Why did Japan stop making turn based JRPG's that are actually cool and don't make you cringe with their terrible designs and overly-kawaii autism?
Why did Japan stop making turn based JRPG's that are actually cool and don't make you cringe with their terrible...
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>JRPGs in the past
>not terrible designs and overly-kawaii autism
Are you retarded?
are you? name literally any period of time where japan didn't make JRPGs that make you cring with their terrible designs and overly-kawaii autism
SMT is getting two games. If you really want a brutal JRPG, play Wizardry clones.
Jesus christ you idiot, I never said they didn't make those games in the past.
then what are you complaining about exactly? nothing's changed
learn to fucking read before piping up with your stupid fucking thoughts you little cunt
why don't you learn to not be so braindead? you're literally bitching about a problem that doesn't exist
>literally unable to comprehend a simple point that's made abundantly clear in the first post
>still tries to take the intellectual high ground
just off yourself
>literally unable to comprehend a simple point that's made abundantly clear in the first post
why don't we break down your post, shall we?
>Why did Japan stop making turn based JRPG's that are actually cool and don't make you cringe with their terrible designs and overly-kawaii autism?
this implies either one of two things: that
A) JRPGs all used to be cool and not cringy, which was the implication I responded to and showed was untrue, or
B) japan used to make cool JRPGs as well as cringy ones, but now they only make cringy ones, which is also blatantly untrue
so, in conclusion, you're definitely mentally retarded and should seek help
Because you're a faggot nostalgia dumbfag
but I only started playing SMT this year, dumb nigger.
>name literally any period of time where japan didn't make JRPGs that make you cring with their terrible designs and overly-kawaii autism
The meiji period.
I think this is a good JRPG design. Anyone else think so?
You got btfo kid.
>B) japan used to make cool JRPGs as well as cringy ones, but now they only make cringy ones, which is also blatantly untrue
name some turn based JRPG's from the past year that weren't disgusting manchild weeb shit
No tits, no buy.
So you're really 12, your terrible ignorance isn't a surprise then, OP.
not an argument
Now that's true autism.
>he hasn't played Boshin War Panty Quest XII
i am setsuna
smt 4 apocalypse
i'm struggling to think of many other jrpgs that were released in the past year besides vita/3ds shovelware
>eew, le cringe
I wish everyone who uses that buzzword to describe literally anything he/she doesn't like even in the slightest would die of cerebral thrombosis
Strange Journey Redux is coming up.
I personally roll my eyes, then look away and make grunt sound that sounds like Ueaungh, while pushing my teeth together and lifting my upper lip, when I encounter something in game I don't like.
Are you sure that's really better than cringe? It is more accurate, I'll tell you that much. Stop getting hung up on trivial things.
that's not out yet though, is it? so it doesn't technically count
I don't like the word either but seriously there is something about the digusting pandering anime neckbeard sensibilities that make me cringe like fuck
No but let's talk about it and save the thread, instead of going back and forth about autism and/or semantics.
it's really better to just let this shit thread die before the OP post baits more people into starting another boring argument about "muh weebshit anything japanese is terrible hurr hurr hurr"
>smt 4 apocalypse
Lots of weeb shit in it, even compared to IV.
like what
>i am setsuna
this was pretty fucking generic
they were always shit. you just didn't realize it cuz your balls hadn't dropped.
apocalypse was a cringefest. see pic.
he didn't ask for good games
Nocturne is trash
you're trash
maybe but they at the very least were interesting and had good presentation, now it's just pathetic autismal meme weeb kawaii moe shit
>very least were interesting and had good presentation
name these interesting and good presentation JRPGs? I bet you they (most) aren't interesting.
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Wizardry: Tales of the Forsaken Land
now let's see you disagree just because i insulted your kawaii shit
2 games out of 100s.
Shit genre confirmed.
yes it is a shit genre but it wouldn't be if the people making it weren't autistic japs pandering to other autistic japs.
>jrpgs would be a good genre as long as they weren't jrpgs
yeah okay thanks for sharing your valuable opinion buddy
I dont know but the same thing happened to anime
there's no code saying that turn based JRPGs have to be made by -autistic- japs with -autistic- sensibilities.
i know it's not turn based but that tales of berseria game made me sick
animator is a real nigga
No it didn't.
yeah ok lol
>because of normalfag Americans with more money than sense we're going to stop getting Japanese character design archetypes in Japanese media
Thanks, burgers. Really showed those virgin otaku neckbeards.
persona series is one of the most embarrassing game franchises in the entire world, i don't know why threads for it are even allowed here. SMT is far superior.
thank god
ITT pic related
that's the definition of a JRPG.
>Japs saw original CRPGs from PC.
>Streamlined gameplay for console
>Gutted (western) art style and themes
>Replaced with manga (kids) story and art work
>Dragon Quest was born, 1st JRPG
The entire premise behind a JRPG is to tell a mange/anime story targeted at Japanese children and teenagers. They can't make serious games even if they wanted because their fans want the cringe
>The development team explained that their previous game, Vagrant Story, which featured a "strong man in his prime" as the protagonist had been unsuccessful and unpopular; the change regarding Final Fantasy XII from a "big and tough" protagonist to a younger, youthful one was thus decided after targeting demographics were considered
anime =/= kawaii moe meme shit, post anime all you like but don't expect me to not get pissed off by your low test faggot shit
shan't be reading this
If you don't like Japanese visual tropes. Don't play Japanese games.
You're looking for western dungeon crawlers
You know, from the people who originally does them right, which is not Japs
SMT: nocturne is full of jap design tropes though.
they're not profitable. just look at how much persona sells compared to smt. games need mass market appeal these days
the fact that persona sells that much is honestly scary, since persona is played primarily by gigantic losers who got bullied in high school, who use the game as a surrogate friend/relationship replacement as they try to have the special high school experience they never had.
Why is that scary? Do you lose sleep over that or something?
how the hell do they sell that much, are people really that desperate for self-insert high school sims? I tried playing persona 4 and it was just kind of tedious to me.
It's slowly getting up there with 'creepy' and 'gross'.
because it means the number of worthless manchild losers in the world is increasing at an alarming rate
Sure, if you measure a person's worth by the video games they play...
>All these fucked up conjectures
So by your logic, everyone who plays a first person shooters is a potential mass murderer?
I played it as a dungeon diver and generally only did the slinks to get better personas and more characterization.
Xenoblade Chronicles and XCX are both somewhat recent examples of great jrpgs user
Better than smt4 in all honesty
Why does Shin Megami Tensei have the best memes? No other franchise can compete.
well, I've been on Sup Forums for 13 years this october, so yeah, I do. That's also why I don't interact with people who are vocal about playing CoD, Halo, Gears of War, Asscreed, etc. Keep your casual tastes to yourself.
I keep dropping xenoblade but I'm determined to finish it eventually. I'll work on my ps1 backlog first.
It was hard for me to get into at first but when it did I just loved it
XCX has a terrible story and characters but some of the best jrpg gameplay I've ever played. It has issues with some content basically being locked behind online content but I've never enjoyed grinding in a jrpg as much as I did playing that
don play jap games retard
>I've been on Sup Forums for 13 years
Yeah it shows, all the constant stupidity has rubbed off on you over the years.
>Look guys i'm an originalfag!!!
Who do you think us going to buy that bullshit?
2004 4chin was flooded by anime shit like tohou.
No idea, it just is.
I just spent too much time doing shitty sidequests on the bionis leg. People have told me to just ignore most sidequests because it's just mmo fetchquest bullshit, but I keep getting worried I'll skip one of the good ones.
I bet Lucifer gives a great handjob with that Walter arm.
>only known for its rerelease and making Cozy quit
While aesthetic is good, IVA is a mechanically better RPG. Need to mesh both in the new SMT
>implying Nocturne isn't known for ONE MORE GOD REJECTED
c'mon dude. it's a meme song.
Just look them up, I did the same thing
Most are safe to miss unless you really want the other affinity trees but the only one you really need is Sevens 4th tree to make her good and that's only if you use them. Theirs is also coincidentally the easiest tree to get so that's really all you need
I did most of the side quests until close to the end where I just rushed because it is mmo bullshit but it's still enjoyable
Xcx is even more mmo bullshit but with better gameolay and tons of QoL features to make it better
Because no one likes tha shit
nigger nocturne is great
it's even better when emulated in Pcsx2 and you remove the FPS limit so everything is twice as fast, I did that by accident and assumed it was a style choice by the devs and it worked so well, turns the game into some punk-rock experimental work and the pervasive static in the background actually fits
also this song is GOAT: youtube.com
>now it's just pathetic autismal meme weeb kawaii moe shit
This is a JRPG/visual novel series from 1991.
Your point?
Post some proof of sort that you have been on this anime website for 13 years without sperging how much you hate anime.
>turn based combat
Look man, tell me right now to my face that current jrpg releases are anything close to a year like 1998.
>Why did Japan stop making
Learn to read your own post, retard
he probably means to say that JRPGs were pathetic autismal meme weeb kawaii moe shit as early as 1991.
why? you will just say it's shopped or i got it off KYM or something. i'm not gonna get bothered by some anonymous person not believing me.
But Persona 5 is way better than that dumb game faggot
>as early as 1991.
As early as 1989, actually.
>not embracing the future
Cute demons chicks. Granted that already exists so it just continues while everything else waivers
yeah i dunno why weebs always do that, as if anyone thinks there wasn't.
me on the right