yes

>Chicken-chan is brown

Reddit isn't nearly as bad as Sup Forums makes it seems, I find it a lot better if you're looking for specific games/things.

Sup Forums disliked reddit for the culture of it's community, it's filled with faggots who like to pretend that they are better than who they really are.
but now most of Sup Forums is filled with people like that, alot of them are even trying to pretend they don't go on reddit at all, their level of cancer is fucking ridiculous aswell.
>reddit spacing memes

Favorite teams?

Yes. Shaggy comes from a rich family, but he would rather spend his days being a stoner and eating. His uncle literally imported a whole castle brick by brick from Britain and rebuilt it in New England.

>no gay italian chef


Isn't it because of how communities naturally descend into circlejerking and bad memes because of the upboat system and "no negativity allowed" mindset in a lot of subreddits? Sup Forums is shit as well, but at least you can call someone out for being a retard without getting your comment hidden through a stream of downvotes, and there aren't any community figures to circlejerk around.
Granted, Sup Forums has a ton of other issues, part of which is, as you mentioned, actual redditors who come here because "Sup Forums is the worst place on the internet" and le epin anonymoose hackers.

Ileana is best moon close second


Isn't Shaggy's last name "Bauregard"?

>when youre one away from winning

This is one of the better games I've played in awhile

woah marceline

What's the point of choosing your gender and size? dialogue?

all communities go to shit as long as they are public, thanks to a great variety of reasons like the ones you mentioned
but keeping a long story short, i bundled it together as "culture of the community" and they are straight up faggots.
but still it has it's value, subreddits for specific games generally have some useful new information

If you have a small dick, the girls will usually make fun of you or reassure you, if they're nicer.
A big dick will produce surprised or aroused reactions.
Chestlets get made fun of, and big tits vice versa.

I hold out hope that someday the autists here will realize that reddit is a resource that HAS communities and not a just community by itself and that there is nothing wrong with using it as an aggregate site without engaging in the community.

Unfortunately, this place is simply too autistic to be that reasonable.

>back to le reddit

Hermoine was the first to go for me, quite embarrassing for her

That feel when you go from wanting strong moderation to hating facist mods back to appreciating active mods over the course of 15 years.

How dumb are you

that game was better than I expected

The banter between the characters is actually on point, I just wish the art were somewhat bearable to look at.

I've fapped twice to this game since I discovered it this morning.

How is a game this fucking garbage so hot?

What sort of wizard magic have they used to make it this way?

Is there a list of characters somewhere?

>this is his bad hand dialogue
I have a new waifu

Prep up those 10,000 year old vampire lolis


>"so, we're-a playing UNO, right?"

Not even

>The banter between the characters is actually on point

no it isn't

samus' dialogue for example is totally ridiculous

Better writing than Other M

We're in for it now Scoob!


>Also an absolute turbo-slut
Well alrighty then.

are sex scenes ever going to be added?

the characters are mostly hit and miss, some of them are written as well as the originals and some of them are just terrible, also some of them were originally terrible (namely the battleborn one holy shit)

>tfw waifu is in the game

>no small penis humiliation win cut scene

>Shaggy will never compare your dick to a cocktail weenie

Only people without small dicks can like something like this right?

Any other turbo-sluts like chicken-chan in the game? I need more of them

Drawfag here, do you think people would like someone translating the event of one game into some kind of shitty comic?
Because I kinda like the idea

Ruby Rose is 14 but she is in the game. I think 1A only excludes characters that are absolutely flat.


Do it user, it'd be great.

but i dont know how to play poker


Don't worry, the AI doesn't either.

It's the easiest kind of poker anyway, you get 5 cards and decide which ones to replace.
Just open the winning combinations in another tab and have fun with the lewds.

it's not even proper poker don't worry

It excludes characters who were already in the game by the time that rule was made. You're not going to see Nowi in the game anytime soon

I'm glad Orendi is in
She's my guilty pleasure
How long can you last Sup Forums?

How do i play

>already knew about this
>learned about it on /e/
>/e/ barely gave a fuck
>but the videogame board is now having almost daily thread about it

i guess you guys aren't called Sup Forumsirgin for nothing...

I won and I can't keep up with that fucking dialogue, it's killing me.

We should fork this shit to add in loli/shota/futa/whatever.

By "we", I mean you.

This is why ball-gags were invented.

Where is Kenshiro?

The easiest way to win is to get multiples of the same card value (two kings, two 2s, etc.) the more the better. Alternatively you could try and get a series of cards in ascending order of value. If two people are at a tie then the person with the highest value card in their hand wins. Poker is super fucking simple dude

user the couple of threads late night were great but we don't need this.


She sounds like a batshit insane loli. Isnt that the point of the character?

Kisekae characters, cheap as fuck

I always just do Mileena, Seven, Wii Fit Trainer, or Spooky plus whoever's ending I'm trying for since they have the least clothes.
Zone-tan is bad luck.

Link me the game

>all girls masturbating to the gay cook
You lost user

You can literally have the game play for you.

I just turn on auto-suggestions and click away. Works like 80% of the time.

This game is only good for training your memory of poker hands because there is no penalty for losing, the game goes on.

what is contained within the package?!

Anyone else here actually strip when they lose a hand, for immersion? Or is it just my autism?

True but it does make some retarded decisions every once in a while. I hade 2 4 6 8 k, all different suits, and it recommend keeping everything but the 6.

Wher can I get this?

A package.

That might be, but I had sex with Samus on her space ship later ;^)

She's in a league of her own, unfortunately.

reddit is worse than how Sup Forums portrays it



>Spaghetti chef
>That mettaton reveal
Why would I want to play this for the porn?

wait you have to request a character? aren't these characters literally from k_kisekae?

niggas just make your own waifu and give them ahegao faces or whatever the fuck you do

>absolutely horrible art
>fucking poker
>92 posts, 55 posters
hmm this doesn't seem like a shill thread at all :^)

Shane is cute! Cute!