Why does Kirby get off scot free for making the same game over and over again...

Why does Kirby get off scot free for making the same game over and over again, while every other video game franchise doesn't?

Because Kirby is just Kirby and nobody should take those games seriously.


Kirby games are cute and fun.

Because Kirby is simplicity in it's greatest form. No one expects Kirby to have any extraordinary changes and it's loved because it stays on point as a loveable franchise about a pink ball that floats and eats everything. Even the few times where it forays into ventures like golf, Puyo Puyo or a Tetris clone, it still does well because it keeps that charm throughout. Plus, and this is just me talking, but it's pretty cool that the most potentially powerful video game character of all time is no taller than a bike tire.

Lowest common denominator. See: Pokemon.

Its the same with yoshi

He gets rounder every iteration. ROUNDER!!

Because franchises don't actually need to change very much to stay interesting, and Kirby is typically pretty good at hitting the happy medium.
You're still wrong because it lately HAS justifiably gotten flak for its recent titles being particularly similar to each other, especially RtDL and Triple Deluxe. If this pattern continues people probably will get disillusioned, but fortunately Robobot and the new game appear to have continued the trend of moving just a little bit forward.

It's fun.

Don't question the tards and the women.

This is literally the most retarded thing I've ever read today.

>Kirby doesn't change

There's a shitton of experimental Kirby games

Kirby does get shit for it. It's always been a middle ground, always solid with decent reviews but never a great, "genre defining" 10/10 rated game.

Kirby is well made, but reviewers never really give it a second look because it's "another Kirby game"

How new are you to Kirby?

The nature of Kirby games means the player goes though a wide array of diverse, yet unique movesets in any given run, making replayability high. A pretty good amount of new levels is honestly enough to keep me invested. Unlike Mario, whose limited and easily losable powers at any given time makes game quality dependent on the level design itself, as long as playing AS Kirby feels good, the game itself is pretty good.

You must not read much, then.

Whoa dude, you sure convinced me with those hot opinions

Not true.
I'm getting fed up with Kirby's current formula, and if the next game is still the same bullshit, I may be forced to ditch Kirby indefinitely.

Was gonna say this. Despite the slew of traditional Kirby games, Kirby has a lot more interesting gameplay ideas than a lot of major Nintendo franchises.
Metroid is a classic example which became stale and died for a reason.

What are you talking about? A lot of the highest selling games pretty much release the same thing reheated over and over.

Same guy here, this also means that Return to Dreamland is my least favorite game, due to how samey all the powers feel, and the large number of "use this Super Copy Ability Here" sections there are, and my other least favorite is Epic Yarn

>Metroid is a classic example which became stale and died for a reason.
Stop posting. Forever.

While Mario is platformer for all to enjoy, Kirby is literally only for 3 year olds. Nobody expects a person to play more than 1 Kirby game so it's fine if it's the same game every time.

I mean you could just assess each release until one comes out that you would like to try. That's what I do.

imagine having this complex of a thought about kirby


>implying I support nu-kirby

Hal labs make great games

Mario's boss fights are fucking awful, though.

It's hard to give games special treatment (read: ignore glaring flaws) when they cost $40 and are made by big teams of Adults. Like SURE, some dumb seven year old will enjoy a bad Kirby game but shit he'd enjoy a good Kirby game a lot more.

Just because something is for kids doesn't give an excuse to not try.

>mainline Kirby finally seems to be doing something that meaningfully shakes up the gameplay, even if it's dug up from long past entries, and actually improves the visuals for the first time in seven years
>only now do the critics crawl out of the woodwork

I'm both a Kirbyfag and a Metroidfag and confirm your opinion on Metroid is wrong.

Kirby is cute

There's honestly nothing complex about what I wrote. Are you just baffled because I used words that people see on word-a-day calendars and get intimidated by?

Are you trying to imply Kirby has better boss battles? Every boss is just "spam the a button until he's dead".

>Even if it's dug up from long past entries

So you're admitting that the game's a rehash. OK.


>Are you trying to imply Kirby has better boss battles?

No shit, the last few were too. My problem is people are only now complaining about it.

RWBY is fun

>Every boss is just "spam the a button until he's dead".

Yeah good luck with those Arena runs, buddy.

There's nothing wrong with making the same game over and over again with few changes, change CAN definitely be a bad thing.

Examples of bad change: Digimon World. Digimon world 1-4 are all pretty much entirely different genres.

Examples of good change: Kirby. If you like one Kirby game there's literally no reason you wouldn't like all of them. You can buy a Kirby game knowing nothing about it at all, but you know what you're in for so you will know the experience is enjoyable already. Pokemon is the same way.


Kirby has some seriously good level design, though. A lot of platformers/puzzle could learn a thing or two from his games.

I still like the new Kirby games, but this is one of my biggest complaints.
I cannot remember the last time an ordinary enemy has ever posed a danger, its stage obstacles that hit you much more often.

Also, too many i-frames in ability attacks.

enemies just dont do enough damage and there's too many recovery items

>Hating on Kirby


The old games were already easy enough why did they just make for kids under 5 now?

Because they are always fun.

Do you make any friends with that attitude?

>Every boss is just "spam the a button until he's dead"
t. never played a Kirby game

Sprites take less space then full 3d enviroments. Go figure.

I feel like mini bosses have become that. If you have a decent ability upon entering a fight, they rarely can attack/move more than once.

Though I don't like the newest mini bosses, so I'm fine with this

>mfw your post made me realize that Kirby has both the most rehashed games and the most experimental games of all the Nintendo franchises
>literally Kirby has been everything from a pinball to split into a million pieces
It's kinda breaking my brain the more I think about how many times Kirby platformer are mostly all that same, but all the side games are experimental

You think a mainline game will experiment as much as Kirby 64 ever again?

hal can create good games when they leave their comfort zone

Kirby games had the winning formula figured out since Adventure. Don't fix what ain't broke.
Anyone can play it, and they satisfy veterans by putting in some new abilities each game and an even crazier final boss than the last.
So I ask how the fuck they are topping Robobot's finale?

If it isn't broken then don't fix it faggot

Robobot didn't even top TD's finale imo

Every kirby game except this one is pretty mediocre imo. They need to make another amazing mirror but with the more advanced power movesets of the newer games.

Kirby does a great job of splitting between traditional, experimental and spin offs even then the more traditional games split between a dreamland style and adventure style with most games expanding or adding a new gimmick to keep things fresh.
I love the series and that being said fucking fire the level design team behind mass attack and rainbow curse, I've never been hit so hard with the monkey paw than I did with Rainbow Curse.

>expecting a round pink ball to change
what do you want him to do? wear 5 belts and cover himself in zippers?
return to dreamland has the nature-y dreamland aesthetic, triple deluxe has a focus on bright curved things, robobot has the mechs, and we havent even seen much of the switch version outside of the reintroduction of 4 player co-op
how about you compare gameplay rather than main character design

Taranza and Susie open a portal to the underworld trying to bring Sectonia and Haltmann back to life, only to release a shapeshifting monster that assumes the forms of past Soul bosses before revealing its true form: 03

I just want a good kirby game again, is that too much to ask for? This shit annoys me, the slow pace, low amount of enemies. It's like an eternal crystal shards but at least that had some fun gimmicks to it the first time you play it

The best Kirby game

Because Sakurai sensei, much like the immortal Araki sensei, has acsended reality


You are retarded, games used to have sprite limits designers had to work with and programmers would always try to find ways to circumvent (sprite flicker etc).
Nowadays, ram/vram limits are so forgiving that Kirby of all games can easily shove a billion different enemies on-screen, it chooses not to and it wasn't forced by technical limitations.

Except shit like Dreamland 3

Kirby is just another corporate tool now. Explains why none of the nuKirby games have any soul or challenge. It's a literal toddler game now. Glad to see Sup Forums waking up to it.

When you think about it, Mario and Zelda is pretty much a rehash as well with their main entries.

>Helper is circled.

All you need for a Kirby sequel at minimum is new fun level design and lots of new powers to mess around with.
I do wish they innovated more with RtDl and Triple Deluxe though. The "ultra" powers you got at the end of stages sucked dick too. The mechs in Robobot were fucking perfect though, so fun to control and play as. I hope they bring them back.

>he triggered this many manchildren with one post

Nah I don't see it in that light, despite the last two recent game looking similar. Music and art design are very different, and the level design are unique to one another. Plus the new powers changes things up from time to time.

>While Mario is platformer for all to enjoy, Kirby is literally only for 3 year olds.
This feels contradictory as fuck here. Are you really going to pretend that Mario of all things doesn't mostly feel like a child's game.

What exactly is this OP pic trying to prove or insinuate?
He's literally a pink blob with eyes, of course his design isn't going to change much over the years.

Also there are a ton of side games that offer unique gameplay styles. The main series are platformers so of course they will remain platformers. You don't see people bitching about how all Mega man games are basically the same thing.

In my opinion, Kirby bosses are way better than Mario/Zelda bosses. Music pumps you up, plus dodging and learning the enemy movements are critical. Also why so spiteful, did Kirby hurt you in anyway?

Sakurai hasn't worked on Kirby in years, dipshit.

Dunno if this is you, but here's an image I saved from an user that has plenty of examples of enemy count in Kirby.

It doesn't hold your hand like Kirby.

What did you just say?

>Bowser flat out tells you how to beat him during the first fight in SM64
>Super Guide in later games

Kirby Switch will be the first Kirby game I'll play. Any tips?
My favourite character is Meta Knight btw.

Kirby games are ok but boring. If you played one Kirby game, you played them all. I don't understand how its such a successful ip. Same goes for yoshis island, but at least yoshi games have some difficulty.

pic unrelated

The plot would essentially boil down to the Thing vs Kirby

This is literally the most retarded thing I've ever read today.

Kirby may look the same. But they certainly aren't the same games.
What does a Kirby game require to be recognized as a different game by you?

Newer game does now with the super guide. And if we're talking about older Mario games, then the older Kirby game didn't either especially when the difficulty ramps up in boss rushes/collecting all essential objects.

A new character.
No copy abilities.
No old bosses.
3D environments.
No story.
No collectibles especially.
Better girls than Kirby.

Nice cherries

It can't get any worse than this today.

Those cherries are rotten.

>No copy abilities.
>No collectibles especially.

Thanks for pointing this stuff out. I've always thought there was something fishy about that image whenever it was posted, but I couldn't put my finger on it so I never contested it.

Your own picture kinda wrecks with your argument, as the last kirby looks a fuckton better than the other ones.

It'll get better than today.


Why do you keep making this same thread over and over again, while-
Actually yeah people do that all the time on Sup Forums but you suck regardless.

This is literally the most literal example of a literally retarded post I've seen literally this day of our Lord literally.