The combat in dark souls is too hard and

The combat in dark souls is too hard and

It really is quite hard. Not in a good way, it's just terrible enough to be an obstacle.


Yeah. It makes me want to play Devil May Cry.

Devil may cry seemed to have interesting combat, but it felt a bit shallow to me. The best combat i've come across so far has been Castlevania: curse of Darkness

Never understood this comic

The robot and chicks are great (well, apart from trash-chan), but I wouldn't want to risk my life fighting Eldritch abominations for them.

Good bait. Will catch some redditeurs for sure.

I don't know man, I think MGR was the better game in terms of story especially, and of course combat, devil may cry in general is just shit if you ask me.

It's not bait, don't be so paranoid. I just never played much devil may cry.

>the point of Dark Souls was to be hard
>the point of Dark Souls was the combat
Please wipe your mind clean of memes before starting a game.

>the point of Dark Souls is whatever it needs to be for me to win an internet argument

k bruh

MC in Evangelion was always a fucking gay turned me off the show completely. What a crybaby.

I'm not trying to win an argument, the combat in Dark Souls is barebones, and if you approach it as that one super hard game that you have to get really good at for gamer cred, you will feel let down.

Dark Souls is about feeling alienated in a strange world that you want to explore, and the combat is a way to pull you into that world by raising the tension. If it was not somewhat difficult, there would not be any tension, so enemies hit hard, but that is all there is to the difficulty.

Combat in Dark Souls isn't as hard as people hype it up to be, but it certainly not as easy as people on Sup Forums hype it up to be either. Playing it blind it's certainly harder than every mainstream RPG (TW3 on death march etc), and about as hard as Ninja Gaiden on normal or something like that

Do you guys really think that? Dark Souls combat is so much easier for me than it is for a game like DMC or MGR

What was it you missed about combat being the point of dark souls? The million enemies, the focus on weapons and bosses, the fact that combat is the only way to experience the game, aside from exploration, which is done to deliver more combat.

The story was barebones, there aren't any puzzles or platforming sections. There's no tactical sections, really, and the RPG mechanics are almost non-existent. Combat IS the point.

Well, I never said that it was easy either. I just think that people focus too much on its difficulty as if Dark Souls' goal was to be difficult for the sake of being difficult.

>the story was barebones
You can say many things about Dark Soul's story, but "barebones" might be the stupidest description yet. If anything it's messy and muddled. It's certainly not "barebones" you pleb. Stop using these fancy words.

DMC and MGR don't make you micromanage the amount of attacks and fast rolls/dodges you can perform through an endurance stat.

I wanna ___ White Korra!

Dark Souls is difficult, but if you think the mechanics or the game itself is "too hard" you're either a retard or an idiot. The point of it being hard is the fact that it teaches you through your own failures. If it feels like you keep running up against a wall, chances are you're doing something wrong. It's pretty smooth sailing once you get the hang of it.
t. Beat Dark Souls blind and had a great time

>Wait for visual cue
The horror.
The horror.

But there's more to it than that, user!
>Hold out shield and get hit
>Walk backwards and drop shield
>Hit enemy with your now full stamina
These mechanics are just too much for me

Okay, let me rephrase that: the combat mechanics were not the point of Dark Souls. Enemy encounters were there to pull you in and keep the tension high, to put you in the shoes of your character, but not to make gameplay videos of you getting sick backstabs.

Because you are a faggot. Risk your life is fun sometimes

>Yoshi's Wooly World
fuck off with that plebian level shit

Look everyone with some sense know what you mean already you don't need to explain yourself- The combat in DS is just one part together with exploration, lore deciphering, witnessing the art etc etc

>Giant robot
Giant alien cyborg powered by the undead and mind controlled by eighth graders*
>smoking hot chick
Who holds a candle for some college sweetheart for ten years yet doesnt have any balls to lock him down**
>Feisty redhead
Who once likened him to a baby trying to go back into the womb bringing up thoughts of his mother even though his mother is dead, and then says he deserved to suffocate to death despite saving her from a volcano a couple fights prior***
>super """""submissive""""" hottie
That slapped his shit and is also a clone of his dead mother wholly created for ulterior motives****

>i hate you dad
This is the normal response

They flat out forgot about one of the main characters of the game, until fans reminded them. Don't pretend that it's not barebones just because you went gooey over an item description, or a sword-wielding dog. It's embarrassing.

This. I must have missed the anime trope where the entirety of humanity reverts to a sea primordial soup, leaving the boy as a new Adam to strangle the girl out of hatred with cumstained fingers.

that's the point

also dolls are gross

That's how Evangelion looks through the eyes of a normal person - as a show about a spineless sniveling faggot who has everything handed to him and still cries about it like a blubbering retard.

Why would I want to spend a second of my free time in watching a show about a crybaby bitch of a protagonist?

why not

You mean that isn't the way it is? Shinji may be a realistic character but that doesn't make him a good one.

It's how eva looks through the eyes of a drooling sociopath maybe.

>everything handed to him

You mean being used by his insane parents as a guinea pig for the end of humanity?

Shit, i'm glad my parents just gave me a playstation and let me get on with it.


>the only Angel that Shinji outright refused to fight was the one possessing one of his only friends and he didn't want to risk killing him
>has the highest solo kill count among the chosen children despite not having the same training as Asuka or the autism of Rei
>only has a mental shutdown during EoE when shit actually hit the fan and the world was ending
>haha he's a bitch XD

What do people unironically mean by this?


You mean through the eyes of every normal thinking person

There isnt a deeper meaning in this series, there is nothing deep in Neon Genesis Envangelion compared to a better SCience Fiction series like Battle Angel Alita

>watching a giant robot show for sex

literally why?

>why don't these 12 year olds fuck anime is so stupid

>not just watching Dai-Guard
>not watching bored as fuck salarymen being forced to get in a robot and save the world from angels
>not enjoying things for what they are, and expecting them to somehow change to suit you

This is autism.


He's 14 with severe abandonment issues what the fuck is wrong with people

>watching a robot show for muh angst and 2deep4u christian symbolism

Does the author not know what marketing is?

Is this entire comic script based on crying about a 15 year old cartoon?

If that's what it's about, sure.

they have some sort of point, but they still didn't understand it

worked for xenogears

I think they're just fucking with Eva fans.

What is NGE about then. You must have an idea of the meaning behind the show with how hard your defending it's poor writing.

I never got the fucking "Shinji didn't get in he mech" meme. He literally gets in the mech every time he's needed and did extremely well given the circumstances.

>not liking mecchi

he still bitched about it every time however

>What is NGE about then
overcoming depression

>Christian symbolism

That isn't why the show is considered good. It's a well done character drama and that's why people praise it.

why are you mad son?

I just completede DaS1 for the first time, and the only boss I had more than 3 tried on were Kalameet.

He spends like 2 or 3 whole episodes umming and erring about whether or not he should actually fight across the series.


>what is NGE about then

giant robots fighting aliens and shit?

What about EOE, his inaction got Misato and Asuka killed, along with the end of the world.

im not mad

>Get put into giant robot with barely any explanation and told you have to fight a giant monster that nukes are even useless against or everyone is going to die. No pressure though kid
>Get slapped around before robot goes crazy and fights monster by itself
>Monster self-destructs on you as a final fuck you

>Second time piloting giant robot to fight monster
>Monster can cut through entire buildings like a knife through hot butter
>You only have a pea shooter that is completely useless against it
>Instead of retreating like HQ tells you to you charge it and shank it with your knife so it doesn't kill your friends

>Third time in giant robot fighting monster
>Giant geometric asshole floating through the sky
>go out to fight it
>the split second it sees you it fires a giant beam at you that almost boils you alive in the cockpit

>Oh yeah every time the robot gets hit you feel it too because your nerves are connected to it

>still keep getting in the goddamn robot every time after that

He runs away 1 time near the beginning but came back, that was it.

eh. that's mildly amusing

>Never watch/read FMA but see porn of Alphonse and Nina and fap to it.
>"So what he's the full metal alchemist because he's a robot or something"
>watch the show years later

I got the impression that he was still an emotional wreck at the end because he started choking Asuka.

There was the time around about episode 20 after the dummy plug and before Eva-01 goes berserk and he dissolves into LCL.

It's very hit or miss.

>fullmetal alchemist
>main character is only partly metal



So they're never allowed to fuck, but him jerking off to a girl in a coma is a-ok.

Glad we cleared that up.

I miss gamergate

I just don't see the correlation between a show's themes and its marketing.

That's how he knew he wasn't in Instrumentality any more. Asuka would have sat back and let him kill her if this were his dream world still.


dont worry im not gonna bother guessing at it either

what the fuck are you talking about?

Couldn't he just pinch himself like a normal person?
Oh wait.

>sup son

Is this a thread where people get irrationally angry that they don't understand a vaguely philosophical cartoon about robots that came out 20 years ago?


What the fuck do you think, retard?

that's fucking stupid
case closed


He spends enough time reading his own posts.

user the best part of this is I know why you thought he was a robot. He had a metal dick didn't he?

I know the porn you're talking about, you have committed a sin against god.


asuka is best girl

>self-aware fourth-wall break in the first line of dialogue
>instantly pull it back, giving the opposite strawman opinion
>final panel shows the punchline to be the word "casual", art so bad you can't tell if she's happy, sad, angry or having an orgasm

What a waste of time

fucking kill yourself

asuka worst girl
every alternative is better


Ritsuko is best girl

I don't get instrumentality. Humanity is combined and Shinji interacts with everyone's he's known in his life, but what if a person doesn't know anyone? What happens with a baby during instrumentality?

what's up with the hands meme anyway


Well it's all about perspective.

If you're coming from a background where Legend of Zelda provides a meaty challenge and still occupies you, you'll find it too hard.

If you've played a decent action game in your life, you'll find it too easy.

So it's a weird middle ground. As far as dedicated aRPGs go the combat is about above par, and that's good enough to play through at least once.