Splatoon Fixes

Splatoon Fixes.

How would you fix Splatoon ?

>I wouldn't its perfect Sony pony.

Its not and I'm not.

>ahhh Reddit spacing.

My biggest fix would be a patch that boots anyone from turf war after 15 seconds of inactivity. Then giving the team that's down permanent specials for the remainder of the match. This 4×3 when someone disconnects is awful

It's perfect

>permanent specials for the remainder of the match
too OP
How about specials charge twice as fast?

Add better party systems.
That's my only gripe about it so far.

You know, this game actually looks fun. I might just buy a Switch for this, but that depends on my paycheck for this month since I took a sick day for 2 months

How is it to op when you lost 25% of your team?

>have servers be less shitty
>have hud for ink remaining like there should have been in the first place
>make shitty rain cloud actually do something/anything

Turf War is beyond saving, it's just a dull gamemode all around. I would just make Ranked default play and maybe hide your ranking if you don't want to see it so people don't stress over the word ranked. It's actually less stressful because if you're losing badly, it's over in a minute or less. Most people get bored of this game in an hour or 2 until I tell them to suck it up and play ranked because that's where all the good gamemodes are.

In any case, a better way to have voice chat would be nice and I understand the map rotation system for the sake of building a meta around what is going to show up, but it should really be 3 maps a rotation, not 2.

>nonstop bomb rushes with suction bombs

>have servers be less shitty
I haven't experienced any connectivity issues. Perhaps you need to get better internet service.

>hud for ink remaining
it's on your back, mongoloid

>Fix online friends shit
>make the app just a basic party chat app a la steam or something. Also make it so it's multitasking at the very fucking least.
>make salmon run more available.

>le get better internet
drone please, you must not play during peaks
>on your back
no shit fag, but sometimes your back is covered, or you're not looking at it, and there's no reason not to have an hud for it other than retarded nintendo stylistic bullshit, especially since one pops up when you go under anyway

Buff pic related. At least give it a reticle.

It already boots you after about 20 seconds to no changing input.

Just remove Dynamos and E-Liters, they're only still in because Japan loves them and no one else. Same with Moray.

Op, two lowest scored teammates get unlimited special after one leaves

Too poor for a Switch, are E-Liters still as cancer as in 1?

It's not his internet most likely. The servers are shitty. Every single game I have ever played has never had connectivity issues (even other games on the switch) yet I disconnect frequently during nighttime (never during the day).

>I'm n-n-n-not a sony c-c-cuck I swear!!!
Yeah sure, buddy. Whatever you say.

Not yet, but only because they're not unlocked until higher levels.
At least can be used to outrange them now.

opinion dropped

I only play from 7pm - 9pm and have never been disconnected once.

wow cool don't ever reply to me again

>Then giving the team that's down permanent specials for the remainder of the match
That's fucking retarded.


>It already boots you after about 20 seconds to no changing input.
Yeah and then it's three people left to lose

>3 minute match starts
>3 people leave
>one left standing there.

Its frustrating to know you lost a 3 minute match when there's still 2:57 seconds left

>Allow for changing weapons in pre and post game
>remove two map rotation, any map at anytime
>salmon run always available

I don't know why they didn't do this.

>The servers are shitty
It's p2p you fucking retard.

No idea then. I know I'm not the only one in this situation, so not really sure what it is. I fully restarted my switch last night and haven't disconnected since, so hopefully that was the fix.

Does Splatoon have a CtF mode? If not, why?

It's canon that Octolinks aren't fuckable.

3-4 map rotation.
Improve party system
Don't force people to play turf wars

Seriously turf wars is just fucking unfun garbage that rarely takes team play into account

Spawns for the team that is down a player are shorter in an attempt to fix that.
It was like that in the first game.
But in the end sucks you had a 3rd world teammate.


>Allow for changing weapons in pre and post game
Matchmaking takes weapon types into consideration, to try to avoid a round that is entirely E-Liters or Dynamos
>remove two map rotation, any map at anytime
Certain maps favor certain weapon types. Dropping the rotation could put you on a losing streak because you brought a sniper to rollers turf.
>salmon run always available
They'd have to change the bonus system, otherwise everything would be broken by everyone having infinite cash.


That never happened

>playing rainmaker
>checking map
>see rainmaker is getting really close to our dunk cone
>go to splat the guy with it
>he's not taking any damage
>realize he's my teammate

>Certain maps favor certain weapon types. Dropping the rotation could put you on a losing streak because you brought a sniper to rollers turf
Allow players to select weapon right because match starts. It doesn't take but a few seconds.

Have random match selected. Then give ten second screen to select weapon.

Yes it did.
It was an update in the first game patch 2.0.
>teams of 3 will play against teams of 4 but will respawn faster to make up for the disadvantage

Turf War was so boring that it was legitimately difficult to muster up the conviction to make to level 10 and start having fun in multiplayer.

never had server issues. Never been disconnected.

I was experiencing pretty bad lag for a bit but I switched to a wired connection and am doing fine now.

More variety in weapons.
Bring back every last weapon from the first game already and add new sub/special combinations.
Also either buff stingray or get rid of it entirely, that thing is useless.

That can be mitigated with the ability to see what map is next and by giving us the option to switch our loadout in the lobby. If we have to keep the rotation we can at least shave it down to 30-60 minutes.

What kind of lag issues did you have?

There will most certainly be more weapons added.

There will be. But even for just starting off right now I feel like there is nothing I really enjoy using.

Felt like i was constantly getting killed by things I couldn't see, ink would go right through enemies when it looked like a direct hit. Enemies would die a half-second after they killed me or vice versa.

Switching to wired completely eliminated that.

Am i the only one that hates the new roller jump attack?

Yes. It's literally better in every way.

Being able to actually make a party would be nice for regular battles, you already can for Salmon Run why not for others?

Do you hate it as a non-roller player or a roller player.

Ive been out rangeing aerosprays with it


perfect as it is now
>Splatoon 2
total disaster and crap in all sorts of ways.
maybe add fun for a start
then fix the controls and re-add things that were possible in Splatoon 1.
and remove that weird looking gurl

I hate as a carbon roller player

>Salmon Run private matches, even if it gives no rewards.
>Dedicated severs.
>Keep the regional matchmaking, but expand the player pool if a match can't be found in X amount of time to prevent really long queue times.
>Fix the shitty input delay.
>Remove the grind limit on League play.
>Match teams based on their League Power.

>Add all rank modes to casual mode
>chargers will be no longer accessible
>curling-bomb launcher no longer accessible
>blaster weapons are ban from splat zones and tower control
>Four map rotation
>There will be a basic mode version that only allow starting weapons. Basic Turf/rank.
>There will be a playground mode for squid party faggots.

I get some of that as well, but I think it's other players because it's pretty inconsistent. Rarely get someone killing me half a second after I kill them, but I do see people swimming through ink I just laid down a bit too often though.

git gud

>It already boots you after about 20 seconds to no changing input.
boots and bans you

remember they will ask for money later
>buy game
>pay for allowance fee
>get banned because you didn't move for 20 seconds

superb game design, only for the most hardcore gaymer

>house on fire?
keep on playing
>baby fell into the pool?
keep on playing
>you gotta take a shit?
keeo on playing and shit yourself

nu-Nintendo is cancer

as a carbon roller player I love it, its only you

Motion control icon for players who use MC

it was happening every single match; I was about ready to throw my controller out the window. I've barely seen any of it since, and if I have it's been way less pronounced.

It's perfect

>Fix the shitty input delay.

When are we getting new maps?

>unfair teams
>instead of making it possible to join mid-game
>or restarting another match
>nope, add faster respawn
>so that the other team gets more kills when spawn camping

not nintendos fault that you're retarded at critical thinking and time management.

he's talking between the input from his eyes and the output from his brain

Make it more expensive so retards like OP would be scared of buying it.

what's the point of joining mid-match? The rounds are only 3 minutes long.

>House on fire
In the time it takes to take out a small house fire and recover from that shit at least 3 minutes would've passed by
>Baby fell into the pool
Same scenario as the first, plus shouldn't you keep a watch on your kids in the first place?
>Gotta take a shit
It's portable for a reason

Not a fucking argument

This Saturday: Super Moray Towers

Lmao what a gay OP you sound like a faggot. But seriously I can't wait to get home from holiday because this game looks fun as shit. Salmon run looks amazing

>keep lvl 1-10's in their own matchmaking, and higher ups like 11-20 in their own
>more modes than just turf war in quick play
>don't make Salmon Run limited
>in ranked, only 1 super allowed per character, use it wisely to add more strategy to the game.
>voice chat for salmon run at least

>Splatoon 2 HD "Fresh" mix
>1080p (lets be real nintendo cant do 4k)
>all weapons unlocked from the start
>all modes unlocked from the start
>custom game lobbies
>hundreds more clothing designs, including pants and accessories
>PC exclusive
Oops did i just make the perfect game? of course i did

How many times has your house caught fire that you're opening yourself up to banning for repeated disconnections?

Any nice builds for competitive?

>Get rid of curler bomb special or nerf its fire rate

That's pretty much my only gripe with the game so far.
Outside of that new maps would be nice but it did just get released 5 days ago

love the game but it's really 900p. 1080p rarely.

It's perfect fucking sonybro REEEEEE

I would say the bomb rush special needs more meter charging on it. As is people spam it like constantly.

So is this game shit or something? I thought you said this game was fun, Sup Forums. Should I buy it?

if you have a switch it's a must-have, just like the first game.

Depends if you're willing to spend $360 for a switch and splatoon 2

Unless you already have a switch then the answer is yes

It's fun, but ranked will make you saltier than the Dead Sea due to the sheer incompetence of some people.

add back worldwide matchmaking
>but the japs are good and laggy REEEE

both NA and EU players were far more laggy in the first game, git gud

matchmaking takes absolutely forever in higher ranks, and league battle matchmaking is just abysmal

>S+ rank players are now trying to lose to rank down to be able to find matches more quickly

I've been to the dead sea.
It's salty as hell, but you can actually float on it if you go far into it because it's so dense.

Can the lead weights that are your teammates are also float there?

Right, so I just got out of Turf War hell. What weapon should I go with so I can ditch the fucking Aerospray?

Also I heard there was some exploit to get unlimited EXP booster tickets?

Why would you want them too?

tell me your woes user.

>you can actually float on it
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's exactly how water works anywhere, you float on it. Are you made of metal or something?

See This was with 30 seconds left and we were behind.

Just please lower the fucking suction bomb range. That shit goes off like a fucking atom bomb

No, like you cannot sink.
I walked until I was waist deep before my legs floated up on their own.

How are you not fired?

this is the stupidest post in this thread.

Guys what's the best settings for gyro? I don't want to stop using them but I can't help but feel like I'd be better with the sticks alone.

Allow people to team up with friends for public Turf War games and Ranked without an arbitrary rank requirement

4-5 right stick and whatever you feel comfortable with on gyro.
Don't forget that you can quick turn while shooting.

I still like the game, but here are some gripes I have with it.

>Super Jump is finicky without a touchscreen
>Blocking players due to poor server maintenance
>can’t buy multiples of the same gear
>not enough hairstyle options
>pants/gloves are not gear
>only three kinds of pants options
>Story isn’t as engaging as the first one despite having a better premise
>”Miiverse” posts are tied to Twitter/Facebook